Meeting of the web team (www-int, wikis)
The meeting will be mainly about the wiki strategy, the current status and the things that are to do. The meeting took place on April 10th at 19:00 UTC in #debian-edu.
There is a /log and a /Summary about the meeting.
Moderator: AlexanderSchremmer
Log collector: FrodeJemtland
Writing the summary: AlexanderSchremmer
- How can we design one obviously central part of the communication infrastructure of Skolelinux, the wikis?
- How should we cooperate?
- How many wikis do we need?
- Which wikis will contain pages in which languages?
- Might separation of wikis increase the flexibility of the group?
- How should we design the substructure of the wiki?
Discuss a concrete suggestion:
- Do we want non-english commit mails?