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The goal of the Debian Eee PC project is full support for the ASUS Eee PC in Debian. This is a brief summary of our progress:


Staring with Debian Squeeze 6.0, you no longer need the custom installer we formerly made for Lenny. Instead, just use the standard Debian installer. The result is a pure Debian system, not a fork.

Nor do you need the repository we formerly used as a convenience for installing prebuilt drivers, as Squeeze now contains all necessary drivers, with very few exceptions as noted in our table of models.

Hardware support

Our project supports all hardware components of the ASUS Eee PC series. In each release we aim to make more "just work" with no user configuration. For the rest, we document any additional steps required. Our ideal is completely free hardware support. In Squeeze, many Eee PC models with free drivers are supported. Again, see the table of models for details.

Flexible system

Debian is flexible. If you like, you can install the default desktop, but you are not required to do so; you can install just a base system and build on that to meet your particular needs. We want to focus only on the bare necessities to make Eee PC systems work, serving as a solid base which will continue to work if you customize, adapt and extend the system. We want our users to be able to change the system. This is an important subgoal of our project.


Using pure Debian on the Eee PC makes it possible to select software packages from the huge Debian software archives. It is simple to install or remove software with the standard tools in Debian. You can easily try out software without damaging your system.


Our wiki documents the Eee-specific side of our project. It explains how to install, configure and expand the system. The wiki is translated in different languages. For other, not Eee-specific questions see the very rich Debian documentation.

Community support

Debian has a very active community with many mailing lists, newsgroups and irc channels. There are a lot of people helping each other with all kinds of questions. Our own project has a growing group of people ready to answer Eee-related Debian questions on our irc channel ( irc:// ) and mailing list.