Location: ULB - Université Libre de Bruxelles, Solbosch Campus, Brussels, Belgium
- Start: sat feb 1 2025
- End: sun feb 2 2025
Main website:
Main coordinators: Joost van Baal-Ilić <joostvb@d.o> and Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana <phls@d.o>. If possible, please use for communication, or use the #debconf-fosdem IRC channel on
This will be the 23rd edition of the Debian booth @ FOSDEM. (And it will be at the 25th FOSDEM.)
The Debian booth will be located at K1-A-7, near "WireGuard / Linux Kernel RNG" and "Fedora Project". Our friends from Ubuntu will be at K1-A-3. See for details.
"Before the conference begins on Saturday, you will have time to set up your stand. We ask that you start around 8:30 with building up your stand and finish around 10:00 so all stands are ready by the time our visitors arrive."
"You must vacate the building by 19:00 on Saturday. Buildings are closed during the night, but not guarded. You can store your valuable items in the cloak room during the night (after 18:00); but you should take your items out before 8."
"The clean-up [on sunday] starts when the devrooms close, usually around 17:00. By 17:30, everything should be packed up so we can clean and close the buildings."
Debian France is working on getting some merchandise in Brusssels. (cf message from peb @ asso list, 14 oct 2024).
See also about status.
If you plan to attend the event you are welcome to help at the booth, just add yourself to the table below and get in touch with <event coordinator> for coordination and have a look to <announcement mail>.
Open tasks
- [ ] announcement mail
- [ ] apply for a booth
- [ ] create a poster or other promoting material
- [ ] add booth layout and map to wiki
- [ ] find volunteers for the booth
- [ ] register additional people, which hopefully join the booth
- [ ] organize decoration / table cloth
- we need info material!!
- [ ] flyers
[ ] update DebianEvents
Booth presence
Name |
preferred days/time |
Comments |
Talk |
Accommodation |
phls |
Sat morning/afternoon |
Probably I will bring t-shirt from Brazil. Sunday morning I'm Fosdem volunteer |
- |
- |
vagarwal |
tentative |
I will my best to give some time on Sunday morning |
- |
- |
? |
? |
? |
? |
? |
Booth Schedule
Legend: + = will be there, - = won't be there, ? = unsure, / = will be there partially, blank = unknown, bold = booth responsible
saturday morning
saturday afternoon
sunday morning
sunday afternoon
joostvb will help staffing the booth on at least one day.
Please add links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event here:
Useful links
?Debian Booths HOWTO