This is the list of the French AddonCD content that we want to move into Debian and DebianEdu main
- Plain Moodle installation (install Moodle package from Debian)
- Automatic configuration of the Moodle-database (check if any of mysql-server or postgresql-server have any ways of doing this?)
- Ask the Moodle maintainer(s) about moodle-package-addons namescheeme (moodle-theme-bar, moodle-lesson-baz and moodle-plugin-zoo ?)
- Moodle Skolelinux theme (svn:fr/moodle-skolelinux-fr/)
- Create the following Debian packages:
- moodle-theme-skolelinux (do we need one package for each language, how can we activate the theme without directly editing Moodle's configuration files)
- moodle-lesson-edusoftware (contains the Free Software lessons)
- Move Moodle configuration-stuff into debian-edu-config
- Create the following Debian packages:
- rename moodle-ldap to moodle-plugin-cipux?
The list of finished items
- Rename moodle-ldap to moodle-cipux
- Automatic configuration of the moodle database
Tasks in progress
Package moodle-debian-edu-theme (closes 385313)
- You will find the french addon CD and packages here:
- SVN source: