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This portal discusses Debian Development.
The best way to get up to speed on what every Debian developer should know is to install the debian-policy and developers-reference packages, and read both documents. The Developer's corner on links to these and additional official project documents such as the New Maintainer's Guide. - Official Debian Developers information
You don't need to be a Debian Developer to help Debian or participate in its development.
First look at the teams and at where you can find more information.
the Debian Bug Tracking System is the first thing to know
if you find a bug in Debian, you use reportbug
if you want to help Debian, you have to know about BugTriage
you can also participate in Bug Squashing Parties
it's good if you can submit patches
DebianEdu / Skolelinux.
Linux kernel development
Other project discussions
LSB - Linux Standard Base
Teams/I18n and L10n - Debian Internationalization and localization
Punctuation used in the Debian packaging system
Wiki pages
A list of wiki pages about Debian development:
- Alioth
- Anjuta
- Apt/Daemon
- ArchitectureSpecificsMemo
- ArchiveQualification/hurd-i386
- ArchiveQualification/kfreebsd-amd64
- ArchiveQualification/kfreebsd-i386
- ArchiveQualification/m68k
- AutomakeTransition
- BundleSplitting
- CategoryDeveloper
- ConfigPackages
- ContinuousIntegration/DebianSetup
- ContinuousIntegration/autopkgtest
- ContributionCertificate
- DataPackages
- DebianBootstrap
- DebianDeveloper
- DebianDeveloper/JoinTheProject
- DebianDeveloper/JoinTheProject/NewMember
- DebianDeveloper/JoinTheProject/NewMemberCheckList
- DebianDeveloperDanish
- DebianDevelopment
- DebianEvents/fr/2024/Toulouse/Rincon2 (Toulouse_mini_DebConf_2024.odp)
- DebianGNUstep/TODO
- DebianLsb
- DebianMaintainer
- DebianMentorsFaq
- DebianPackagingHandbook
- DebianPureBlends
- DebianRepository/Setup
- DebianRepository/SetupWithMinidinstall
- DebianTcl
- DebugPackage
- DevelopersCorner
- DpkgDiversions
- FingerForce
- HowToPackageForDebian
- InstallOnDemand
- KernelFirmwareLicensing
- Keysigning
- Keysigning/Coordination
- LSBInitScripts/DependencyBasedBoot
- MacBook
- Mentors
- MergeDerivedDistributions
- OpenMPI13Transition
- PackageConfigUpgrade
- PackageCustomization
- PackagingWithDarcs
- PackagingWithGit
- Parted
- ProgrammingLanguage
- Projects/DebSrc3.0
- Python/DbgBuilds
- RenamingPackages
- ReproducibleBuilds
- Salsa
- Salsa/Doc
- Salsa/SSO
- Salsa/support
- SecurePbuilder
- SponsorChecklist
- Sprints/2016/DebianCloudNov2016 (Minutes.txt)
- StandardTranslations
- SummerOfCode2014/StudentApplications/KengneMabouHerveFrantz
- SunStudio
- SupportedArchitectures
- Teams/Apt
- UsefulImprovements
- VCSPackaging
- WhyDebianForDevelopers
- de/PackagingWithGit
- fr/Alioth
- fr/ProgrammingLanguage
- fr/Subkeys
- fr/SupportedArchitectures
- id/PackagingWithGit
- it/Alioth
- it/DebianDeveloper
- it/DebianDevelopment
- it/HowToPackageForDebian
- it/Keysigning
- it/PackagingWithGit
- it/ProgrammingLanguage
- it/Salsa
- it/Salsa/support
- it/Subkeys
- it/SupportedArchitectures
- ja/SupportedArchitectures
- lesstif2motifTransition
- pt_BR/Alioth
- pt_BR/DebianDeveloper
- pt_BR/DebianDeveloper/JoinTheProject
- pt_BR/DebianDeveloper/JoinTheProject/NewMember
- pt_BR/DebianDeveloper/JoinTheProject/NewMemberCheckList
- pt_BR/DebianDevelopment
- pt_BR/DebianMaintainer
- pt_BR/HowToPackageForDebian
- pt_BR/Keysigning
- pt_BR/Keysigning/Coordination
- pt_BR/PackagingWithGit
- pt_BR/ProgrammingLanguage
- pt_BR/Salsa
- pt_BR/Salsa/Doc
- pt_BR/Salsa/SSO
- pt_BR/Salsa/support
- pt_BR/Subkeys
- pt_BR/tag2upload
- ru/HowToPackageForDebian
- ru/ProgrammingLanguage
- ru/ReposDistros
- ru/RepositoryLocal
- ru/SupportedArchitectures
- shameelabdulla
- tag2upload
- uk/DebianDevelopment
- uk/Keysigning
- uk/ProgrammingLanguage
- uk/Salsa
- uk/SupportedArchitectures
- zh_CN/DebianRepository/Setup
- zh_CN/HowToPackageForDebian
- CategoryDebianDevelopment
- ContinuousIntegration/autopkgtest
- DebianDevelopment
- DebianEvents/fr/2024/Toulouse/Rincon2 (Toulouse_mini_DebConf_2024.odp)
- Javascript/Nodejs/yarn-plugin-apt
- ReleaseGoals/SystemdAnalyzeSecurity
- Salsa/Doc/CustomRunners/SystemdNspawnRunner
- Sprints/2016/DebianCloudNov2016 (Minutes.txt)
- Teams/Cloud
- Teams/DPL/OfficialImages
- Teams/pkg-xmpp/BoF
- it/DebianDevelopment
- pt_BR/DebianDevelopment
- uk/DebianDevelopment
CategoryPortal CategoryDeveloper CategoryPackaging
ToDo: reconcile CategoryDeveloper & CategoryDebianDevelopment