About DebianDay
Debian Day will be on Sunday, August 16th in 2020. It is celebrated each year on August 16th.
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Countries and cities organizing a Debian Day in 2020
Feel free to add your Debian Day party to this list to let others know about your local DebianDay celebration.
Bolivia: La Paz
Cuando: 14 de Agosto
Donde: Casa de Amos
Para: Celebrar el cumpleaños del mejor sistema operativo Debian
Habra: Charla, peliculas, comida, bebida y mas
Redes sociales: @Debiandia en twitter
Brazil: Online
When: 15 e 16 de agosto - a partir das 15h (UTC-3)
More info: Chamada de atividades até 26/07
Czech Republic: České Budějovice
When: Sat Aug 15 18:00:00 CEST 2020
Where: České Budějovice
What: Tour de knajpa
Bring: Your GPG fingerprints and ID if you want to exchange GPG signatures.
More info:
Israel: Haifa
When: Monday, Aug-24 19:45–21:00 (DebConf break)
Where: Haifa University
What: Real-life meeting outside. DebConf displayed on a large screen. Birthday cake.
Bring: GPG keys would be nice.
More info: meetup page