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Debian and Debian event organisers are committed to providing an event where all participants feel safe. All attendees are expected to treat all people | Debian event organisers are committed to providing an event where all participants feel safe. All attendees are expected to treat all people |
MiniDebCamp: May 16 to May 18, organized and unorganized hacking
MiniDebConf: May 19 and May 20, presentations and more hacking
Please register before May 1st if you plan to attend!
Contact / Organization
IRC: #debconf-hamburg on
Mailing List:
- This wiki page
Talks wanted (CfP)
We have assembled a content team (consisting of Margarita Manterola, Michael Banck and Lee Garrett), who asked for submissions of talks and workshops to be send to
Suggested topics include:
- Debian usability
- Cloud and containers
- Security
- Packaging
- Automating with Debian
- Debian social
New technologies & infrastructure (gitlab, autopkgtest, dgit, debomatic, etc)
This list is not exhaustive, and anything not listed here is welcome, as long as it's somehow related to Debian. If in doubt, propose a talk and we'll give feedback.
We will have talks on Saturday and Sunday, the exact slots are yet to be determined.
We expect submissions and talks to be held in English, as this is the working language in Debian and at this event.
Debian Sprints
The miniDebcamp from Wednesday to Friday is a perfect opportunity to host Debian sprints. We would welcome if teams assemble and work together on their projects. The following sprints will happen:
Debian Edu (Thursday and Friday, probably also Saturday and Sunday)
- Security team sprint/meeting on Friday, May the 18th
Debian Perl Group (mainly Thursday/Friday)
- Reproducible Builds, all days. We don't have concrete plans yet, but will be there all days and have plenty issues to work on and where help is appreciated.
The event will be hosted in the former Victoria Kaserne, now called Fux (or Frappant), which is a collective art space located in a historical monument. It is located between S-Altona and S-Holstenstraße, so there is a direct subway connection to/from the Hamburg Airport (HAM) and Altona is also a long distance train station.
There's a Gigabit-Fiber uplink connection and wireless coverage (almost) everywhere in the venue and in the outside areas. (And then, we can also fix locations without wireless coverage.)
Within the venue, there are three main areas we will use, plus the garden and corridors:
dock europe
dock europe is a meeting space within the venue which offers three rooms which can be combined into one big one. During the Mini-DebCamp from Wednesday to Friday we will probably use the rooms in the split configuration, while on Saturday and Sunday it will be one big room hosting presentations and such stuff. There are also two small rooms we can use as small hacklabs for 4-6 people.
dock europe also provides accomodation for some us, see further below.
CCCHH hackerspace
Just down two corridors in the same floor and building as dock europe there is the CCC Hamburg Hackerspace which will be open for us on all five days and which can be used for "regular Debian hacking" or, if you find some nice CCCHH members to help you, you might also be able to use the lasercutter, 3d printer, regular printer and many other tools and devices. It's definitly also suitable for smaller ad-hoc workshops but beware, it will also somewhat be the noisy hacklab, as it will also be open to regular CCC folks when we are there.
fux und ganz
The Fux also has a cantina called "fux und ganz" which will serve us (and other visitors of the venue) with lunch and dinner. Please register until May 1st to ease their planning as well!
Available rooms summary
- all 5 days:
seminar rooms of dock europe - used as hacklab for the MiniDebCamp and for talks during the conference
CCC Hamburg Hackerspace (German page) - used during Conf for hacking, not sure if needed during Camp
- the big room with the blue roof - lots of space and wireless
- friday to sunday only:
- "besprechungszimmer" next to dock europe office
- kitchen-backroom next to dock europe (shared with regular users of the kitchen)
- another bigger hacklab in the catacombs
Available beds on site
There is also limited on-site accomodation available, dock europe provides 34 beds in 10 double-rooms, 2 tripple-rooms and 2 quad-rooms in the venue. The rooms are nice, small, clean, have a locker, wireless and are just one floor away from our main spaces. There's also a sufficient amount of showers and toilets and breakfast (for 5e per day) is available (for those 34 people) as well.
Thankfully nattie has agreed to be in charge of distributing these 36 beds, so please mail her if you want a bed. The beds will be distributed from two buckets on a first come, first serve base:
- 22 beds for anyone, first come, first serve, costs 27e/night.
- 12 beds for video team, frontdesk desk, talk meisters, etc, also by first come, first served and nattie decides, whether you qualify indeed. Those also costs 27e/night.
Please note that there is an additional one-time fee of 6e for linen and towels.
other housing options
Meininger is near by
- Stadthaushotel in Holstrnstrasse is close too
- the "ICE Hotel" or the "Hotel Central" in Präsident-Krahn-Straße are close as well
the Ghotel at corner Kaltenkirchener Platz / Stresemannstraße is also close suggest this hotel has closed
Youth hostel at Landungsbruecken, 3 subway stations away
- sponsored food for pre-registered attendees? (There's a nice cantina on site, we just need to find ways not to DOS them… so we will probably be ordering a fixed amount of food.
Cantina is happy to serve us & we will have a 1st meeting in January.
Sponsors, supporting this event
So far we have:
neuland - Büro für Informatik GmbH with 1000€
Thanks a lot for making this MiniDebConf possible!
Sponsors wanted
Making a Mini DebConf happen costs money, we need to rent the venue, video gear, hopefully can pay hard working volunteers lunch and dinner and maybe also sponsor some travel. So we really appreciate companies willing to support this meeting!
We have three sponsor categories:
>1000€ = sponsor, listed as such in all material.
>2500€ = gold sponsor, listed as such in all material, logo featured in the videos.
>5000€ = platinum sponsor, listed as such prominently in all material, logo featured prominently in the videos
Plus, there's corporate registration as an option too, where we will charge you 250€ for the registration. Please contact us if you are interested in that!
If you plan to attend the event you are welcome to help, just add a comment to yourself at Registration and probably best to join #debconf-hamburg on OFTC and say so there.
IRC meetings for planning
We will have the 2nd orga meeting to plan preparing the Mini DebConf on IRC on in the channel
- #debconf-hamburg sometime at the end of February
The first meeting took place on Monday, November 27th 2017.
Open tasks
- [x] find date for 1st IRC meeting and announce that
- [x] agree on levels of sponsorship
- [N] send out call for sponsors before December 1st 2017, so companies can account for this in their 2018 budget
- [x] add registration to this wikipage
- [x] ask for help from publicity team
- [x] ask videoteam for help
- [x] make cost estimate
- [x] form content team
- [x] announcement/CfP on d-d-a
- [ ] approach prospective sponsors from our list
- [-] form sponsors team
- [x] form frontdesk team and location at the venue
- [ ] logo
- [ ] tshirts
- [x] ask CCC if we can borrow a micropphone kit (2 handheld mics, 2 headset mics, wireless receiver)
- * [x] we can but need to fetch it from Berlin. Or ship it. Decide soon. Georg will handle this.
- [Y] use ffis eV for money handling?
- [ ] can cards be used to pay in the cantina and dock europe
- [ ] may 1st: mail unconfirmed people asking whether they'll attend or not
- [ ] newbie sessions on wed/thu/fri?
(This list is not complete yet.)
Codes of Conduct and Anti-harassment
Debian event organisers are committed to providing an event where all participants feel safe. All attendees are expected to treat all people and facilities with respect and help create a welcoming environment. If you notice behaviour that fails to meet this standard, please speak up and help to keep this event as respectful as we expect it to be.
If you are harassed and requests to stop are not successful, or notice a disrespectful environment, the organisers want to help. Please contact us at We will treat your request with dignity and confidentiality, investigate, and take whatever actions appropriate. We can provide information on security, emergency services, transportation, alternative accommodations, or whatever else may be necessary. If mediation is not successful, organisers reserve the right to to take action against those who do not cease unacceptable behaviour.
See the DebConf Code of Conduct and the Debian Code of Conduct.
Please add links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event here: