Systems2008 takes place from Tuesday 21st October to Friday, 24th October at the Neue Messe Munich. Organization takes place on this wiki page and on the list.
Debian will have a booth again, the "Perspektive Open Source" area is organized by LinuxTag this year.
Booth Schedule
Our Booth is B2.315. Systems is open for visitors from 9:00-18:00 h and accessible for people with the exhibitor pass from 7:30-19:00 h.
Time |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
9-12 |
?JohannesWiedersich |
?RobertGrimm |
?AndreasBarth |
12-15 |
?RobertGrimm |
?RobertGrimm |
?AndreasBarth |
?JohannesWiedersich |
15-18 |
?RobertGrimm |
?FranziskaLichtblau |
?FranziskaLichtblau |
in paar Grundregeln, die eigentlich jeder weiß, aber in der Hitze des Gefechts schonmal vergessen werden:
- Wir repräsentieren Debian - mit allem, was wir tun. Daher sich so verhalten, daß Debian würdig vertreten wird (hey, wir sind eines der ältesten und würdigsten Projekte!) und niemand im Projekt beschädigt wird (Gegenbeispiel: Die "Diskussion" neulich in Frankreich um Firefox/Iceweasel)
- Ruhig zugeben, wenn man was nicht weiß - eventuell einen Hinweise geben, wann jemand da ist, der mehr weiß (Standplan siehe oben). Niemand kann alles wissen, und das ist auch nicht schlimm. Halbwissen schadet bei sowas mehr als es nutzt - und nicht spekulieren.
- Offen für die Besucher sein - auch wenn Netz da ist, IRC hat keine Priorität. Durchaus auch auf Leute zugehen ("Hallo, kann ich Ihnen helfen" etc).
- Für spezielle Fragen ist die Systems nicht unbedingt der richtige Ort. Also durchaus mal unterbrechen, wenn es lange dauert mit einem Besucher, und andere Leute was kurzes wollen (aber da ist dann Fingerspitzengefühl angesagt).
2006 howto by ?AndreasBarth:
Booth Staff
Current planning includes 1-2 people at the booth, possible one in the morning, another person reinforcing over lunch, and one in the afternoon, thus 3 shifts and at least two people per day. Systems is 4 days, so we have 12 shifts (semi-days) to fill. If we assume everybody will do two shifts or more, we need at least 6 people.
The following people are volunteering to staff the booth (numbers of shifts and preferred days/times subject to change):
Name |
shifts |
preferred days/times |
phone number |
?RobertGrimm |
2 to 3 days |
- |
2 days |
not Friday |
?JohannesWiedersich |
Wednesday |
1 to 2 days |
?FranziskaLichtblau |
2 shifts |
Tue/Thu starting at 15:00 |
Arne and Franziska will preferably take shifts together
Please add yourself and the amount of shifts (semi-days) you probably will have time if you want to help, or contact
Booth Layout
Similar to last year, i.e. an infopoint for one poster and a notebook/desktop, see this image.
Booth Hardware
Same machine as last year with a TFT brought by MichaelBanck.
The hardware should get locked into the locker room (behind the Ubuntu booth) over night. This is a picture of the TFT in order to identify it in the locker room. The computer is a black-cased "Transtec" desktop; the front plate easily falls off and the whole case is only fixed by a screw at the back, so watch out.
The on-board network controller does not work, use the PCI ethernet card!
The system is dual-booting lenny and etch; the default is lenny and seems to work fine.
Account name is "debian", password is "debian"; the debian user has sudo access, the root password is "debian" as well.
virtualbox-ose is installed on lenny, but does not work due to 500702 and needs a rebuild of the modules with module-assistant, if somebody is so inclined to.
The network is static; IP addresses are assigned; we got .81 I think, both installation should have the correct /etc/network/interfaces.
What to show:
- Default GNOME (or KDE desktop, if installed) (to the booth staff's liking); either etch or lenny (dual-boot). Please do not needlessly change/pimp up the default desktop so visitors can see what they can expect from installing Debian
- The Debian homepage in a browser when idle
- compiz on demand
The following needs to be done by somebody:
- Graphical d-i in virtualbox
Some rolling demo if somebody organises it
- The d-i i18n install rolling demo if somebody organises it
- Debian Live demo if somebody organises it
- other ideas?
Booth personell can also bring their own notebook (only one will fit though), but in this case should create a default user and show the default Debian desktop as well usually.
Booth Decoration
Possible stuff:
- A Debian poster
- Printed out A4 swirls for people to recognize us
- A tip jar
- A list with things we can show/present on demand (see below)
- A list of booths of companies of other projects which might be of interest to our visitors
- A small flyer from FFIS with donation contact for Debian and FFIS
- Flyers
- The Gnome project used to have a post-it wall with things people think suck/are great about the project. Very good for user feedback. Unfortunately, the space is very probably too limited for this
Name Plates
Booth staff should have name plates. Usually, it is easy to gather plastic name plate bags with some sponsor's keychain. Name tags have been printed and cut by MichaelBanck.
To be determined.
Please make ticks for all the merchandise you sell on the tick list.
- Flyers: Credativ will provide them.
- for free, to be given to interested and non-interested people
- T-Shirts: Credativ will provide them, both "debian/rules" male shirts and black lady shirts; there are two cloth hangers to make the t-shirts more visable at the booth.
- see price list
- Stickers: Credativ will provide them.
- see price list
- Key chains: Credativ will provide them
- see price list
- Posters: Probably not this year
- 5 EUR
- CDs: Might get burned at the expo
- 0-3 EUR, depending on how much they cost and whether they got a printed label.
We three exhibitor passes, which are transferable.
Booth staff who get free tickets through other means (e.g. as promotion from computer magazines or through their university or employer) should use them if possible.
Otherwise, boot staff people can obtain a ticket ID here, which can be used to get a ticket vouchre here.
For questions, ask
Related Booths
- Skolelinux/debian-edu: B2/315
- Limux/Auswaertiges Amt: B2/419, B2/420
- Bull GmbH: B2/327B
- GeNUA GmbH: B3/321
- Gonicus GmbH: B2/317
- Univention GmbH: B2/426A
We will probably have a meeting somewhere in the city center on Thursday, see LocalGroups/DebianMuc
MichaelBanck wrote a small report on his blog.