About DebianDay
Debian Day is celebrated each year on August 16th.
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Countries and cities organizing a Debian Day in 2021
Feel free to add your Debian Day party to this list to let others know about your local DebianDay celebration.
Bolivia: La Paz (Debian Day x Release Party)
Cuándo: Este sábado 14 de Agosto, desde el mediodía.
Dónde: r00thouse con transmisión online en
Lo que habrá: Charlas random sobre Debian y software libre. Comentarios sobre el Hackmeeting 2021.
Trae: ¡Los snacks son bienvenidos! Trae tu laptop también. No te olvides de la bioseguridad básica.
Contacto: @LuisMitaHL en Telegram. Si te interesa, por favor avísanos previamente
Brazil: Curitiba
When: 16 de Agosto de 2021
Where: Online
What: TBD
Bring: Força de vontade e alegria de viver!
More info: Logo
Reports: Logo
Brazil: Debianópolis
When: 14, 15 e 16 de agosto às 14h00 (BRT)
Where: Online pelo Jitsi
What: Palestras; Parlatório; Festival de atualização e instalação; Laboratório de conversões e reparos.
More info:
Brazil: Maceio
When: 2021-08-16 - 7 p.m.
Where: On-line.
What: Install fest and desconference.
Subscription: In soon.
Bring: Computer, food, drink, costumes, GPG fingerprints, etc
More info:
Chile: Santiago
Cuando: 28 de Agosto
Donde: Multiverso Jitsi
Modalidad: Charlas y Talleres
Czech Republic: České Budějovice
When: Wed Aug 18 20:00:00 CEST 2021
Where: České Budějovice
What: Music, beer, ...
Bring: Your GPG fingerprints and ID if you want to exchange GPG signatures.
India: Online
When: 14 August 2021
What: Celebration of Debian 11 Release, Installation Fest, friendly chat and other fun activities.
Bring: Bring as many friends as you can
Note: The link will be updated to point to meet room on the day of the event.
México: CDMX
Cuándo: 14 de Agosto
Dónde: En línea
Qué: Platicas
Mayor Información:
When: 16th August 20:00-00:00 (CEST) 18:00-22:00 UTC
Sweden: Stockholm
When: 14th August, Saturday, 16:00-18:00
Where: Mosebacketerrassen : Mosebacke Torg, 116 46 Stockholm
What: Drinking Beers and eating food
Bring: Money for food/drinks
More info: An open area bar to keep safe distancing. We will celebrate anniversary w/ release party together. Bring your smile and a paper with your PGP keys in case you want to get it signed.
Reports: We will publish photos later.
Turkey: Online
When: 26 August 2021 - 20:00 - 22:00 (GMT+3)
Where: Jitsi
What: Debian spesific success stories, chat
Bring: Just bring your joy
More info: