
_______---~ Bucefalo theme ~---_______

Try the wallpaper (black+gradient example) now! :-) ( after click on "Download" - ctrl+s to save file as svg ;-)) - (this test is optimized for 16/9 screen format!)


- Author.

For instance "Copyright: 2020 - name - jeanclaudezanella - email - jczf15ATliloDOTorg - License: GPL-2.0+". - To avoid / limit "robot spamming" please let name & email obfuscation format - thanks.


- Concept / Process.

Hello there!

I try a new theme with a Horse, "Bucefalo" is, following the legend, a great horse, horse with bulls head... Strong, stable, as Debian :-)

What better than a Horse to represent freedom, he is straight and proud, majestic !

It is why I let this theme name "Bucefalo". I create a new horse theme as I see some other theme with horses, so, I think to myself, why not ? So, I decide to try horses... :P

The horse is made with simple line the goal is that can be easily used for logo, on stickers, mugs, laptop, T-shirt, etc.

I hope you enjoy.

*** Font used is HACK.

Hack is a free, open source typeface for source code that is licensed under the Hack Open Font License v2.0 and the Bitstream Vera license.

The font repository is located at: https://github.com/chrissimpkins/Hack thanks to Chris Simpkins.

*** Concerning tools, I use Gimp, Inkscape to help me in that creation.

*** I do not create a GTK theme, I don't know how to do it (for the moment).

But, if I can suggest a theme, Prof-Gnome-theme is so beautiful. https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1334194/ thanks to paulxfce.

Concerning icon theme I use Suru++ white icons, magnificient... https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1238162/ thanks to gusreis1989.

Thank you to all Gimp & Inkscape dev. too.


- Mockups/Previews.

Wallpaper + logo in white example 1:


Wallpaper + logo in black example 2:


Wallpaper + logo in gradient example 3:


Login screen / Lock screen in black example 1 (this one is working for GRUB too):



- Source data / all my file as zip.

Source data in Inkscape/GIMP ... format is available.


* Do not hesitate to contact me if there is something to change on this theme. (ex: quality, color...)


Thanks to all Debian contributor for this beautiful Operating System.

I hope science/IT will continue to be free for our children.

Thanks JC

