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About DebianDay

The Debian Day is celebrated on August 16 of each year.

More: DebianDay

Add your city

Enter city name (in format Country/City) in text box below and press the button:

Countries and cities where will be organized Debian Day 2013

Feel free to add your Debian Day party to this list to let others know about your local DebianDay celebration.

Bolivia: La Paz

  • When: 17/8/13

  • Where: UMSA

  • What: {seminario,charlas,demos}

  • Bring: {anything people should bring, like food, drink, costumes, OpenPGP fingerprints, etc}

  • More info: {link to the page where people can get more information and/or discuss event}


Brazil: Brasilia

  • When: 17/08, 14 horas;

  • Where: {good place to party in some city}

  • What: {description of the Debian Day in your city}

  • Bring: {anything people should bring, like food, drink, costumes, OpenPGP fingerprints, etc}

  • More info: {link to the page where people can get more information and/or discuss event}


Brazil: Suzano, São Paulo

  • Quando: Sábado, 17/08/2013 a partir das 10:00 às 18:00;

  • Onde: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo - Campus Suzano, Av. Mogi da Cruzes, 1501 - Parque Suzano - CEP 08673-010 - Suzano - SP

  • O que: Será um dia dedicado a divulgação, aprendizagem e contribuição para a distribuição Debian GNU/Linux, como o nome diz sobre o evento - "DebianDay", em português "Dia Debian". No evento estaremos dando diversas atividades voltadas ao tema Software Livre, sorteando algumas camisas e adesivos com logo do Debian GNU/Linux, e também demonstrações e um pequeno install fest da versão Debian Wheezy. Lembrando que o evento é sem fins lucrativos, a participação é gratuita, que visa atingir a sociedade, levando o conhecimento a respeito da comunidade Open Source (Código Aberto).

  • Materiais de divulgação:

  • Mais informações: Comunidade Software Livre Alto Tietê IFSP - Suzano


Brazil: Trindade

  • When: August 17, 2013. From 8am to 5pm

  • Where: UEG UnU Trindade

  • What: Edition in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of Debian

  • More info: More information, here:


Brazil: Vitória/ES

  • When: 17/08 e 09h às 16h

  • Where: UFES - Mapa:

  • What: Abordaremos como é o Debian, como ajudar o Debian e a comunidade Debian Brasil, teremos install fest, desconferência e etc.

  • Bring: [...]

  • More info:


Chile: ?

  • When: {date and hour}}

  • Where: {good place to party in some city}

  • What: {description of the Debian Day in your city}

  • Bring: {anything people should bring, like food, drink, costumes, OpenPGP fingerprints, etc}

  • More info: At this page you'll find useful information concerning Debian Day 2013 in Chile. Feel free to add relevant links.

DebianDay 2013 will be held on August, XX at XXXX.Further information can be found here

DebianChile <dd at debianchile dot cl> is the main organizer of the event. If you plan to attend the event just add yourself here


Still to be decided, visit

  • Tea cups
  • Some T-Shirts


Bolivia: El Alto

  • Cuando: Agosto 16 9:00 17:00

  • Donde: Universidad Publica de El Alto

  • Que es: Un evento que integra a las personas que comparte en comun la distribucion y filosofia Debian

  • Traer: Disco duro o pen drive para copiar material libre

    • Laptop o Pc para instalarse la ultima version de Debian
  • Mas información: Gino Crespo

    • 77744999
    • @linuxgeniero


México: Distrito Federal

  • Cuando: Sábado 17 de agosto 13:30-20:30 hrs.

  • Donde: Hackerspace Rancho Electrónico, Juan Lucas Lassaga 115, Col. Obrera, Delegación Cuauhtémoc.

  • Mapa :

  • Teléfonos:

  • ¿Qué?: Platica sobre la historia, filosofía, principios, características y actualidad de Debian GNU/Linux, talleres, Software Libre, instalaciones, intercambiar y compartir conocimientos.

  • Llevar: CDs y DVDs vírgenes, CDs y DVDs de Debian Wheezy, USBs con 1GiB de espacio libre, USB con Debian HD stable y testing install, laptops, cámaras, switches, conmutadores, multicontactos, cables de red, ganas de convivir y de participar.

  • Más info:

Programa Día Debian 2013 México DF

  • 13:30-14:00 hrs. Preparación de conexiones, proyector, limpieza (Voluntarixs)
  • 14:00-20:00 hrs. Jornadas de instalaciones de Debian (Voluntarixs)
  • 14:00-14:40 hrs. Presentación del Hackerspace Rancho Electrónico.
  • 15:00-15:40 hrs. Platica - Historia y características del proyecto Debian - David García.
  • 16:00-16:40 hrs. Importancia del sentido de la comunidad en el proyecto Debian - Jathan
  • 17:00-17:40 hrs. Música y Software Libre. Síntesis de audio con ?SuperCollider - Emilio

  • 18:00-18:40 hrs. Taller - Aligerando y personalizando el uso de Debian Wheezy con LXDE y Compiz Fusion - Jathan
  • 19:00-19:40 hrs. Experiencias con audio digital en el audiovisual - Jacobo
  • 20:00-20:30 hrs. Limpieza del lugar y desmontaje de las cosas.


Nicaragua: Managua

  • When: August 20, 2013

  • Where: TBD

  • What: TBD

  • Bring: TBD

  • More info: TBD


Romania: Bucharest

  • When: 16 Aug 2013 @ 17:00

  • Where: Librăria Bastilia, Piața Romană (lângă ASE)

  • What: Presentations about Debian, the local community, the new release and future plans regarding the community and the project itself; also a keysigning event.

  • Bring: OpenPGP fingerprints, {friends,teachers,colleagues}, your Debian laptops (for a 30 minutes showcase of the system's flexibility), camera (we like photos and videos); also, a flipchart/whiteboard would be nice addition, IIRC there is a projector ready at the location.

  • More info: TBA

  • Help us: Email Victor (victor [at] if you want to help organizing the event or if you have a nice idea you'd like to push forward.


{Country}: {City}

  • When: {date and time}

  • Where: {good place to party in some city}

  • What: {description of the Debian Day in your city}

  • Bring: {anything people should bring, like food, drink, costumes, OpenPGP fingerprints, etc}

  • More info: {link to the page where people can get more information and/or discuss event}

