let's migrate all our stuff
- [x] put this list on the wiki
- [x] make sure the debian-edu-team group on salsa gets renamed to debian-edu. (there is a ticket on salsa)
- [x] move the repos to salsa
- [x] delete the git repos on alioth
- [x] ideally check for packages which are not useful anymore (and dont migrate those repos?)
-> marked those packages as [historic] in the Git repo description, but migrated them
- [x] send a patch to the jenkins.debian.net.git maintainers (there's a team) to update the jobs to use those new repos.
- [x] make sure those jenkins jobs are triggered by pushes to salsa
- [x] slbackup and slbackup-php are on both salsa:debian-edu/upstream and salsa:debian-edu-pkg-team (newer); decide where they should live.
- update debian/control (and maybe debian/copyright) to point to salsa
- [x] for debian-edu, debian-edu-(config|install|doc|artwork)
- [x] for sitesummary, desktop-profiles, and libpam-mklocaluser
- [x] for slbackup and slbackup-php (salsa:debian-edu-pkg-team)
- [x] for shutdown-at-night (salsa:debian-edu-pkg-team)
- [x] for ldap2zone (salsa:debian-edu-pkg-team)
- [x] for killer (salsa:debian-edu-pkg-team)
- upload to unstable
- [x] debian-edu, debian-edu-(config|install|artwork)
- [x] debian-edu-doc (needs updating the wiki manuals for Buster, Stretch, Rosegarden and Audacity first)
- [x] sitesummary, desktop-profiles, and libpam-mklocaluser
- [x] slbackup and slbackup-php (salsa:debian-edu-pkg-team)
- [x] shutdown-at-night (salsa:debian-edu-pkg-team)
- [x] ldap2zone (salsa:debian-edu-pkg-team)
- [x] killer (salsa:debian-edu-pkg-team)
- update pages on wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu to reflect the new repo urls and the shutdown of alioth, so especially pages like
- [x] bonus points if you also update the translations of debian-edu-doc and unfuzzy the strings there
- [x] make sure weblate is updated to the new repo urls
- [x] use podebconf-report-po to inform the translators of src:debian-edu-install, src:debian-edu-config and src:debian-edu-doc about the new repo URLs
- [x] update holgers cronjob on paradis.debian.org
what about our svn repo on alioth??? is it used for anything besides CD/DVD creation? (for that, see #846006)
- [x] cronjobs building those images should be disabled
[x] a copy could be hosted by sunweaver on an external server, but then this is unneeded because there is https://alioth-archive.debian.org/svn/debian-edu.tar.xz
- [x] preserve and test last debian-edu stretch images, maybe publish them?
- [x] make sure this list on the wiki is empty again.
[x] email debian-edu@l.d.o and inform about successful migration