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  1. Next meeting
  2. local device access with ltsp - vagrant

  3. Status of Etch

  4. CipUX Status



1. Next meeting

8th of January

2. Local device access with LTSP (vagrantc)

Status: LTSP in etch does not have built-in support for local devices (i.e. accessing a thin-client's devices from the server). Hooks are in place, but ltspfs/ltspfsd packages are needed. This gives problems with KDE and access to USB stick etc. See e-mail from Vagrant:

Some practical things has to be done with gpg-id enabling ftpmaster@s.o access for Vagrant. Then he can upload ltsp-packages.

Vagrant asks for more testing. Ronny said he could help testing, and Holger upload the packages to etch.

Petter asks if suggested problem solving will have side effects, described with the KDE hotplug issue:

Holger asks if #377689 inflates when hotplug/device support is fixed. Morten suspected it would.

3. Status on Etch

Powerpc CD is broken. This happened when replacing the 2.6.17 image with 2.6.18. Kernel modules. The status page is not up to date:

The i386 CD has to be tested to report if 2.6.18 kernel works.

4. CipUX status

There was to questions:

Christian promoted the CipUX from Scratch page:

Werner recommended a Howto using the Debian package to set up CipUX.

From a security perspective storing a password on a disk, wash not recommended. Petter writes: in short, only store a random session key on the disk, and store an encrypted password in a cookie.

Oskar said he was able to upload the CipUX debian packages debian-edu/etch-test as soon as possible. Petter told that they needed the packages "yesterday".

Many at the meeting said it was urgent to get CipUX packages into testing, even if the debian package contains bugs. Then we can fix it. Christian complained about lintian error messages. Petter pointed to the LSBInitScripts page to address that:

Christian had to little time upload the packages. Xavier was asked to do it. After some convincing, Xavier said yes to upload the packages.

* Xavier planned to upload the packages ready for testing before next Wednesday.

5. kiosk mode

The kiosk mode provide a way for us to provide a custom KDE environment (desktop icons, menu entries, panel icons) for groups of users. it can be used to make it easier to access the programs we want teachers and pupils to see.

But it is only the mechanism. we need content selected as well. What program should be on the desktop and what should be on the panel and KDE menu? If you test the current etch CD, install a workstation and add your test user to the students group to see the current settings. White has worked on this, and he need testers and feedback.

White has worked on this, and he need testers and feedback.

Meeting over 20:33 UTC: Next meeting on January 8th, 19.30 UTC, see <> | test release 02 is released (and fixed) | test daily build for test03".