
A layout proposal for Debian 7 "wheezy" based on the idea, that Debian is something growing (like a plant). The green leafes are a calm and friendly main theme.

I would do images for various additional media if there is enough interest in this basic concept layout.

I adapted Ulrich Hansen's souce files for his great proposal The Journey for my screen presantation files.



Screenshot Gnome The linked original 5:4 wallpaper can be becropped to the other usual proportions safely.

For convenience I made a 16:9 version as well.

Blue variation


Since Debian has a traditional color spectrum I made this variation. It refers less to the organical growth, but more to the fact, that Debian empowers many systems and free software effords. Additionally this blue proposal symbolises version seven with the seven red vein-like lines.



Login Screen

Debian Installer


Installation window preview

Boot Screen


GRUB preview



16 colors only

Install DVD cover

DVD cover

I altered the text for the DVD cover taken from Ulrichs proposal because I think most people wouldn't understand most of the technical detail on it. I have replaced some of it with less technical descriptions.

I claim that Debian is equipped with award winning applications. I have to admit, that I didn't check this promise, but would be very surprised if it wasn't true - at least for some flag ship applications.

Install DVD label

CD label


Because of limited time I didn't attach all source files yet. (Some of my SVGs are depending on linked images. Therefore I need to change that before they actually can be useful to anyone else.)


I used Charis SIL and Alte Haas Grotesk for this Layouts.


I have taken the shot from the plants in my flat. (Unfortunately I have a very old camera and therefore I need to blur the picture if I want to get a higher resolution. But I think this shouldn't be a problem sice a desktop background works even better if it is not to crisp and a little blured.)

Copyright information

Copyright: Franz Gratzer, Vienna, Austria 2012. Published under the terms of the of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

CategoryDesktop CategoryDesktopEnvironment