Translation(s): none
Debian LibStick
Author: Dale Hopkins
These are a couple Fluxbox styles I have been working on in hope that it can be added to the Debian Fluxbox package, and maybe one will be used as the default style.
Debian LibStick Light 1440x900 image
Dark High Contrast
Debian LibStick Dark High Contrast 1440x900 image
Debian LibStick Dark 1440x900 image
Wallpaper images by: Thomas Guillot <gtom[AT]gtom[DOT]eu>
You can find sources and licence on:
For demo purposes I had to convert the wallpaper images to 'png' format cause 'svg' images do not load at the moment cause the following errors with libimlib2. Bug Report 597176 fbsetbg /usr/share/fluxbox/wallpaper-flux-debian-lighting-black-1600x1200.svg/wallpaper-flux-debian-lighting-black-1600x1200.svg
feh WARNING: /usr/share/fluxbox/wallpaper-flux-debian-lighting-black-1600x1200.svg/wallpaper-flux-debian-lighting-black-1600x1200.svg - No Imlib2 loader for that file format
feh ERROR: Couldn't load image in order to set bg
feh --bg-scale /usr/share/fluxbox/wallpaper-flux-debian-lighting-black-1600x1200.svg/wallpaper-flux-debian-lighting-black-1600x1200.svg
feh WARNING: /usr/share/fluxbox/wallpaper-flux-debian-lighting-black-1600x1200.svg/wallpaper-flux-debian-lighting-black-1600x1200.svg - No Imlib2 loader for that file format
feh ERROR: Couldn't load image in order to set bg
Style Sources
Debian_LibStick Dark High Contrast
Overlay Example
This is example of ~/.fluxbox/overlay file to override the style settings without having to edit the style itself ! The following line will prevent styles from setting the background.
! background: none
menu.frame.font: sans-7:bold
menu.title.font: sans-8:bold
toolbar.clock.font: sans-8:bold
toolbar.workspace.font: sans-7:bold
toolbar.iconbar.focused.font: sans-7:bold
toolbar.iconbar.unfocused.font: sans-7
window.font: sans-7:bold
menu.itemHeight: 14
menu.titleHeight: 14
toolbar.height: 14
window.title.height: 14
background.color: #1A1A1A
background.colorTo: #1A1A1A
background: aspect
background.pixmap: ~/.fluxbox/backgrounds/Summer_Glau_Terminator-v2.jpg
- Added credit to the style sources of the wallpaper(s) author and above in the wallpaper section.
Changed the wallpaper image for the 'Debian ?LibStick Light Style'.
Credited Denis Briand for the inspiration of the 'Debian ?LibStick Dark' styles.
Added Debian ?LibStick Light Style
Rename 'Debian ?LibStick Light' to 'Debian ?LibStick Dark High Contrast' so it not so misleading.
Added Debian ?LibStick Light style with lighter font.
- Fixed the fade on the menu.
- Adjusted toolbar, window title bar, menu bar heights from 14 to 18.
- Adjusted font sizes to suit.