Differences between revisions 15 and 16
Revision 15 as of 2018-01-24 20:29:00
Size: 3746
Editor: ?ChristianKoerner
Revision 16 as of 2018-01-25 01:54:01
Size: 3695
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: fix copy-paste mistake
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MENGUAL Jean-Philippe will be therehttps://wiki.debian.org/DebianEvents/be/2018/FOSDEM MENGUAL Jean-Philippe will be there


FOSDEM orga says:

"Stands build-up starts from 9:00 on Saturday. Visitors will start arriving around 10:00, and you can expect it to be properly busy by noon. The Saturday program ends at 19:00; you’re expected to be out of the building at that time. [...] Sunday starts around 9:00-10:00 and the teardown starts at 17:00. All stand holders are expected to help clean up the area around their stand, and the tables and table cloths should be returned to the collection point by the stand holders. Your stand area should be cleared and cleaned up and the tables returned to the collection point by 17:30."


If you plan to attend the event you are welcome to help at the booth, just add yourself to the table below and get in touch with <event coordinator> for coordination and have a look to <announcement mail>.

Open tasks

  • [ ] announcement mail
  • [ ] apply for a booth
  • [ ] create a poster or other promoting material
  • [ ] add booth layout and map to wiki
  • [ ] find volunteers for the booth
  • [ ] register additional people, which hopefully join the booth
  • [ ] organize decoration / table cloth
  • we need info material!!
    • [ ] flyers
  • [ ] update DebianEvents

A place for our booth has been requested by Geert Stappers, and has been granted; we'll be in building K [level 1, group B] (6). Our neighbours will be Python, ReactOS / Haiku, Qubes OS, Bazel and GRUB.

Booth presence


preferred days/time




Vipul Agarwal










Christian Koerner










joostvb will be there, both saturday and sunday

MENGUAL Jean-Philippe will be there

webmind will be there

Anisa is rumoured to be there

(regulars stappers. sebastic, elbrus will not be there.)


Please add links to reports, blog posts, photos etc about the event here:
