Login to the adminsitrator backend has been moved to the web developers menu and a user login form for the frontend has been added to the community zone menu
Our work flow
- Add or change content on the international(english) site first
Add a description of you work to the changelog page
Send a email to the mailing list with a short description of the change
If you have are able to update any of the other sites as well, then please do so and under the locale the change has been translated to in ?changelog.
Short info
- We are using Joomla version 1.5.9
- Add your initials to the end of the task line if you intend to work on a task within 3-4 days. Please make sure you add yourself to the team list.
- If you have a comment use your initials and a colon, like AOG:
The web page is located at here, enjoy watching it while it's growing.
- The mascot, the text to the right of it and orange box will be removed when get a new temaplate in place
- Send a mail to arntog at gmail dot com if you want a user account or send any feedback to this mail address as well.
We also have a mailingslist, please register here if you are interested, register to our mailinglist
- Deadline to complete the international version is not set, we will then add more sites in different languages based on the international one.
- Our irc channel #www-int is avaiable on the server
Long term tasks
- Add article history support to the site or commit list of some kind
"In use" Reports (International reports should be add )**
"In Use" Public requirements (Do anyone have public requirements documents,AOG: I deactivated them until content added )** KY
"In Use"Articles (Any articles of Skolelinux/debianEdu in use should be added here,AOG: I deactivated them until content added) **
"Community zone" Documentation (Common documentation for the Community, please add any articles here.AOG: I deactivated them until content added **)
"Community Zone" Developers (The developers section in the community zone, please add any developers related articles here** )
"Community Zone" Translators (The translators section in the community zone, please add any tranlation related articles here ** )
- "Community Zone" Web developers (The web developers section in the community zone, please add any related articles here)
Remaining tasks
High priority
- Create the "Take a tour" article where the desktop and most common software is presented with screenshots (first draft ready, asked for feedback, feedbackl is really needed) AOG
- create iamge with a lot of screenshots (AOG: Needs lot of screenshots of Skolelinux in use)
- get remainaing panel buttons icons OK
- get screenshot of a empty desktop OK
get screenshot the k-menu (AOG: Not sure if we should show this menu -> lot of work having a new one for every langauge, dropping this one for now)
- fix anchor links OK
- "Community Zone" -User forum (A web forum needs to be added, AOG: vbulletin, the same as the ubuntu forums use ) AKH
- topics should be created, could possibly be inspired by .SHould ask for input here
- add some nice gfx
- add languages
- add a nice looking stylesheet
- try to integrate with joomla site
- make more docuemntation available and link to relevant info in the wiki etc
Medium priority
- images / diagrams
- a new modern network diagram (I think there is one by OleA - are there sources for it?)
footer should be added (AOG: a brief one has been added, but should have a longer one linking to the Skolelinux/DebianEdu member organizations (FRISK) , and also to debian ? )
- fix bug in select language where the lanauge is shown as flags in the german version
Low priority
- "Product" - A better picture should be added here
- Add link to wiki pages for the translation and development section in the community zone
- Add links /integrate "Testskoler": Database, maps, charts - cf. [:DebianEdu/Teams/Cartography]
- barely noticable text at the bottom about the template should be removed (AOG: I will just have notify the creator that we have paid 20$, we can now remove this text, our site has been added to the producers database, wait until the site is available from before removing it) AOG
- when you create an account, you are asked to enter your password (among other things). Then you get a mail with an activation link. This mail has two problems:
the from-header says "Skolelinux <>" while it probably should say "" (or whatever a better address is) and
- it contains the password. Which is unneeded and bad, as the mail is transmitted in clear.
- Links under page "Release manuals" is not working
- We need more illiurations and images to use together with articles.
- New and updatet illustrations of a skolelinux network. (not 1980-style illustrations that are available today)
** : The menu element will be deactivated if no articles is added to this category
Completed tasks
- turn on breadcrumb navigation soon to see where you are and where you can go on every page (activated it and asked jever to tune a bit more) AOG
update the release manual url to link to the current language under . Should be fixed for all languages (all fixe except taiwanese dok, the is no documentation available in that language) AOG
- "In use" - Frequently asked questions (AOG: I have translated the norwehian version and removed some the "outdated" questions) AOG
Software (adapt old Linux Signpost DebianEdu software overview, ready but linux signpost must import data) AOG
- the summary of each report should be translated to english and it should be added that tells the reports are in norwegian AOG
- Gallery (Gallery from Skolelinux/debianedu events and people) OAA
- About us (section ) AOG ( AKH
- About us (A brief description of the project should be added here, talk a bit about FRISK and SLX Debian Labs ?) AOG
- Logo and mascot (The official logo and mascot should added, have the FRISK board decided on any official mascots yet ?)
- In the media (A lot of articles have already been added but please add any missing articles, especially international ones) AOG
- Awards (Here we add our awards, please help us with all the old ones ) AOG
- Move login page to Community zone. AOG
- Planet Skolelinux (Planet for Skolelinux/DebianEdu )AKH
Contact us (valid contact data should be added here,, sent an email there but have not receied answer yet ?) AOG
Is it okay to have bugs submitted to a email alias or should we find a better solution ? If so who should be part of this email alias (No: Instruction on how to report bugs have been added to web site)? AOG
- fix lenny release name in downloads AOG
- complete all software page included in skolleinux and debian page (links with the linnux signpost) AOG
- discuss hwoto maintain website (AOG: I suggested changelog file for now, did not get that much response, completing this until anyone wants reconsider the workflow )
- add debianedu logo as part of the header (AOG: Needs vector based debianedu logo, Heinz is working on a nice vector based debianedu logo, hopefully it will be ready soon, I got a svg version from heinz that I uploaded to /stories/header in the media files folder) AOG
Things that needs to be clarified
- Will there be a software recommendations and a place where users can share the experience and courses available in the near future (work not started yet)?
Things that have been clarified
- Where will the Joomla site be hosted (ITsjefen server with a apache rewrite)
- We will use both Skolelinux/DebianEdu in the header
what will our server name be ->
Old todo list (no longer in use)
"Take a tour" video Suggested content
- administrator/*
- plugins/*
- modules/*
- languages/*
- templates
Plugins used
- Translation :
Joom!Fish : (re4commended by AOG)
Language packages : (added by AOG)
chinese frontend:
chinese administrator:
slovak language:
- Web forum :
- Picture gallery:
Very Simple Image Gallery plugin : ? (suggest by AOG)
- rss: