HowTos for the desktop
KDE Kiosk mode
Two default profiles are included:
debian_edu_pupils (enabled for members of the students file group)
- customized set of icons appears on student desktops
- makes sure that the programs behind the desktop icons also show up in the kde panel
- adept is not started
- makes sure that students cannot start another kde session
- disables possibility to gain root access for students
debian_edu_root (enabled for the root user and members of the admins file group)
- adds a desktop icon to connect to the local webserver on tjener to provide easy access to all the administration programs
Note:: modifications to the profiles can be done using kiosktool. However, unless you follow the step below, your changes will be overwritten by upgrades.
If you want to modify the kiosk profiles, you can either copy the existing ones and modify them, or create new kiosk profiles in (for example) /etc/kde3/kioskprofiles/ and enable them in /etc/kde-user-profile. The kiosk tool will do this for you if you click "profile properties" and browse to a new folder.
Changing kioskmode on diskless workstations
After you have made changes to the kioskmode settings with kiosktool like described above, you will have to copy some files inside the chroot used by the diskless workstation.
Assuming the diskless workstations are running i386, the following commands must be executed on the workstation server(s):
export LTSPCHROOT=/opt/ltsp/i386/ cp -rv /etc/kde-profile/ $LTSPCHROOT/etc/ cp -v /etc/kderc $LTSPCHROOT/etc/ cp -v /etc/kde-user-profile $LTSPCHROOT/etc/ cp -rv /usr/share/debian-edu/students $LTSPCHROOT/usr/share/debian-edu/ cp -rv /usr/share/applications/ $LTSPCHROOT/usr/share/ unset LTSPCHROOT
Else replace i386 with amd64 or powerpc as applicable.
Disabling kioskmode
If you don't want to use kioskmode, either just remove the file /etc/kderc. Or, if you just want to temporarily disable kioskmode, comment out all entries in there.
Modifying the kdm login screen
In Debian/Etch, the way to customize the kdm login screen was changed. Now, it is done by adding a file in /etc/default/kdm.d/ specifying variables to override the default.
Here is one example used to activate the theme in the desktop-base package:
USETHEME="true" THEME="/usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/debian-moreblue"
See the code in /etc/init.d/kdm for information on how these variables are used.
To install the Adobe Flash Player web browser plugin, install the flashplugin-nonfree debian package from
There are three requirements to do so:
add to /etc/apt/sources.list as decribed in the general adminstration howtos
add the following lines to /etc/apt/preferences (the file probably does not exist, so you might have to create it):
Package: flashplugin-nonfree Pin: release a=etch-backports Pin-priority: 999
as the flashplugin-nonfree package is only an installer-package (and does not contain the flashplugin itself, for legal reasons), it also requires a working internet connection as it will download the precompiled binary from Adobes website.
Sound with Flash in thin clients
You need to install this as root:
and make one change in /etc/apt/sources.list
deb etch-test local
And that followed by aptitude update and aptitude install flashplayer-nonfree-extrasound
remeber to remove deb etch-test local from source list after that and run aptitude update again.
To get the sound working, you also need the latest flashplugin-nonfree package installed (23st of Jan:
Other useful plugins
After adding the multimedia repository (see below):
apt-get install mozilla-mplayer mozilla-acroread acroread-plugins
Playing DVDs
libdvdcss is needed for playing most commercial! DVDs. For legal reasons it's not included in Debian (Edu). If you are legally allowed to use it, you can use the packages from Add the multimedia repository and install multimedia and dvd libraries:
apt-get install libdvdcss2 w32codecs
Using the multimedia repository
To use do the following:
# install the debian-keyring securily: aptitude install debian-keyring # fetch the deb-multimedia key insecurily: gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 1F41B907 # check securily if the key is correct and add it to the keyring used by apt if it is: gpg --keyring /usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg --check-sigs 1F41B907 && gpg --export 1F41B907 | apt-key add - # add repository to sources.list - please check the homepages for mirrors! echo "deb etch main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list # update the list of available packages: aptitude update