Squeeze Artwork
Squeeze is a character from the movie "Toy Story" and the code name for the Debian 6.0 release.
As everything else in Debian, collecting artwork is a collaborative effort which Debian shares with its community. This wiki page collects proposals made for Debian Squeeze.
Proposal Choice: Space Fun
- Debian + Squeeze = People, Alien, The Universal, Launch, Planets, Fun, Easy Packages, Security, Blue and Red...
Authors: Valessio Brito and You, send email to suggest: valessio@debianart.org
Screenshot Proposal by @StingBL in http://stingbl.deviantart.com/art/Screenshot-Intergalactic-182283320
Thanks all proposals submitted
Nightly - A romantic, nightly Theme.
SpaceFun - Debian + Squeeze = People, Alien, The Universal, Launch, Planets, Fun, Easy Packages, Security, Blue and Red.
MoreBlue2Red - Moreblue2red restoring the original identity of the spiral (color red), thus preserving the identity of the official Debian Distributions. An idea to highlight the blue sticker and below, a new Red as used in printing unofficial and adhesives.
Default - I can't think of a more appropriate name right now.
Debian LibStick - Red and Blues Debian Fluxbox styles. Two dark styles with dark blue font and light blue font for high contrast, and one light style.
Debian Ciel - A blue, bright Debian theme.
LISP Machine - A theme going back into the history of Free Software
SpaceMachine - A theme that combines elements of Spacefun and LISP machine