Documentation for getting started with the HA cluster stack on Debian Jessie and beyond, using Pacemaker/Corosync 2.X with the CRM shell.
About this guide
In this guide we will be setting up a simple two-node cluster running an Nginx server with a shared IP.
You should already have two machines ready, running freshly installed copies of Debian 8.
Some things to note:
This guide has been tested with two KVM/libvirt guests, which is why we'll be using the fence_virsh fencing-agent later on in this guide.
- We assume a 2-node cluster throughout most of this guide; if you are building a larger cluster then increment the number at the end of the hostname so that it correctly identifies your additional hosts.
- Unless otherwise noted you should execute the installation and configuration commands on both nodes.
Host setup
It's assumed that we have two nodes running Debian Jessie and both hosts are connected somehow, so they can see each other on the network.
The standard way of building a cluster relies on multicast addressing – make sure this is feasible on your network and does not interfere with other services. (Alternatively you could switch to unicast, there will be an example configuration in Editing corosync.conf)
Node configuration
Hostnames / IPs:
node01 : node02 :
Throughout this guide we assume that the hosts running our nodes have the hostnames node01 and node02 and have been assigned static IPs on the local network. Configure your machines accordingly or substitute your own hostnames and IP addresses.
Installing the Pacemaker/Corosync 2.X HA cluster stack
Since Debian Jessie doesn't contain the packages for the new stack, we will use jessie-backports.
cat > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jessie-backports.list << "EOF"
deb jessie-backports main
Make sure to run apt-get update to update the package list. Now we're ready to install the packages:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install -t jessie-backports pacemaker crmsh
This will install all necessary dependencies including corosync and fence-agents. We're also installing the CRM shell to manage our cluster.
Next we install the Nginx server on both nodes:
# apt-get install nginx
We also need to disable its automatic startup:
# systemctl disable nginx
In general the resource managed by your cluster should never be (re)started by anyone/anything other than pacemaker.
As a precaution we might also want to prevent pacemaker from starting immediately on our nodes: (e.g. in case something goes wrong while setting up the fencing agents later on)
# systemctl disable pacemaker
However keep in mind that you will have to execute service start pacemaker whenever you rebooted (one of) your nodes.
Before we can start our cluster we have some configuring to do. This includes changing our corosync.conf file and generating an authkey for secure communication. After that is done we will have to copy these files to all our nodes.
Editing corosync.conf
Open the file /etc/corosync/corosync.conf in your favorite text editor on the first node.
We are making the following changes to the file:
Change crypto_cipher parameters from none to aes256 and
Change crypto_hash from none to sha1.
Change the bindnetaddr in the interface-block to your local network address (e.g.
uncomment the mcastaddr: parameter
For a two node setup we also need to add two_node: 1 to the quorum-block.
Your new corosync.conf should now look something like this:
# Please read the corosync.conf.5 manual page
# Debian-HA ClustersFromScratch sample config
totem {
version: 2
cluster_name: debian
token: 3000
token_retransmits_before_loss_const: 10
clear_node_high_bit: yes
crypto_cipher: aes256 # default was 'none'
crypto_hash: sha1 # default was 'none'
interface {
ringnumber: 0
# set address of the network here; default was ''
mcastport: 5405
ttl: 1
logging {
fileline: off
to_stderr: no
to_logfile: no
to_syslog: yes
syslog_facility: daemon
debug: off
timestamp: on
logger_subsys {
subsys: QUORUM
debug: off
quorum {
provider: corosync_votequorum
two_node: 1 # value added
expected_votes: 2
N.B.: If your network is routed you might have to raise the TTL value to get a reliable connection.
Refer to the following manpages for details on the configuration options:
man corosync.conf man votequorum
If you want a unicast setup you will have to use transport: udpu and specify a nodelist with the static IPs of the nodes. Your config would look something like the following:
# Please read the corosync.conf.5 manual page
# This is a *partial* config file to show a unicast setup.
totem {
version: 2
transport: udpu # set to 'udpu' (udp unicast)
interface {
ringnumber: 0
ttl: 1
logging { [...] }
quorum {
provider: corosync_votequorum
two_node: 1
# Here we have to list the network addresses of all nodes manually
nodelist {
node {
node {
We are going to transfer the configuration file to the other node host(s) soon, but first we need an authkey because we enabled the 'crypto' settings.
Generating authkey
Run the following on node01:
root@node01:~# corosync-keygen
Warning: The program will most likely say something like 'Press keys on your keyboard to generate entropy.' But if you just start typing away into the corosync-keygen program all your input will be passed on to bash when the program finishes. To avoid this, open another terminal and type away there. corosync-keygen will periodically print a status message.
Once enough entropy was generated it will exit with:
Writing corosync key to /etc/corosync/authkey.
This key is needed for secure communication between the nodes.
Copy to other nodes
Now that we have our files ready on node01 we want to copy them to node02:
root@node01:~# scp /etc/corosync/corosync.conf root@node02:/etc/corosync/corosync.conf
root@node01:~# scp /etc/corosync/authkey root@node02:/etc/corosync/authkey
Starting the cluster
Now that our cluster is configured, we're ready to start Corosync & Pacemaker:
service corosync start service pacemaker start
Check the status of the cluster:
crm status
(Alternatively, use crm_mon --one-shot -V for this)
Expected output:
Last updated: Tue Mar 29 10:02:59 2016 Last change: Tue Mar 29 10:02:50 2016 by root via crm_attribute on node02 Stack: corosync Current DC: node02 (version 1.1.14-70404b0) - partition with quorum 2 nodes and 0 resources configured Online: [ node01 node02 ]
Now is a good time to familiarize yourself with the crm shell. Call crm to open the shell and try running status from there:
root@node01:~# crm crm(live)# status ... [Output omitted] ... crm(live)# node crm(live)node# show node01 node01(1084783305): normal standby=off crm(live)node# up crm(live)# bye
Using the shell to issue such commands has the added advantage of tab completion and the help command should you ever get lost. Also note how the shell prompt changes depending on the level you're in (node, configure, resource, ...)
Adding Resources
Now that our cluster is up and running we can add our resources.
They will have the following names:
IP-nginx – our shared IP resource
Nginx-rsc – the server we're running
fence_node01 – the fencing-agent for node01 running on node02
fence_node02 – the fencing-agent for node02 running on node01
Nginx and the shared IP
Open up crm configure:
root@node01:~# crm configure crm(live)configure#
Issue the following commands:
crm(live)configure# property stonith-enabled=no property no-quorum-policy=ignore property default-resource-stickiness=100
We're not enabling stonith until we set up the fencing agents later on. The no-quorum-policy=ignore is important so the cluster will keep running even with only one node up.
Now to add the actual resources for Nginx:
# replace the IP & network interface with your settings! # primitive IP-nginx ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 \ params ip="" nic="eth1" cidr_netmask="24" \ meta migration-threshold=2 \ op monitor interval=20 timeout=60 on-fail=restart primitive Nginx-rsc ocf:heartbeat:nginx \ meta migration-threshold=2 \ op monitor interval=20 timeout=60 on-fail=restart colocation lb-loc inf: IP-nginx Nginx-rsc order lb-ord inf: IP-nginx Nginx-rsc commit
Here we're setting up the actual resources. See IPaddr2 RA and Nginx RA for details about the parameters. The colocation and order commands are needed to ensure, that
- both resources always run on the same node and
- that the IP is available whenever the server is up.
Note: Make sure to assign an unused IP to IP-nginx above, not one of the nodes' IPs!
Your crm status should now look like this:
Last updated: Tue Apr 12 14:53:26 2016 Last change: Tue Apr 12 14:52:45 2016 by root via cibadmin on node02 Stack: corosync Current DC: node02 (version 1.1.14-70404b0) - partition with quorum 2 nodes and 2 resources configured Online: [ node01 node02 ] Full list of resources: IP-nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started node01 Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started node01
Fencing agents
Fencing is used to put a node into a known-state, so if there's a problem in our cluster, and one node is behaving badly, not responding, etc. we'll put this node into a state that we know is safe (e.g. shut it down, or cut it off from the net). ( Fence-Clusterlabs )
To test our fencing setup before commiting anything to the live cluster we will use a shadow cib.
crm(live)# cib new fencing INFO: fencing shadow CIB created crm(fencing)#
To see all the stonith devices/agents that you have, you can run:
# stonith_admin -I
This command will return you all the stonith devices you can use for fencing purposes.
The fence-agents package comes with many fencing agents:
root@node01:~# cd /usr/sbin
root@node01:/usr/sbin# ls fence_*
fence_ack_manual fence_eps fence_intelmodular fence_rsb
fence_alom fence_hds_cb fence_ipdu fence_sanbox2
... and many more ...
root@node01:/usr/sbin# ls fence_* | wc -l
Refer to the corresponding manpages for any parameters you need to pass to these. In this example we'll use the fence_virsh agent, which assumes the host is accessible via SSH at and has root access allowed.
crm(fencing)# configure property stonith-enabled=yes primitive fence_node01 stonith:fence_virsh \ params ipaddr= port=VMnode01 action=off login=root passwd=root \ op monitor interval=60s primitive fence_node02 stonith:fence_virsh \ params ipaddr= port=VMnode02 action=off login=root passwd=root delay=15 \ op monitor interval=60s location l_fence_node01 fence_node01 -inf: node01 location l_fence_node02 fence_node02 -inf: node02 commit up
We initially turned stonith-enabled off earlier, but now that we're configuring stonith agents we can enable it again.
The port parameter of the fence_virsh-agent expects the name of the VM within virsh.
The delay is set for the second fencing agent so that one node will issue the stonith command faster than the other in case of a lost connection. That way we can be sure only one of the nodes goes down if there is a connectivity issue.
The location constraints are there to ensure the nodes never run their own fencing-agent.
Instead of the passwd=... parameter you could supply the identity_file=... parameter with an SSH keyfile. If this key is protected by a passphrase you still need to supply it via the passwd parameter.
Now we can simulate the status of our cluster with the new configuration:
crm(fencing)# cib cibstatus simulate Current cluster status: Online: [ node01 node02 ] IP-nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started node01 Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started node01 fence_node01 (stonith:fence_virsh): Stopped fence_node02 (stonith:fence_virsh): Stopped Transition Summary: * Start fence_node01 (node02) * Start fence_node02 (node01) Executing cluster transition: * Resource action: fence_node01 monitor on node02 * Resource action: fence_node01 monitor on node01 * Resource action: fence_node02 monitor on node02 * Resource action: fence_node02 monitor on node01 * Resource action: fence_node01 start on node02 * Resource action: fence_node02 start on node01 * Resource action: fence_node01 monitor=60000 on node02 * Resource action: fence_node02 monitor=60000 on node01 Revised cluster status: Online: [ node01 node02 ] IP-nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started node01 Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started node01 fence_node01 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started node02 fence_node02 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started node01
If everything looks correct we commit the changes and switch back to the live cib:
crm(fencing)# cib commit crm(fencing)# cib use crm(live)#
And check the status again:
... Online: [ node01 node02 ] Full list of resources: IP-nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started node01 Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started node01 fence_node01 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started node02 fence_node02 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started node01
Testing the cluster
Now that your cluster is up and running, let's break some things!
Migrating/stopping resources
The first thing we'll look at is how to migrate resources.
crm(live)# resource crm(live)resource# status IP-nginx resource IP-nginx is running on: node01 crm(live)resource# migrate IP-nginx crm(live)resource# status IP-nginx resource IP-nginx is running on: node02 crm(live)resource# constraints IP-nginx * IP-nginx : Node node01 (score=-INFINITY, id=cli-ban-IP-nginx-on-node01) Nginx-rsc (score=INFINITY, id=lb-loc)
As you can see after calling resource migrate IP-nginx our IP resource was forced over to the other node (and if you check the status, you'll see that the Nginx server moved with it). To achieve this crm automatically created a location constraint with a score of -inf so that the resource will never run on node01.
If you check crm configure show you will see the new entry there too:
... location cli-ban-IP-nginx-on-node01 IP-nginx role=Started -inf: node01 ...
If you were to migrate this resource again, it wouldn't be able to run on any of the nodes and shut down.
Instead we are going to undo the resource migration:
crm(live)# resource unmigrate IP-nginx
This will delete the resource constraint that was created by resource migrate.
If for some reason you still have constraints in your config that you need to get rid of:
crm(live)configure# delete cli-ban-IP-nginx-on-node01
Next we want to stop and restart our resources. Let's check the status once more:
crm(live)# status noheaders Online: [ node01 node02 ] IP-nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started node01 Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started node01 fence_node01 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started node02 fence_node02 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started node01
As you can see our Nginx resources are running on node01.
We're going to stop the IP and by extension (because of the order constraint) our Nginx-server:
crm(live)# resource stop IP-nginx crm(live)# resource show IP-nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): (target-role:Stopped) Stopped Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Stopped fence_node01 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started fence_node02 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started
Note that it did not migrate or restart because we specifically told it to stop running. Even if some rogue process (or admin) was to start an instance of nginx it would be stopped by pacemaker.
And to start it up again:
crm(live)# resource start IP-nginx crm(live)# resource show IP-nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started fence_node01 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started fence_node02 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started
Simulate Nginx server failure
Next we will forcefully kill the nginx server to simulate a crash.
killall -9 nginx
Make sure to do this on the node where Nginx is currently running!
Now check for the nginx process:
pgrep -a nginx
After a while you should notice that the resource agent has restarted the server. In doing so it also incremented the failcount for the resource. We can check this via crm status or crm_mon:
# crm_mon -rfn1 -or- # crm status inactive failcounts bynode ... Migration Summary: * Node node02: * Node node01: Nginx-rsc: migration-threshold=2 fail-count=1 last-failure='Tue Mar 29 15:32:48 2016' Failed Actions: * Nginx-rsc_monitor_20000 on node01 'not running' (7): call=36, status=complete, exitreason='none', last-rc-change='Tue Mar 29 15:32:48 2016', queued=0ms, exec=0ms
(See crm help status and man crm_mon on how to use the parameters.)
When we configured our IP-nginx and Nginx resources we set migration-threshold=2. This means that once the failcount exceeds that limit the resource will be migrated by pacemaker.
Let's test this:
root@node01:~# crm status bynode noheaders Node node01: online IP-nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started fence_node02 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started Node node02: online fence_node01 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started Failed Actions: * Nginx-monitor_20000 on node01 'not running' (7): call=36, status=complete, exitreason='none', last-rc-change='Tue Mar 29 15:32:48 2016', queued=0ms, exec=0ms root@node01:~# killall -9 nginx root@node01:~# crm status bynode failcounts noheaders Node node01: online fence_node02 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started Node node02: online fence_node01 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started IP-nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started Migration Summary: * Node node02: * Node node01: Nginx-rsc: migration-threshold=2 fail-count=2 last-failure='Tue Mar 29 15:49:13 2016' Failed Actions: * Nginx-monitor_20000 on node01 'not running' (7): call=57, status=complete, exitreason='none', last-rc-change='Tue Mar 29 15:49:13 2016', queued=0ms, exec=0ms
Note that because of the colocation rule the IP-nginx resource was migrated as well, although we only made the Nginx-rsc fail.
And once again we want to undo the damage we have done:
root@node01:~# crm crm(live)# resource crm(live)resource# failcount Nginx-rsc show node01 scope=status name=fail-count-Nginx-rsc value=2 crm(live)resource# cleanup Nginx-rsc Cleaning up Nginx-rsc on node01, removing fail-count-Nginx-rsc Cleaning up Nginx-rsc on node02, removing fail-count-Nginx-rsc Waiting for 2 replies from the CRMd.. OK crm(live)resource# failcount Nginx-rsc show node01 scope=status name=fail-count-Nginx-rsc value=0
As you can see calling crm resource cleanup Nginx-rsc resets the failcount.
Simulate node failure
Here we'll simulate a power-cut.
root@node01:~# crm status noheaders Online: [ node01 node02 ] IP-rsc_nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started node02 Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started node02 fence_node01 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started node02 fence_node02 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started node01
The resources are running on node02, so this is the node we'll poweroff.
Since I'm working in a virtual environment, I'll destroy the machine from the VM host:
root@vmhost:~# virsh destroy node02
Resource status transitions:
root@node01:~# crm status noheaders inactive bynode Node node01: online fence_node02 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started Node node02: UNCLEAN (offline) fence_node01 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started IP-nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started Inactive resources: root@node01:~# crm status noheaders inactive bynode Node node01: online fence_node02 (stonith:fence_virsh): Started IP-nginx (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started Nginx-rsc (ocf::heartbeat:nginx): Started Node node02: OFFLINE Inactive resources: fence_node01 (stonith:fence_virsh): Stopped
For a moment the second node was in an unknown state, presumably because the Stonith still had to be triggered. After the node was definitely offline the first node started up the Nginx server and the IP.
If you start (e.g. virsh start node02) the second machine again the status will be listed as pending until you start pacemaker:
root@node02:~# service pacemaker start
When we put a node in standby mode, this node won't be taken into consideration for holding resources, so if the node was running any they will be automatically moved to the other node.
This can be very useful to do maintenance stuff on this node, like a software-upgrade, configuration changes, etc.
crm(live)# node standby node02 crm(live)# node show node02(1084783306): normal standby=off node01(1084783305): normal standby=on
and go back online via
crm(live)# node online node02
Please note, that standby can take an additional lifetime parameter. This can be either reboot – meaning that the node will revert to online after the next reboot – or forever. The parameter defaults to forever, thus we have to manually get the node back online.
Or if you need to shut down just the nginx server for maintenance without triggering an error:
crm(live)# resource unmanage Nginx-rsc
and to monitor it again:
crm(live)# resource manage Nginx-rsc
Testing Stonith
We've tested the cluster. Now it's time to see if our fencing will run as expected.
It's assumed that both nodes are running together again. We need to choose one of them, and kill the corosync process:
root@node02:~# killall -9 corosync
As we can see from the logs (and via virsh list on the VM-host) our machine should have been shut down.
# journalctl -x ... notice: Peer node02 was terminated (reboot) by node01 for node01: OK ... warning: Node node02 will be fenced because the node is no longer part of the cluster ...
And once you restart the VM and pacemaker it should be listed as online once again.
If you ever run into any trouble you can run the following command to check your cluster for errors:
crm_verify -LV crm_verify -LVV...
Add more Vs to increase the output verbosity.
Quorum/Cluster connectivity
Sometimes you start your corosync/pacemaker stack, but each node will report that it is the only one in the cluster. If this happens, first make sure that the hosts are reachable on the network:
root@node01# ping ... root@node02# ping ...
If this is working, try setting crypto_cipher and crypto_hash to none for the time being (make sure to edit corosync.conf for both nodes). After making the changes reload corosync:
# service pacemaker stop # nano /etc/corosync/corosync.conf ... edit file ... # service corosync restart # service pacemaker start
Next take a look at the transport mode you're using. After you started corosync it should have logged this to the systemd journaling:
root@node01:~# journalctl -x | grep 'Initializing transport' Apr 18 13:27:30 node01 corosync[451]: [TOTEM ] Initializing transport (UDP/IP Multicast).
Refer to the chapter Editing corosync.conf on how to switch this to UDP Unicast.
Resource configuration
Some helpful resource commands:
crm resource failcount <resource> show <node> – Show failcounts of a resource.
crm resource cleanup <resource> [<node>] – Clean the resource status, e.g. resets failcounts.
crm resource constraints <resource> – Check the constraints on any given resource.