1 22:00 < pere> so, welcome to the debian-edu/skolelinux coordination meeting.
2 22:00 < white> :)
3 22:01 < pere> please, everyone present, use /me = Full name to indicate your presense.
4 22:01 -!- finnarne
5 - http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Meeting/20060403 || DebianEdu 2.0r0 is out || http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Download
6 22:01 * pere = Petter Reinholdtsen
7 22:01 * white = Steffen Joeris
8 22:01 * k4x = Kurt Gramlich
9 22:01 < finnarne> that format does not make it to the log :(
10 22:01 < pere> there are in total 58 people present on the channel. :)
11 22:01 < ThierryForb> ThierryForb, = Thierry Stauder
12 22:01 * xorAxAx = AlexanderSchremmer
13 22:01 * finnarne Finn-Arne Johansen
14 22:02 < xorAxAx> finnarne: it does, its just not displayed :)
15 22:02 * h01ger = Holger Levsen is not here but will read backlog||minutes - timeclash with #debconf-team meeting :-/
16 22:02 < pere> so, the first item on the agenda is "Status report on dak and etch-based daily build", with a few subitemds, the first being "New ftp site structure"
17 22:02 * jemtland Frode Jemtland
18 22:02 < white> pere: tell me when i should make a report about the archive status
19 22:03 < pere> I want to know how the structure of the new ftp site will be. anyone?
20 22:03 < white> the pool should be there under /skolelinux/ ...
21 22:04 < white> the upload queue under /pub/UploadQueue
22 22:04 -!- C14r
23 22:04 < white> und maybe the isos under /skolelinux/iso/
24 22:04 -!- vagrantc
25 22:04 < white> objections?
26 22:05 < finnarne> that looked confusing
27 22:05 < pere> I would like the old URLs to keep working as much as possible, and the old sources.list entries should keep working as well.
28 22:05 * jever jever = Jürgen Leibner
29 22:05 < pere> when we make the ftpnew -> ftp switch, that is.
30 22:05 < white> pere: yes we will have compatibility with the old sources.list entries, that took a long work time but it will be ok
31 22:05 < C14r> C14r = Christian Kuelker
32 22:05 * knuty knuty= Knut Yrvin
33 22:06 < white> pere: we had to work a lot at it but a few minutes i asked zobel
34 and it looks promising that most of the work will be finished within one week
35 22:06 < pere> any other comments?
36 22:06 < pere> next subtopic on dak status is "Package move status? What is left to move?"
37 22:06 < h01ger> white, is "local" instead of "main contrib non-free" finally possible?
38 22:07 < white> the problem is not what is missing
39 22:07 < white> h01ger: yes
40 22:07 < white> we are currently working on the "local" stuff and when this is done the rest could be finished within a few hours, as all the other stuff is working well
41 22:07 < white> we have some problems with the udeb packages
42 22:07 < white> it was not that easy to use local instead of one of the three (main, contrib or non-free)
43 22:08 < white> and now it is working for all except udebs
44 22:08 < white> but it looks promising so we can manage it with some time
45 22:08 < pere> right. I belive the udebs have previously ended up in random apt
46 sources.
47 22:08 < white> pere: yes :(
48 22:08 < pere> so it is probably not required to get them to end up in the same location with the new dak system.
49 22:09 < white> pere: if we choose another section for them (means debian-edu-install and ltsp) we can do our worker faster
50 22:09 < white> pere: would be wonderful :)
51 22:09 < white> pere: but we thought they are important for our dak so we are still investigating
52 22:09 < pere> the important think to fix is to get debian-cd to find them and insert them in a location where d-i will load them.
53 22:10 < white> pere: you are debian-cd expert so tell me if it is trivial?
54 22:10 < pere> we probably want two locations, one for the stable build, and one
55 for the test build.
56 22:10 < white> anyway we will see that udebs will work with local, sooner or later
57 22:10 < white> pere: we will have them anyway
58 22:10 < white> sarge-test and sarge
59 22:10 < white> etch-test and etch
60 22:10 < pere> I do not know the requirements for debian-cd and udebs. :)
61 22:10 < sepski> finnarne, yes it went well today
62 22:10 < pere> forgotten a long time ago.
63 22:10 * sepski = Ronny Aasen
64 22:10 < white> pere: so better bringing them into dak
65 22:11 < pere> any more on this topic?
66 22:11 < white> pere: if you want to investigate some time in the python code stuff you are warmly welcome ;)
67 22:11 < white> otherwise we think we need one week
68 22:11 < white> that was the result of the weekend
69 22:11 * pere will be very busy at work this week, and is unlikely to look at that before eastern.
70 22:12 < pere> ok, next subtopic related to dak is "CD build issues?" - anyone?
71 22:12 < white> well i think we can seperate it
72 22:12 < white> if the sources.list is working with local the cd build issue will work
73 22:13 < white> but zobel suggested to use cd build mechanism from debian
74 22:13 < finnarne> is there any cd beeing built these days ?
75 22:13 < white> sadly not :)
76 22:13 < pere> is anyone working on building an etch cd on a.s.n?
77 22:13 < white> s/:)/:(/
78 22:13 < white> pere: will be our task after dak is complete but if anyone wants to help ...
79 22:14 < pere> I can try to find time to have a look, but I intend to keep working on the free flash issues this week.
80 22:14 < white> pere: you are more than warmly welcome ;)
81 22:14 < white> building the first cd from etch-test will be the task i guess
82 22:14 < pere> ok, so we need someone to work on the etch cd building on a.s.n, and no-one is looking into it yet. any more comments on this issue?
83 22:15 < zobel> white: i will try to get the changes to dak done soon. but i want to do them in a way they can go upstream as patch...
84 22:15 < white> zobel: yes i completely agree and love this idea ;)
85 22:15 < zobel> that needs a bit more time...
86 22:15 < white> zobel: do you agree with the time proposal one week for working dak?
87 22:16 < white> pere: sorry just a few seconds
88 22:16 < zobel> the changes itself should be trivial...
89 22:16 < zobel> white: sure... as soon as my laptop is living again...
90 22:16 < white> :)
91 22:16 < pere> next topic on the agenda is "Status of infrastructure move". who have anything to report?
92 22:16 * zobel is away again.
93 22:17 < pere> and for the people joining us after the meeting started, please indicate your presense using /me = Full name
94 22:17 < pere> I can report that backup is now operational on both user.s.n and administrator.s.n as well as developer.s.n. I've also
95 22:18 < pere> set up a debian mirror on a.s.n.
96 22:18 < white> what about bugzilla, will that be moved to user.s.o and available under bug.skolelinux.org?
97 22:18 < white> s/bug/bugs/
98 22:18 < finnarne> pere: only for i386/a64 or for powerpc as well ?
99 22:18 < pere> LDAP sync is still left, so a lot of users are not visible on the
100 machines.
101 22:19 < pere> finnarne: only for i386 for now. can try adding powerpc and see how much extra space is needed.
102 22:19 < pere> dropped amd64 to save some space on developer.s.n, but we got space for it on a.s.n.
103 22:19 < white> we should have i386, ppc and amd64 as we will support all of them and we can use wanna-build
104 22:19 < white> for wanna-build thanks to zobel
105 22:20 < pere> Werner mentioned earlier that he had gotten zope running on the freshly installed maintainer.s.n. he is working on moving services away from user.s.n to be able to reinstall user.s.n.
106 22:20 < pere> I'm not sure how far he got on that task.
107 22:21 < pere> I'm not aware of anyone working on moving the other tasks.
108 22:21 < pere> any more comments?
109 22:21 < finnarne> hmm, why not use a spider to fetch the dynamic pages on user.s.n, then present them as static pages on maintainer while we wait for the wiki on user ?
110 22:21 < white> does anyone know about bugzilla as it is a user affecting stuff
111 22:22 < pere> finnarne: please discuss it with Werner. I believe jemtland is working to move the packages to the wiki and have a plan. :)
112 22:23 < pere> white: As far as I know, bugzilla is still running on developer.s.n.
113 22:23 < finnarne> just somethign that crossed my mind
114 22:23 < white> pere: any further plans or will it stay on developer?
115 22:23 < white> because infrastructure side says it will go to user
116 22:23 < pere> white: I believe it is heading for user.s.n, yes.
117 22:23 < pere> but user.s.n need a reinstall first. :)
118 22:24 < white> :=)
119 22:24 < pere> ok, next topic is the wiki stuff.
120 22:24 < xorAxAx> yep
121 22:24 < pere> "Status report on wiki transition and future plans.", subtopic "how should we cooperate" - anyone
122 22:24 * [-oskar-] is back, sorry for the delay :(
123 22:24 < pere> s/$/?/
124 22:24 < xorAxAx> pere: i can tell a bit first
125 22:25 < xorAxAx> i think that broad topic mixes a few processes that are already underway
126 22:25 < xorAxAx> currently there are a few people moving skolelinux.org content into the debian-wiki
127 22:25 < xorAxAx> and there is the question where to move new content, where to document etc.
128 22:26 < xorAxAx> currently we have the debian.org wiki, the skolelinux.fr wiki and the skolelinux.de wiki
129 22:26 < xorAxAx> the latter one seems to be the oldest one of those
130 22:26 -!- mike-m_
131 22:26 < xorAxAx> so we have to decide if we want to differentiate by language, or not
132 22:27 < xorAxAx> or by local group ...
133 22:27 < xorAxAx> or not at all
134 22:27 < pere> and for the people joining us after the meeting started, please indicate your presense using /me = Full name
135 22:27 < xorAxAx> (one wiki for all?)
136 22:27 < xorAxAx> my personal opinion on this is e.g. that having a few distinct wikis with an active community can work
137 22:27 < xorAxAx> i.e. all 3 wikis receive regular edits
138 22:27 * [-oskar-] = Xavier Oswald
139 22:28 < xorAxAx> and separation by language simplifies the overview for translation processes and work of groups
140 22:28 < k4x> 8 month ago we have moved all german pages from skolelinux.org into the german wiki to keep them up to date with more manpower
141 22:28 < xorAxAx> that's the broad overview
142 22:28 < pere> what is the advantage of maintaining several wikis?
143 22:28 < jemtland> I think that all the technical stuff should be in english, and should not be translated. This way, we will keep things updated in one place.
144 22:29 < xorAxAx> jemtland: very good point, exactly my opinion when it comes to completly technical content which should be read by decs
145 22:29 < xorAxAx> s/decs/devs/
146 22:29 < xorAxAx> pere: you are more flexible
147 22:29 < mike-m_> pere: it creates communities
148 22:29 < xorAxAx> yeah.
149 22:29 < white> we have to make sure that the communities are not seperated
150 22:29 < k4x> we start with about 30 registred users now we have more than 250
151 22:29 < xorAxAx> pere: you can still link them using links :)
152 22:29 < xorAxAx> white: you cannot solve social problems technically :)
153 22:29 < sepski> i think the sugestion on last meeting, to keep the technical/developer stuff on wiki.debian and in english, the local groups can use their native language to get more authors. the technical relevant or important bits must be translated to wiki.debian.org
154 22:30 < pere> I've seen several communities working just fine out of the same wiki, so I do not believe that it is a requirement to have a separate wiki to build a community.
155 22:30 < white> xorAxAx: but you maybe let them become biger with that
156 22:30 < [-oskar-]> I think, 1 wiki in english for the technical stuff and others for addons cd or localisation addons
157 22:30 * vagrantc = Vagrant Cascadian
158 22:30 < xorAxAx> white: yeah, imagine 3 big wikis with distinct topics
159 22:30 < xorAxAx> i think we have the following groups:
160 22:30 * mike-m_ = Mike Massonnet
161 22:30 < sepski> pere not a recquirement, but they get a higer sense of beloging, and a lower threshold for editing in "their own wiki"
162 22:30 < xorAxAx> a) technical documentation
163 22:31 < xorAxAx> b) french community, e.g. plan tracking the conformance to french gov's requirements for school servers
164 22:31 < xorAxAx> c) german community, similar content
165 22:31 < white> i fear that we are not growing together
166 22:31 < xorAxAx> of course we can put all into one wiki
167 22:31 < xorAxAx> i dont see the advantage here, though
168 22:31 < pere> well, do we want to belong to debian or to national groups?
169 22:32 < xorAxAx> pere: both
170 22:32 < xorAxAx> its not binary :)
171 22:32 < white> debian
172 22:32 < [-oskar-]> using 1 wiki will made confused people about skolelinux and local addons
173 22:32 < zobel> pere: debian
174 22:32 < white> debian also has a community all over the world which sticks together
175 22:32 < xorAxAx> white: so debian should know about french gov's plans?
176 22:32 < k4x> not national but languagional :-)
177 22:32 < xorAxAx> there are different interest groups
178 22:32 < pere> so there is a french, a german and an international wiki available. do we need a norwegian wiki?
179 22:32 < xorAxAx> pere: i heard that there is a norwegian cvs/svn that fulfills similar demands for the group
180 22:33 < pere> I suspect we gain more visibility by using wiki.debian.org than the other wikis.
181 22:33 < xorAxAx> or is it solely the plone site?
182 22:33 < xorAxAx> pere: thats a good point
183 22:33 < k4x> pere: if you want other people than developers easily joining the project: yes
184 22:33 < white> we should really keep in mind that we want to stick to debian and be part of debian
185 22:33 < xorAxAx> many debian guys will ask themselves "oh, i dont speak french but the gov's requirements list looks quite long"
186 22:33 < pere> k4x: parse error?
187 22:33 < [-oskar-]> pere: ok, but with a good separation between addons and the original distribution
188 22:34 < xorAxAx> white: but not all wiki pages fit into debian, simply speaking
189 22:34 < white> [-oskar-]: development should always go into mainstream
190 22:34 < pere> are there anyone from the norwegian web team present?
191 22:34 < xorAxAx> pere: wasnt that a correct sentence by kurt?
192 22:34 < pere> xorAxAx: I was unable to extract content from it.
193 22:35 < k4x> there is a lot more to do than coding and developing
194 22:35 < xorAxAx> this is not about add-ons. add-ons are actual dev work which should go into the debian-wiki IMHO
195 22:35 < white> k4x: and we have to bring all of them into debian ;)
196 22:35 < xorAxAx> pere: i just dont see where he refers to :)
197 22:35 < jemtland> pere: well, we could set up a norwegian wiki, but we could make a wiki.debian.org/DebianEduNo, or something ....
198 22:35 < xorAxAx> pere: to which of your statements :)
199 22:35 < k4x> white: are we debian or not?
200 22:35 < k4x> white: if we are, why do you ask?
201 22:35 < xorAxAx> jemtland: perfectly possible of course
202 22:36 < k4x> skolelinux.de is debian edu in germany .
203 22:36 < white> k4x: i fear that we build a distance to debian
204 22:36 < pere> is the norwegian web team planning to use wiki.debian.org for norweigna pages?
205 22:36 < xorAxAx> white: my point is "move more pages into wiki.debian.org, but not all"
206 22:36 < xorAxAx> and this system would separate languages as well
207 22:37 < zobel> k4x: skolelinux.de is just a fork of skolelinux
208 22:37 < xorAxAx> zobel: not an actual dev fork
209 22:37 < k4x> zobel: your opinion
210 22:37 < xorAxAx> zobel: there is not a .de-tag in svn
211 22:37 * pere suspect it will be easier to maintain our web pages if they are all in one location. it make it easier to track and syncronize changes.
212 22:37 < jemtland> well, the "norwegian web team" havent sent a mail in many months, so I don't know. Werner and me have talked about how we should do this. It would probably be best to make our own wiki, and import everything from www.skolelinux.org/no...
213 22:38 < xorAxAx> pere: if you speak french, you will have to pull the french changes somehow, if not, it doesnt matter to you, right?
214 22:38 < pere> jemtland: why would that be best?
215 22:38 < k4x> i prefere to deliver moinmoin on the next skolelinux cd with examples how easy to use it
216 22:38 < sepski> also keeping the wiki on wiki.debian.org releaves resources both from drift and server space
217 22:38 < pere> jemtland: why would it be best to make a new wiki site for it/
218 22:38 < xorAxAx> k4x: that doesnt look related
219 22:39 < xorAxAx> sepski: and it can be moved from there when it has grown to large. no idea when that happens. currently, it does not seem necessary
220 22:39 < xorAxAx> s/to l/too l/
221 22:39 < white> jemtland: who will maintain the new wiki?
222 22:39 < [-oskar-]> why not doing wiki.debian.org for technical stuff and skolelinux.org/{fr|de|no} for addons
223 22:39 < white> [-oskar-]: addons in which sense?
224 22:39 < C14r> white: If we use only wiki.debian.org, it might be considered as spam
225 22:39 < jemtland> to keep it seperate, and to be able to do things to the wiki, that we are not possible to do with the wiki.d.o....
226 22:39 < [-oskar-]> white: like our second CD
227 22:40 < white> jemtland: which ones are impossible?
228 22:40 * jemtland Have not thought on the drift issue yet.
229 22:40 < pere> ok, this topic is taking too long. we need to move on to to the next topic. I suggest the people interested in web and wikis invite to a separate meeting to work out some consensus.
230 22:40 < sepski> i suggest wiki.debian.org/DebianEduNo and a simple redirect to that url from wiki.skolelinux.no you get your own url but it's on the common wiki server.
231 22:40 < white> [-oskar-]: sorry but the best is to get developments into mainstream, you know my opinion ;=)
232 22:40 < white> pere: ack
233 22:40 < pere> with my sysadmin hat on, I can assure you that we barely are able to do the tasks we currently do to maintain the machines and systems, and do not want more systems to maintain.
234 22:40 < xorAxAx> white: and addons are not related to the actual wiki
235 22:41 < k4x> also a wiki needs some responsible persons, for that i propose to build up wiki teams
236 22:41 < pere> next topic: "Status report on netinstall of an etch-based DebianEdu using packages available from http://bzz.no/debian/"
237 22:41 < white> pere: and the people are doing the administration will have enough other tasks i guess
238 22:41 < pere> any comments on that?
239 22:41 < xorAxAx> pere: can we extend this issue a bit?
240 22:41 < finnarne> I guess there are to many servers already, and that we should put some of the to rest when the transition is done
241 22:41 < pere> xorAxAx: yes, somewhere _else_, and not here and now.
242 22:41 < jemtland> ok, no problem from my side.... We can make the DebianEduNo pages on the debian wiki.
243 22:41 < xorAxAx> pere: to sum up a few points and postpone it then?
244 22:41 < white> maybe talking about it again *after* the other tasks
245 22:41 < xorAxAx> it looks betterly suited here than an ftp directory structure topic
246 22:42 < xorAxAx> white: ok
247 22:42 < finnarne> I guess I should comment on the netinstall from bzz.no :)
248 22:42 < white> pere wears the sysadmin hat now :)
249 22:42 < pere> I want this meeting to wrap up in 18 minutes, so we are running out of time.
250 22:42 < xorAxAx> white: the debian hat :-p
251 22:42 < finnarne> are we done with wiki's ?
252 22:42 < finnarne> ok
253 22:42 < pere> finnarne: yes, plesae.
254 22:42 < sepski> i installed from bzz.no/debian/ the standalone profile. i used manual partitioning becouse i didnt want to ruin my nice /boot and it came strigt up into kde. i was asked moudedev and resolutions + user/pass requesters
255 22:43 < finnarne> I wanted to know some of the issues we would face, and I did not want to burn a lot of CD's to test this, so I started with a netinstall
256 22:43 < finnarne> currently the installation works, but there are some thjings needed to take care of.
257 22:44 < finnarne> I guess we will have to face most of them when the mirror on a.s.n is done
258 22:44 < white> finnarne: we will try to speed up our work, but it was really motivating to hear your results ;)
259 22:44 < finnarne> I've some how rewritten debian-edu-install so that everything
260 is done during the 1 stage
261 22:44 < pere> well, the sooner we fix the installer, the better. this is the adjustment to cope with the removal of base-config, right?
262 22:44 < finnarne> yes
263 22:45 < finnarne> The trouble I found was:
264 22:45 < pere> I believe we should keep the CD building and the installer rewriting separate. we can work on both in parallell.
265 22:45 < finnarne> Secure apt - we need to sign our apt-source
266 22:45 < white> pere: very good point, this will produce results sooner ;)
267 22:46 < finnarne> autopartkit - not actually working for now,
268 22:46 < white> our packages will be signed by the ftpmasters key :=)
269 22:46 < white> finnarne: if that is what you mean
270 22:46 < finnarne> to get our packages installed, I preseed pkgsel (also known as tasksel)
271 22:47 < finnarne> trouble is that tasksel is not run in "NonInteractive-mode", so we need to preseed _everything_ with resonable values
272 22:47 < pere> finnarne: can we raise the priority for a while to address that?
273 22:47 < finnarne> I actually wanted to run xdebconfigurator before tasksel is run, not sure if that's doable
274 22:48 < finnarne> you mean raise the priority during tasksel ?
275 22:48 < pere> finnarne: yes.
276 22:48 < finnarne> I tried preseedign debconf with nointeractive interface, that
277 failed
278 22:48 < pere> so, we are quickly running out of time. any problems we need to address or delegate?
279 22:48 < finnarne> I guess I could try using Critical as priority.
280 22:49 < finnarne> there is signing of the archive
281 22:49 < white> finnarne: done by dak as far as i know
282 22:49 < white> the ftpmasters signed the gpg key from the archive, so trusting them means trusting the key
283 22:49 < white> others are also invited to sign it
284 22:50 < finnarne> of course our packages from ftp.debian.org is signed by ftp-masters, but we do want to sign our locally packages while we wait for them to make it into debian testing
285 22:50 < white> finnarne: yes
286 22:50 < finnarne> and the archive needs to be signed at least if we want to provide netinstall
287 22:50 < white> finnarne: our "local" dak has a archive key
288 22:50 < finnarne> I _do_ want to provide netinstall
289 22:50 < white> yes
290 22:50 < white> and on a.s.no is a archive key
291 22:50 < finnarne> white: then things will fail after debootstrap is done
292 22:51 < white> which is signed by our ftp-team
293 22:51 < pere> finnarne white: can you work out the signing stuff after the meeting?
294 22:51 < white> finnarne: so all packages from "local" are signed
295 22:51 < white> pere: sure sorry
296 22:51 < pere> any other problems we need to fix to get the etch install working?
297 22:51 < finnarne> pere: I want you in on the discussion
298 22:51 < finnarne> autopartkit
299 22:51 < finnarne> or partman
300 22:51 < pere> I've looked at autopartkit, and have no clue why it isn't working. perhaps partkit-auto-lvm is a better option...
301 22:52 < finnarne> do we know anyone familiar woith partman-auto-lvm ?
302 22:52 < pere> someone need to get partman to create online resizable file systems. there is a d-i meeting taking place on wednesday. perhaps someone should show up there and promote it?
303 22:52 -!- ThierryForb
304 22:52 * pere have no clue.
305 22:52 < pere> anything else?
306 22:53 -!- ThierryForb
307 22:53 < pere> finnarne: I'll try to participate in the discussion.
308 22:53 < finnarne> User admin, but that's next on the agenda
309 22:53 < pere> ok, next topic is "Status of user Administration tool for Debian-Edu"
310 22:53 < white> maybe doing a seperate meeting for that?
311 22:53 < finnarne> I guess
312 22:53 < pere> we got 7.5 minutes left.
313 22:53 < white> i don't think that this is enough time
314 22:53 < xorAxAx> we can subsume the current status
315 22:53 < ThierryForb> i think 10 min is too short for such a topic
316 22:54 < C14r> I agree
317 22:54 < k4x> short status from C14r
318 22:54 < xorAxAx> but maybe we can sum up the status of different projects?
319 22:54 < finnarne> no thanks
320 22:54 < white> pere: can you fix a seperate date?
321 22:54 < xorAxAx> without discussing
322 22:54 < pere> so do I. I suggest organizing a separate meeting to reach consensus.
323 22:55 < pere> what different projects are there? I'm aware of wlus, c* (the german/frech stuff) and luma.
324 22:55 < C14r> c= CipUX
325 22:55 < pere> and of course cerebrum. :)
326 22:55 < finnarne> and bzzslxtoolkit, which I've actually tested on etch, and were an admin can create a user, jradmin can change password.
327 22:56 < pere> who know the status of wlus, cipux, luma and bzzslxtoolkit?
328 22:56 < C14r> CipUX: weg got abug-report on debian-edu
329 22:56 < C14r> We will fix this as soon as posible
330 22:57 < C14r> I am writing an RPC daemon for the frensh team
331 22:57 < ThierryForb> the xmlrpc engine is ready
332 22:57 -!- Olivier_54
333 22:57 < C14r> ThierryForb: yes
334 22:57 < ThierryForb> and we'll start the interface this month
335 22:58 < pere> stockholm: do you have a quick status info for wlus?
336 22:58 < xorAxAx> ... the user interface
337 22:58 < ThierryForb> it's not a big work
338 22:58 < pere> finnarne: do you have quick status info on bzzslxtoolkit.
339 22:58 < xorAxAx> ThierryForb: ok, should be enough
340 22:58 < pere> Gagatan: do you have quick status info on luma?
341 22:58 -!- Olivier_54
342 22:58 < finnarne> adding user, and changing password is working.
343 22:58 < pere> and while we wait, next topic is date of next meeting. when? 4 weeks from now?
344 22:59 < white> stockholm is in a meeting on debconf
345 22:59 < pere> I suggest moving it one hour earlier.
346 22:59 < white> s/on/about/
347 22:59 < finnarne> still crashes with debconf-team, but ...
348 22:59 < xorAxAx> pere: ACK
349 22:59 < pere> when is the debconf meeting?
350 22:59 < k4x> pere: i agree
351 22:59 < white> 4 weeks might be a bit too ling
352 22:59 < white> s/ling/long/
353 22:59 < sepski> pere i agree
354 22:59 < C14r> pere: agree
355 22:59 < xorAxAx> finnarne: 2 hours or did they move as well?
356 22:59 < white> i suppose two or three
357 22:59 < pere> well, during eastern isn't going to work.
358 22:59 < white> weeks
359 22:59 < finnarne> maybe 1 hours earlier is better when it comes to the debconf-team
360 23:00 < finnarne> 2 week is the end of easter, 3 weeks is the day after narvik
361 23:00 < finnarne> I think 4 weeks is it
362 23:00 < pere> may 1th is in 4 weeks.
363 23:00 < finnarne> really ?
364 23:00 * k4x three week is ok for me, one hour earlier
365 23:00 < xorAxAx> pere: hehe
366 23:00 < xorAxAx> how about one week?
367 23:00 < pere> 2006-05-01 19:00 GMT?
368 23:01 < finnarne> yes
369 23:01 < stockholm> what?
370 23:01 < k4x> xorAxAx: ok for me too
371 23:01 < xorAxAx> pere: no, will be drunk then
372 23:01 < white> pere: during narvik?
373 23:01 < [-oskar-]> ok
374 23:01 < stockholm> white: pong
375 23:01 < finnarne> xorAxAx: your loss
376 23:01 < white> stockholm: status on wlus and luma was asked three min ago
377 23:01 < xorAxAx> finnarne: our loss :)
378 23:01 < pere> white: no use having an IRC meeting when everyone is busy in RL in Narvik. not going to work.
379 23:01 < white> pere: ok :)
380 23:02 < pere> stockholm: leave it to a special user admin meeting. xorAxAx will announce it.
381 23:02 < pere> xorAxAx: right? :)
382 23:02 < stockholm> white: i have a debconf6 meeting just now. yes, i can attend
383 a special user admin meeting
384 23:02 < xorAxAx> pere: what exactly, i.e. which of his message are you referring to?
385 23:02 < xorAxAx> i just see "what?", "where?", "who?" by him :)
386 23:03 < pere> thank you all for participating. See you all in 4 weeks for a debian-edu new status update. I declare this meeting for closed, and hope the wiki and user admin people can continue discussing.
387 23:03 < k4x> pere: thanks!
388 23:03 < white> finnarne: do you have questions about the key stuff for archive?
389 23:03 < xorAxAx> pere: i am not involved in the user admin topic deeply
390 23:03 < C14r> pere: thank you
391 23:03 -!- finnarne
392 GMT || http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Meeting/20060501