About DebianDay
Debian Day will be on Wednesday, August 16th in 2017. It is celebrated each year on August 16th.
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Countries and cities where will be organized Debian Day 2017
Feel free to add your Debian Day party to this list to let others know about your local DebianDay celebration.
Brasil: Curitiba
When: 19 de Agosto de 2017 - 9:00h às 12:00h.
Where: UTFPR - Av. 7 de setembro, 3165 - Sala A-306
What: Encontro para comemorar o Debian Day
Bring: GPG Fingerprint, Notebooks e vontade de colaborar.
More info: https://wiki.debian.org/Brasil/Eventos/DebianDayCuritiba2017
Reports: https://www.flickr.com/photos/curitibalivre/sets/72157685044712731
Brasil: Francisco Beltrão
When: 16/08/2017 19:30 as 23:00
Where: UTFPR/FB - Bloco Q - Miniauditório Q204
What: Palestras, install fest de Debian e Oficinas
More info: http://eventos.fb.utfpr.edu.br/debianday
Brasil: Maceió
When: 16 de Agosto de 2017 - 19:00h
Where: Oxê Hacker Club - Av. Júlio Marques Luz, 1742, sala 302
What: Desconferência com install fest
Bring: Notebook
More info: http://www.oxehc.com.br
Fotos: http://debianbrasil.org.br/debian-day-2017-em-maceio/
Brasil: Natal
When: 19 de Agosto de 2017 - 18:00h
Where: Espaço Coworking do Natal Shopping
What: Conversa sobre as novidades do Debian 9, como participar da comunidade e outras informações relacionadas ao projeto
More info: http://www.potilivre.org/noticias/613-debian-day-natal-2017
Reports: {link to blog posts, social media, photos of your event}
Brasil: Recife-PE
When: 23 de Agosto de 2017 - 14:00h às 19:00h.
Where: CDC-Robolivre/Softex, https://goo.gl/maps/vqNBAv2RWN72
What: Encontro de Robótica Livre para comemorar o Debian Day
Bring: Sucatas, ferramentas e muita vontade de colaborar.
More info:
Brasil: Salvador
When: 16 de Agosto de 2017
Where: Sede do Raul Hacker Club
What: Encontro da comunidade para celebrar o Debian Day \o/!
Bring: A Definir
More info: http://raulhc.cc/Agenda.2017-08-16-DebianDay
Reports: link to blog posts, social media, photos of your event
Brasil: São Paulo
When: 16 de Agosto de 2017
Where: Viva Real (Rua Bela Cintra, 539 - Consolação, São Paulo , São Paulo)
What: Meetup para celebrar o Debian Day \o/!
Bring: Notebook e GPG fingerprints
More info: https://www.meetup.com/Grupo-de-Compartilhamento-do-Conhecimento-Santos-Dumont/events/242207831/
RSVP: No dia do evento é obrigatória a apresentação de um documento de identificação e não esqueça de colocar seu nome e rg no RSVP (meetup.com) e depois nesse formulários: https://goo.gl/kqtG8F
Italy: Varese
When: Wednesday, August 16th starting from 19:30
Where: One restaurant in Varese (depending on disponibility)
What: Dinner with other Debian enthusiasts
Bring: GPG fingerprints
More info: Add yourself before August 10th to https://dudle.inf.tu-dresden.de/debdayvarese2017/ so that we can get a reservation for our group. In case you have special dietary requirements please also write to valhalla AT trueelena DOT org.
Bolivia: La Paz
When: August 18, 15:00
Where: Monoblock Central UMSA, Carrera de Informática, 2do piso, Sala Audiovisual (map)
What: Encuentro para celebrar el Debian Day!
Bring: GPG fingerprints, Laptop.
More info: https://www.hacklab.org.bo/noticias-del-hacklab/article/celebracion-del-debian-day-2017
Canada: Montreal, Quebec
Contact: MagicFab, Debian Québec
When: Friday aug. 18th, 5PM until dawn
Where: Lac aux Castors, Mont-Royal
What: Debian Day in the Park Montreal 2017
Bring: Food, drinks - Pizza + beer + drinks will be shared, bring $ or more food as you wish
More info: Outdoors gathering to celebrate Debian Day and talk about contributing to growing the Debian Quebec local group. Bring your Debian swag (TShirt, etc.), lookg for the Debian logo near the Lac aux Castors chalet!
Reports: -
México: Ciudad de México
When: Saturday, 2017-08-19, 10:00AM
Where: Norte 72 # 5836 Bis C.P. 07850, Del. Gustavo A. Madero.
What: A couple of informal talks, a flea market of electronic things
Bring: In case you have some working electronic equipment you want to sell or exchange, bring it to our flea market!
More info: http://www.e-compugraf.com/index.php/2017/08/02/festeja-con-nosotros-el-cumpleanos-de-gnulinux/
Sweden: Stockholm
When: August 16th (Wednesday) from 16:00 to 18:30
Where: Ericsson BGDS building - Grönlandsgatan 31 - room Stratus
What: key signing party and debian packaging workshop
Bring: laptop and GPG keys
More info: please subscribe here: https://goo.gl/forms/JwjwbhwgRmrdP8q32
Venezuela: Caracas
Cuando: Sábado 19 de Agosto 2017
Donde: Atentos!
Horario: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm / 1:30 pm - 5:00 pm
Actividades: Compartir de saberes, Celebremos el día Debian.
- Demostraciones
- Charlas sobre uso de Software Libre
- Programación:
Tema:Mejores prácticas de instalación GNU/Linux.
- Descripción: Demostración práctica de instalación del sistema operativo GNU/Linux para principiantes.
- Tema: Proyecto Debian
- Descripción: Proyecto debian, material de soporte y sus actividades: Debian Day y Debian Women.
- Tema: Comunidad Rails Girls Venezuela
- Descripción: Que es Rails Girls Venezuela, objetivos, estrategias, actividades.
- Tema: Inkscape Vs Illustrator
- Descripción:Ventajas y bondades del programa vectorial de software libre Inkscape ante el programa privativo Illustrator.
- Tema: Importancia del rol femenino en la tecnología
- Descripción: Mujeres influyentes dentro del mundo de la tecnología actual y sus aportes en el software libre.
- Tema: Apropiación social del software libre
- Descripción: Las libertades del software libre y los usos en Venezuela.
- Tema: Fabricación de incubadora automatizada
- Descripción: Automatización de procesos industriales con protocolos de redes e interfaz basada en software libre.
- Tema: Producción y programación de espaciós radiales.
- Descripción: Lineas para una producción radial efectiva en un ambiente multimedia.
- Programación:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RailsGirlsVe/
Instagram: http://instagram.com/railsgirlsvenezuela @railsgirlsve
Twitter: https://twitter.com/railsgirlsve @?RailsGirlsVe
Canal de Telegram:https://t.me/railsgirlsve @railsgirlsve
Venezuela: Cumaná
Cuando: 16 de Agosto de 2017
Donde: Lugar Por definir
Actividades: Encuentro de la Comunidad para celebrar el Debian Day!
- Install Fest - Demostraciones
- Charlas sobre uso de Software Libre
- Obsequio de DVD's de debian
Y algo más
Bring: Por definir
Más Info: http://cumanadigital.net.ve /
Reports: @cumanadigital / oswaldoehc@gmail.com / link to blog posts, social media, photos of your event