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One possible "alternative" to this procedure is to use ["Simple-CDD"]. If it does everything you need for your custom CD needs, then there is no reason (except curiosity) to goes through the rest of this article. One possible "alternative" to this procedure is to use ["Simple-CDD"]. If it does everything you need for your custom CD, then there is no reason (except curiosity) to goes through the rest of this article.

Building a Custom Debian CD Set

An Easier Alternative

One possible "alternative" to this procedure is to use ["Simple-CDD"]. If it does everything you need for your custom CD, then there is no reason (except curiosity) to goes through the rest of this article.


This page describes how to create a partial debian mirror and the steps used to create a custom debian install cd using that mirror. This document shows how to use packages gathered from a prototype system's apt cache as well as a download script that starts with a list of packages and fetches the appropriate versions. The instructions here assume i386 but should work for any architecture simply by replacing i386 in the instructions with the architecture of your choice.

Quick Overview, Using Apt, Binary Only

  • Download a DebianInstaller network install cd (netinst.iso) from here http://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/

  • Install Debian on a prototype system (Optional)

  • ?AptGet packages (or you may use Aptitude if you prefer) -> hint: you don't have to install, just download to the apt cache, as long apt-move works.

  • AptMove to a directory of your choice.

  • Create a pool directory on the filesystem where you will build your new cd.

  • Copy the pool directory from network install cd to the directory you just created.
  • Copy from the directory you apt-move'd to to the pool directory (you could just do this first, but if you realize you missed something the first time around, you'll need to do this).

  • Get installer-i386 from a debian mirror which is from the same release of DebianInstaller as your network install cd (unless you also build the installer and associated packages). Get overrides.<dist>. files from http://<mirror>/debian/indices

  • Place in your debian-dir (i.e. the same directory as the pool directory you created above).
  • gunzip the overrides in-place the indices directory (you should probably keep the original gzipped versions too)

  • Generate packages files.
    • generate DebianInstaller packages files:

      • DebianInstaller lives in <debian-dir>''dists''<dist>/main/debian-installer/binary-i386

      • so create the appropriate subdirectories (e.g. mkdir -p /debian/dists/sarge/main/debian-installer/binary-i386).

      • in a directory for your scripts and config files for this project place create an apt.conf such as the one at ["DebianCustomCD/PoolAptConf"]
      • create a file named yourcdname-di.conf (or anything else, just substitute your filename as appropriate), such as the one at ["DebianCustomCD/PoolDebianInstallerPackagesGzConf"], creating the directories described therein
      • execute the command
         apt-ftparchive -c apt.conf generate yourcdname-di.conf
    • repeat for binary-i386:
      • create another file named yourcdname.conf such as the one at ["DebianCustomCD/PoolPackagesGzConf"]
      • execute the command
         apt-ftparchive -c apt.conf generate yourcdname.conf
  • Create a list of packages you want on the cd (probably just a list of files in your pool dir).
  • Assuming you have debian-cd installed, follow the directions in /usr/share/debian-cd.
  • In the mirrorcheck step, if any missing Depends: are listed, download the packages into your pool dir to correct that, regenerate your packages files, and start the debian-cd instructions over again (you may need to exit the shell you started the procedure in because debian-cd alters the environment while it builds the cd ["set"]).
  • In the make list step watch for debconf_required errors, and as above download the needed packages, regenerate package lists, and restart the debian-cd procedure.
  • Assuming successful completion of the CD building procedure burn your CD and test.

Detailed Instructions

1. Getting Your Packages

Part I: Get Your Base System

  • Download a DebianInstaller network install cd (netinst.iso) from here [WWW] http://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/.

  • Use this install cd and install a base system on some computer.
  • Copy the network install cd to the filesystem where you'll be doing your work (e.g. /home/debian).

Part II: Getting Additional Packages

  • Use aptitude or ?AptGet to download the packages you want on the system and cd.

  • Get AptMove (e.g. apt-get install apt-move)

  • Modify apt-move.conf to use your pool directory as its local mirror (LOCALDIR)

  • AptMove your other packages to your pool directory (e.g. /home/debian/pool) by typing: apt-move update

Notes on the use of AptMove

You will need to change apt-move.conf to point to your mirror. See AptMove for details (or man apt-move).

The Hard Way

  • Figure out what packages you'll need (this is the hard part because of dependencies).
  • Download them individually (if you make a list and use wget on the list, it wouldn't be as painful, but keeping up with changing versions would rapidly become painful) into the pool directory in the filesystem where you'll be doing your work (e.g. /home/debian/pool). You can use aptitude download <package> ....

  • Don't forget any dependencies (by hand! ugh!).

The Hard Way Made Easy

  • Use germinate (available in Etch) to generate a list of packages and their dependencies based on an initial 'seed' (list of packages).
  • Use the perl script at ["DebianCustomCD/CustomDownload"]

The Slightly Harder Way, Getting Additional Packages

  • Use Aptitude or ?AptGet to download the packages you want on the system and cd.

  • Get AptMove (e.g. apt-get install apt-move)

  • Modify apt-move.conf to use a temporary directory as its local mirror (LOCALDIR)

  • AptMove your other packages to a temporary directory (e.g. /home/debian/tmp) by typing: apt-move update

  • Use a script such as the one at ["DebianCustomCD/MovePoolScript"] to copy packages from the temporary directory to your pool directory (e.g. /home/debian/pool). This is my preferred mode of operation because I have more control over what happens to what apt-move calls the 'mirror' (the pool directory), especially when building cd's for testing or unstable, which change quickly.

Alternate Method

Instead of copying the network install cd first, copy your Apt cache to your desired pool directory first (as above), then use the above script to copy from the network install pool directory to your pool directory.

2. Get DebianInstaller and udebs

Option 1

Should only be used when using a stable distribution's network install cd and stable packages, for sarge or later because the udebs must match the installer for a successful install. If you insist on using it with testing or unstable, make sure you're using the right versions of the udebs, especially kernel, for the installer. You have been warned.

  1. Download installer-i386 from a ["Debian"] mirror (e.g. ftp://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/sarge/main/current)

  2. You should have the correct udebs in your tree if you have downloaded the installer-i386 from the same distribution as your network install cd

Option 2

  1. Build DebianInstaller (which also downloads udebs). See ["DebianInstaller/Build"].

  2. Copy udebs to your pool directory from debian-installer/installer/build/apt.udeb, using something like the

following script: Improved 2004-12-23

  •      function print_usage {
         echo "move-installer-udebs source-directory destination-directory"
         echo "paths must be absolute"
         echo "source-directory is the directory containing the udebs"
         echo "destination-directory is the directory containing the pool directory"
         if [ -z "$1" ]; then
         if [ -z "$2" ]; then
         echo "Copying from $SRCDIR to $DESTDIR"
         pushd $SRCDIR
         find ''' -name ''''.udeb' -a -type f || sort >$TMPFILE
         cd -
         for srcfile in `cat $TMPFILE`; do
         pkgfullname=`basename $srcfile .udeb`
         pkgname=`echo $pkgfullname || cut -f1 -d_`
         pkgver=`echo $pkgfullname || cut -f2 -d_`
         pkgend=`echo $pkgfullname || cut -f3 -d_`
         if [ "$pkgend" = $pkgname ]; then
             pkgend=`dpkg -I $SRCDIR/$srcfile || awk '''Architecture: '' { print $2 }'`
         if [ "$pkgver" = $pkgname ]; then
             pkgver=`dpkg -I $SRCDIR/$srcfile || awk '''Version: '' { print $2 }'`
         pooldir=`dpkg -I $SRCDIR/$srcfile || awk '''Source: '' { print $2 }'`
         if [ -z "$pooldir" ] ; then
         poolprefix=`expr substr $pooldir 1 1`
         if [ "$poolprefix" = "l" ]; then
             poolpref2=`expr substr $pooldir 1 3`
             if [ "$poolpref2" = "lib" ] ; then
                poolprefix=`expr substr $pooldir 1 4`
         echo "Copying $pkgname\__$pkgver\__$pkgend.udeb to $DESTDIR/pool/main/$poolprefix/$pooldir"
         install -d $DESTDIR/pool/main/$poolprefix/$pooldir
         cp $SRCDIR/$srcfile $DESTDIR/pool/main/$poolprefix/$pooldir/$pkgname\__$pkgver\__$pkgend.udeb
         rm -f $TMPFILE

3. Get overrides.<dist>.*

  1. Download /debian/indices/overrides.<dists>.'''.gz for your distro (e.g. for sarge, /debian/indices/overrides.sarge.'''.gz) into the directory indices which is in the same root directory as your pool (mirror) directory (e.g. /debian/pool, so /debian/indices).

  2. Gunzip the overrides, keeping the compressed files.

If you want to includes packages from non-US you ought to create another indices directory (e.g. indices-non-US), and get the overrides from a non-US mirror (from /debian-non-US/indices-non-US).

4. Generate Packages.gz, Sources.gz and Release files for your 'distribution'

  • generate DebianInstaller packages files:

    • DebianInstaller lives in <debian-dir>''dists''<dist>/main/debian-installer/binary-i386

    • so create the appropriate subdirectories (e.g. mkdir -p /debian/dists/sarge/main/debian-installer/binary-i386).

  • in a directory (e.g. custom-cd-scripts) for your scripts and config files for this create an apt.conf such as the one at ["DebianCustomCD/PoolAptConf"]
  • create a file named yourcdname-di.conf (or anything else, just substitute your filename as appropriate), such as the one at ["DebianCustomCD/PoolDebianInstallerPackagesGzConf"], creating the directories described therein
  • ArchiveDir is the parent directory of your pool and dists subdirectories

  • OverrideDir is the directory which contains your overrides Note that this means that if you want non-US, you need another .conf with your non-US directories.

  • CacheDir is your temporary (cache) directory.

  • Under TreeDefault, Directory indicates the location of your pool (archive) directory

  • The path in quotes after BinDirectory (and before the curly brace), is the location, relative to ArchiveDir of the binary packages (well actually the alphabetic directories, which have the package directories under them).

  • Under BinDirectory, Packages is the full pathname of the Packages (without .gz even if you are creating compressed files) file you are creating (in this case the debian-installer Packages.gz).

  • execute the command in the directory containing the pool and dists directories

        apt-ftparchive -c custom-cd-scripts/apt.conf generate custom-cd-scripts/customcd-di.conf
  • repeat for the binary-i386 directories (under main, contrib, non-free):

    • create a file named yourcdname.conf such as the one at ["DebianCustomCD/PoolPackagesGzConf"]
      • execute the command
         apt-ftparchive -c apt.conf generate yourcdname.conf
  • If you are using any non-US packages you will need to repeat the above Packages file creation in each of the appropriate subdirectories.

  • Generate Release file:

    • execute the following command in the directory containing the pool and dists directories

          apt-ftparchive -c custom-cd-scripts/apt.conf release dists/sarge >dists/sarge/Release

5. Create List Of Files To Include On CD

  • You can do this by hand, or if you just want to include the latest versions of everything in your mirror (pool) directory, you can use something like this script:

    function print_usage {
            echo gen-task-dfdsarge pool-directory
    if [ -z "$1" ] ; then
    if [ `expr substr $POOLDIR 1 1` != \/ ]; then
    for package in `find $POOLDIR -type f`; do
            pkgfilename=`basename $package`
            pkgname=`echo $pkgfilename||cut -f1 -d_`
            echo $pkgname>>$TMPFILE
            cat $TMPFILE || sort -u
  • Alternatively combine the approaches and remove packages you don't want. Note that dependencies are resolved for any debs (but not udebs), so don't be afraid to removing the lib packages (that way only what you actually need, or manually want to include, are added to the cd), except for lib*-udeb* which should be left so the installer works correctly.

6. Install and Configure debian-cd

  • Download and install the debian-cd package (e.g. apt-get install debian-cd)

  • cd /usr/share/debian-cd and edit CONF.sh

  • A sample CONF.sh is reproduced below:

        # This file will have to be sourced where needed
        # Unset all optional variables first to start from a clean state
        unset NONUS             |||| true
        unset ["FORCENONUSONCD1"]   |||| true
        unset NONFREE           |||| true
        unset CONTRIB           |||| true
        unset EXTRANONFREE      |||| true
        unset LOCAL             |||| true
        unset LOCALDEBS         |||| true
        unset SECURED           |||| true
        unset SECURITY          |||| true
        unset BOOTDIR           |||| true
        unset BOOTDISKS         |||| true
        unset SYMLINK           |||| true
        unset COPYLINK          |||| true
        unset MKISOFS           |||| true
        unset MKISOFS_OPTS      |||| true
        unset ISOLINUX          |||| true
        unset EXCLUDE           |||| true
        unset SRCEXCLUDE        |||| true
        unset NORECOMMENDS      |||| true
        unset NOSUGGESTS        |||| true
        unset DOJIGDO           |||| true
        unset JIGDOCMD          |||| true
        unset JIGDOTEMPLATEURL  |||| true
        unset JIGDOFALLBACKURLS |||| true
        unset JIGDOINCLUDEURLS  |||| true
        unset JIGDOSCRIPT       |||| true
        unset DEFBINSIZE        |||| true
        unset DEFSRCSIZE        |||| true
        unset FASTSUMS          |||| true
        unset PUBLISH_URL       |||| true
        unset PUBLISH_NONUS_URL |||| true
        unset PUBLISH_PATH      |||| true
        unset UDEB_INCLUDE      |||| true
        unset UDEB_EXCLUDE      |||| true
        unset BASE_INCLUDE      |||| true
        unset BASE_EXCLUDE      |||| true
        unset INSTALLER_CD      |||| true
        unset DI_CODENAME       |||| true
        unset MAXCDS            |||| true
        unset SPLASHPNG         |||| true
        # The debian-cd dir
        # Where I am (hoping I'm in the debian-cd dir)
        export BASEDIR=`pwd`
        # Building sarge cd set ...
        export CODENAME=sarge
        # By default use Debian installer packages from $CODENAME
        if [ ! "$DI_CODENAME" ]
          export DI_CODENAME=$CODENAME
        # If set, controls where the d-i components are downloaded from.
        # This may be an url, or "default", which will make it use the default url
        # for the daily d-i builds. If not set, uses the official d-i images from
        # the Debian mirror.
        #export DI_WWW_HOME=default
        # Version number, "2.2 r0", "2.2 r1" etc.
        export DEBVERSION="3.1"
        # Official or non-official set.
        # ON THE OFFICIAL DEBIAN CD WEBSITE http://cdimage.debian.org
        #export OFFICIAL="Unofficial"
        #export OFFICIAL="Official"
        #export OFFICIAL="Official Beta"
        export OFFICIAL="Daniel's Unofficial Debian Sarge (testing)"
        # ... for arch
        export ARCH=`dpkg --print-installation-architecture`
        # IMPORTANT : The 4 following paths must be on the same partition/device.
        #          If they aren't then you must set COPYLINK below to 1. This
        #          takes a lot of extra room to create the sandbox for the ISO
        #          images, however. Also, if you are using an NFS partition for
        #          some part of this, you must use this option.
        # Paths to the mirrors
        #export MIRROR=/ftp/debian
        export MIRROR=/home/archive/debian
        # Comment the following line if you don't have/want non-US
        #export NONUS=/ftp/debian-non-US
        # And this option will make you 2 copies of ["CD1"] - one with all the
        # non-US packages on it, one with none. Useful if you're likely to
        # need both.
        #export ["FORCENONUSONCD1"]=1
        # Path of the temporary directory
        #export TDIR=/ftp/tmp
        export TDIR=/debian/tmp
        # Path where the images will be written
        #export OUT=/rack/debian-cd
        export OUT=/debian/debian-cd
        # Where we keep the temporary apt stuff.
        # This cannot reside on an NFS mount.
        #export APTTMP=/ftp/tmp/apt
        export APTTMP=/debian/tmp-apt
        # Do I want to have NONFREE merged in the CD set
        # export NONFREE=1
        # Do I want to have CONTRIB merged in the CD set
        export CONTRIB=1
        # Do I want to have NONFREE on a separate CD (the last CD of the CD set)
        # WARNING: Don't use NONFREE and EXTRANONFREE at the same time !
        # export EXTRANONFREE=1
        # If you have a $MIRROR/dists/$CODENAME/local/binary-$ARCH dir with
        # local packages that you want to put on the CD set then
        # uncomment the following line
        # export LOCAL=1
        # If your local packages are not under $MIRROR, but somewhere else,
        # you can uncomment this line and edit to to point to a directory
        # containing dists/$CODENAME/local/binary-$ARCH
        # export LOCALDEBS=/home/joey/debian/va/debian
        # If you want a <codename>-secured tree with a copy of the signed
        # Release.gpg and files listed by this Release file, then
        # uncomment this line
        # export SECURED=1
        # Where to find the security patches.  This directory should be the
        # top directory of a security.debian.org mirror.
        #export SECURITY="$TOPDIR"/debian/debian-security
        # Sparc only : bootdir (location of cd.b and second.b)
        # export BOOTDIR=/boot
        # Symlink farmers should uncomment this line :
        # export SYMLINK=1
        # Use this to force copying the files instead of symlinking or hardlinking
        # them. This is useful if your destination directories are on a different
        # partition than your source files.
        # export COPYLINK=1
        # Options
        # export MKISOFS=/usr/bin/mkisofs
        # export MKISOFS_OPTS="-r"        #For normal users
        # export MKISOFS_OPTS="-r -F ."    #For symlink farmers
        # ["ISOLinux"] support for multiboot on ["CD1"] for i386
        export ISOLINUX=1
        # uncomment this to if you want to see more of what the Makefile is doing
        #export VERBOSE_MAKE=1
        # uncoment this to make build_all.sh try to build a simple CD image if
        # the proper official CD run does not work
        # Set your disk size here in MB. Used in calculating package and
        # source file layouts in build.sh and build_all.sh. Defaults are for
        # CD-R, try ~4600 for DVD-R.
        export DEFBINSIZE=630
        export DEFSRCSIZE=635
        # We don't want certain packages to take up space on ["CD1"]...
        export EXCLUDE="$BASEDIR"/tasks/exclude-sarge
        # ...but they are okay for other ["CDs"] (["UNEXCLUDEx"] == may be included on CD >= x)
        export ["UNEXCLUDE2"]="$BASEDIR"/tasks/unexclude-["CD2"]-sarge
        # Any packages listed in EXCLUDE but not in any UNEXCLUDE will be
        # excluded completely.
        # We also exclude some source packages
        #export SRCEXCLUDE="$BASEDIR"/tasks/exclude-src-potato
        # Set this if the recommended packages should be skipped when adding
        # package on the CD.  The default is 'false'.
        export NORECOMMENDS=1
        # Set this if the suggested packages should be skipped when adding
        # package on the CD.  The default is 'true'.
        #export NOSUGGESTS=1
        # Produce jigdo files:
        # 0/unset = Don't do jigdo at all, produce only the full iso image.
        # 1 = Produce both the iso image and jigdo stuff.
        # 2 = Produce ONLY jigdo stuff by piping mkisofs directly into jigdo-file,
        #     no temporary iso image is created (saves lots of disk space).
        #     NOTE: The no-temp-iso will not work for (at least) alpha and powerpc
        #     since they need the actual .iso to make it bootable. For these archs,
        #     the temp-iso will be generated, but deleted again immediately after the
        #     jigdo stuff is made; needs temporary space as big as the biggest image.
        #export DOJIGDO=2
        # jigdo-file command & options
        # Note: building the cache takes hours, so keep it around for the next run
        #export JIGDOCMD="/usr/local/bin/jigdo-file --cache=$HOME/jigdo-cache.db"
        # HTTP/FTP URL for directory where you intend to make the templates
        # available. You should not need to change this; the default value ""
        # means "template in same dir as the .jigdo file", which is usually
        # correct. If it is non-empty, it needs a trailing slash. "%ARCH%"
        # will be substituted by the current architecture.
        #export JIGDOTEMPLATEURL=""
        # Name of a directory on disc to create data for a fallback server in.
        # Should later be made available by you at the URL given in
        # JIGDOFALLBACKURLS. In the directory, two subdirs named "Debian" and
        # "Non-US" will be created, and filled with hard links to the actual
        # files in your FTP archive. Because of the hard links, the dir must
        # be on the same partition as the FTP archive! If unset, no fallback
        # data is created, which may cause problems - see README.
        #export JIGDOFALLBACKPATH="$(OUT)''snapshot''"
        # Space-separated list of label->URL mappings for "jigdo fallback
        # server(s)" to add to .jigdo file. If unset, no fallback URL is
        # added, which may cause problems - see README.
        #export JIGDOFALLBACKURLS="Debian=http://myserver/snapshot/Debian/ Non-US=http://myserver/snapshot/Non-US/"
        # Space-separated list of "include ["URLs"]" to add to the .jigdo file.
        # The included files are used to provide an up-to-date list of Debian
        # mirrors to the jigdo _GUI_application_ (__jigdo-lite__ doesn't support
        # "[Include ...]").
        export JIGDOINCLUDEURLS="http://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/debian-servers.jigdo"
        # "tools/jigdo_header", which is used by default to generate the
        # ["Image"] and ["Servers"] sections of the .jigdo file. You can provide
        # your own script if you need the .jigdo file to contain different
        # data.
        #export JIGDOSCRIPT="myscript"
        # If set, use the md5sums from the main archive, rather than calculating
        # them locally
        #export FASTSUMS=1
        # A couple of things used only by publish_cds, so it can tweak the
        # jigdo files, and knows where to put the results.
        # You need to run publish_cds manually, it is not run by the Makefile.
        export PUBLISH_URL="http://cdimage.debian.org/jigdo-area"
        export PUBLISH_NONUS_URL="http://non-US.cdimage.debian.org/jigdo-area"
        export PUBLISH_PATH="/home/jigdo-area/"
        # Where to find the boot disks
        #export BOOTDISKS=$TOPDIR/ftp/skolelinux/boot-floppies
        # File with list of packages to include when fetching modules for the
        # first stage installer (debian-installer). One package per line.
        # Lines starting with '#' are comments.  The package order is
        # important, as the packages will be installed in the given order.
        #export UDEB_INCLUDE="$BASEDIR"''data''$CODENAME/udeb_include
        # File with list of packages to exclude as above.
        #export UDEB_EXCLUDE="$BASEDIR"''data''$CODENAME/udeb_exclude
        # File with list of packages to include when running debootstrap from
        # the first stage installer (currently only supported in
        # debian-installer). One package per line.  Lines starting with '#'
        # are comments.  The package order is important, as the packages will
        # be installed in the given order.
        #export BASE_INCLUDE="$BASEDIR"''data''$CODENAME/base_include
        # File with list of packages to exclude as above.
        #export BASE_EXCLUDE="$BASEDIR"''data''$CODENAME/base_exclude
        # Only put the installer onto the cd (set NORECOMMENDS,... as well).
        # INSTALLER_CD=0: nothing special (default)
        # INSTALLER_CD=1: just add debian-installer (use TASK=tasks/debian-installer)
        # INSTALLER_CD=2: add d-i and base (use TASK=tasks/debian-installer+kernel)
        #export INSTALLER_CD=0
        export INSTALLER_CD=1
        # Parameters to pass to kernel when the CD boots. Not currently supported
        # for all architectures.
        #export KERNEL_PARAMS="DEBCONF_PRIORITY=critical"
        # If set, limits the number of binary ["CDs"] to produce.
        #export MAXCDS=1
        # If set, overrides the boot picture used.
        #export SPLASHPNG="$BASEDIR/data/$CODENAME/splash-img.png"
        # Used by build.sh to determine what to build, this is the name of a target
        # in the Makefile. Use bin-official_images to build only binary ["CDs"]. The
        # default, official_images, builds everything.
  • Note that INSTALLER_CD is set to 1. This includes tasks/debian-installer+kernel, and some other 'magic'. Just make sure the list of packages you produced as instructed above has all the kernel and debian-installer packages, and that tasks/debian-installer+kernel doesn't list any outdated packages.
  • Also note that the directories must all be on the same filesystem (except those under /usr/share/debian-cd)

The Remainder of the debian-cd Procedure

This assumes you have both binaries and sources. If you want binary only read the README for debian-cd.

NOTE Frans Pop has developed a relatively easy to use wrapper script for use with debian-cd that works with the current version of debian-cd. It is [http://alioth.debian.org/~fjp/debian-cd/ available from alioth]. A README file explains how to use it.

WARNING The following is very out-of-date and will not work with recent versions of debian-cd (3.0.X onwards). I hope to find time to fix it, but can't promise anything... -- SteveMcIntyre

  • Start a new shell (e.g. bash)

  • Source CONF.sh, e.g. by typing:

        . CONF.sh
  • make distclean

  • make mirrorcheck-binary

  • make mirrorcheck-source

    • If there are any missing dependencies, download them into your pool directory, regenerate your packages file, and start the debian-cd part of this procedure over again.

  • make status

    • This should never fail. If it does you're best determining what went wrong, but if you insist you can try make correctstatus

  • make list TASK=tasks/customcd

  • make bootable

    • Makes the binary cd(s?) bootable.
  • make md5list

    • Create the md5 checksums so that the cd can be verified.
  • make images

    • Actually makes the cd
  • make imagesums

    • the md5 checksum for the actual cd images
  • Burn it/them.