Debian Desktop Etch
Debian GNU/Linux 4.0, codenamed Etch - has three ready to install desktop environments: Gnome (the default one), KDE and Xfce.
Under the hood
The packages that are common to all three Desktops :
- Xorg 7.1 2.0.4
- Iceweasel (unbranded Mozilla Firefox) 2.0
- Gimp
and more
Etch GNOME Desktop Etch
- Gnome 2.14 with some 2.16 modules (eg.: totem)
- Totem with Xine backend and browser plugin for multimedia support
- Gnomebaker (CD/DVD burner)
- GParted
- Gaim (that is now pidgin) 2.0 beta5
and more
KDE Desktop Etch
- KDE 3.5.5
- K3b 0.12
and more
Etch Xfce Desktop Etch
- Xfce 4.2
and more
other desktops configurations are possible (twm, Window Maker, etc.). but you will have to install the package individually.
For more information about the package selection, please read the tasks (set of softwares) page.