This page provides information on the SOAP interface to the BTS
This documentation will likely always be slightly behind the extant documentation in the Debbugs::SOAP module. However, feel free to update it when they begin to differ.
Please help to keep this documentation up to date!
URL and Namespace,WSDL is the official SOAP interface for Debian's BTS. is the development version.
The namespace is Debbugs/SOAP
The WSDL for Debbugs (Debbugs.wsdl) is available from here.
Available methods for
- get_status(bugnumber [, bugnumber]*)
- returns the status of the given bugs (see attributes list bellow)
- get_bugs(key, value[, key, value]*)
- returns bugs that match the conditions given by key-value pair. Possible keys: package, submitter, maint, src, severity, status (which can be 'done', 'forwarded', 'open'), tag, owner, bugs, affects, archive (which can be 'both', or a Boolean value).
- get_usertag(email [, tag]*)
- returns bugs tagged by the email. All of them, or only those tagged with the selected tags, if tags are explicitly given.
- get_bug_log(bugnumber)
- returns the whole bug log, divided in headers and bodies.
- newest_bugs(amount)
- returns a list of the newest bugs.
- get_versions(package, dist, arch)
- Returns a list of the versions of package in the distributions and architectures listed. This routine only returns unique values.
get_status attributes returned
Bug attributes returned by get_status are :
Attribute |
Type |
Meaning |
bug_num |
Integer |
The bugnumber |
severity |
String |
Severity of the bugreport |
tags |
List of Strings |
Tags of the bugreport |
subject |
String |
Subject/Title of the bugreport |
originator |
String |
Submitter of the bugreport |
mergedwith |
List of Integers [*] |
The bugs this bug was merged with |
package |
String |
Package of the Bugreport |
source |
String |
Source package of the Bugreport |
date |
Date of bug creation |
log_modified |
Date of last update |
done |
String |
Maintainer who closed the bug, or empty string if it's not closed |
archived |
Boolean |
The bug is archived or not |
unarchived |
Boolean |
Has the bug been unarchived and can be archived again |
fixed_versions |
List of Strings |
Version Numbers, can be empty even if the bug is fixed |
found_versions |
List of Strings |
Version Numbers |
forwarded |
String |
some URL, sometimes an email address |
blocks |
List of Integers [*] |
Bugreports this bug blocks |
blockedby |
List of Integers [*] |
Bugreports this bug is blocked by |
pending |
String |
Either 'pending' or 'done' |
msgid |
String |
Message ID of the bugreport |
owner |
String |
default: empty, otherwise: who is responsible for fixing |
location |
String |
Always 'db-h' or 'archive' |
affects |
List of Strings |
Packagenames, see 'affects'-field in control-BTS manual |
summary |
String |
Arbitrary text |
Don't use the ones below |
keywords |
List of Strings |
Copy of 'tags' |
fixed_date |
empty for now |
found_date |
empty for now |
id |
Integer |
Will vanish in future versions, use bug_num |
found |
Dict |
Not fully implemented in debbugs, use found_versions for now |
fixed |
Dict |
Not fully implemented in debbugs, use fixed_versions for now |
[*]: The List of Integers as returned e.g. with mergedwith is not an array or arrayref or the like but a simple string. If more than one bug number is returned, they are simply delimited with space. Examples: '' (empty field), '640045' (one bug number), '499948 499949 499955 499958 499959 499961 499962' (multiple bug numbers)
Available methods for
Currently the same as the one in
use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use SOAP::Lite; my $soap = SOAP::Lite->uri('Debbugs/SOAP')->proxy(''); print Dumper($soap->get_bugs(package=>'debbugs')->result()); print Dumper($soap->get_status(400000)->result()); print Dumper($soap->get_status(400000)->result()); # et al.
# get all the bugs tagged with a certain usertag for a package use SOAP::Lite; use Data::Dumper; my $c = new SOAP::Lite->uri('/Debbugs/SOAP')->proxy(''); my $usertags = $c->get_usertag('')->result(); my $bugs = $c->get_bugs(usertags=>$usertags,tag=>'qa-ftbfs-20070708',package=>'tilp')->result(); print Dumper($bugs);
# get all bugs for a given usertag and then select the bug for a # certain package. Same as above probably a bit faster at times. # $inf will contain all information about the bug such as # subject, tags, severity ... use SOAP::Lite; use Data::Dumper; my $c = new SOAP::Lite->uri('/Debbugs/SOAP')->proxy(''); my $bugs = $c->get_usertag('','qa-ftbfs-20070708')->result; my $bug = $c->get_bugs('bugs', $bugs->{'qa-ftbfs-20070708'}, 'package', 'tilp')->result; my $inf = $c->get_status($bug)->result; print Dumper($inf);
The following example was provided by DavidMorenoGarza:
# [...] snip [...] my $soap = SOAP::Lite->uri('Debbugs/SOAP')->proxy(''); my $latest_bug = $soap->newest_bugs(1)->result(); print "Latest bug: $latest_bug->[0]\n"; if($cache > $latest_bug->[0]) { print "No news.\n"; $_[KERNEL]->delay(soap_check => $delay); return; } my $rc_bugs = $soap->get_bugs( bugs => [$cache..$latest_bug->[0]], severity => [qw(serious grave critical)] )->result(); foreach my $bug(sort @$rc_bugs) { my $text = "#$bug: "; my $info = $soap->get_status($bug)->result->{$bug}; $text .= $info->{subject}; $text .= " - package: $info->{package}"; $text .= " - severity: $info->{severity}"; $text .= " - tags: $info->{tags}" if $info->{tags}; $text .= " - date: ".scalar(gmtime($info->{date})); $text .= " - submitter: $info->{originator}"; $text .= " -$bug"; $irc->yield(notice => $channel, $text); }
1 #!/usr/bin/python3
3 import debianbts
5 if __name__ == "__main__":
6 # Demonstration
8 # All bugs from one package (returns a list of bugnumbers)
9 print(debianbts.get_bugs(package="gtk-qt-engine"))
11 # All bugs of a maintainer
12 print(debianbts.get_bugs(maint=""))
14 # returns the status of those bugs
15 print(debianbts.get_status([409909, 419920, 421581, 417044, 397993]))
17 # get_status and get_bugs combined:
18 print(debianbts.get_status(debianbts.get_bugs(package="gtk-qt-engine")))
20 # returns the full log for the given bug number
21 print(debianbts.get_bug_log(202526))
23 # retrieves the newest 20 bugs
24 print(debianbts.newest_bugs(20))
26 # returns bugs tagged by the given email
27 print(debianbts.get_usertag(""))
29 # returns bugs tagged by the given email, with the given tag
30 print(debianbts.get_usertag("", ["qa-ftbfs-20070708"]))
require 'soap/rpc/driver' host = "" port = 80 server="http://#{host}:#{port}/cgi-bin/soap.cgi" ns = 'Debbugs/SOAP/' drv =, ns) drv.wiredump_dev = STDOUT if $DEBUG drv.add_method('get_status','bugnumber') drv.add_method('get_bugs','keyparam') p drv.get_status(drv.get_bugs(['package', 'pbuilder', 'severity', 'wishlist']))
Here is an example which use 'savon'.
require "savon" wsdl_url = "" client = Savon.client(wsdl: wsdl_url, endpoint: "", namespace: "Debbugs/SOAP") response = do message(query: ['package', 'pbuilder', 'severity', 'wishlist']) end bug_numbers = response.body[:get_bugs_response][:array][:item] bug_numbers.each do |bugnumber| p bugnumber end
<?php $bugnumber=702669; $client = new SoapClient(NULL, array('location' => "", 'uri' => "Debbugs/SOAP", 'proxy_host' => "")); $response = $client->__soapCall("get_status", array('bug'=>$bugnumber)); $obj = $response[$bugnumber]; ?> <table border=1> <tr> <td>Originator </td> <td><?php echo $obj->originator?></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Found in</td> <td><?php echo implode(" ",$obj->found_versions); ?></td> </tr> </table>
Use var_dump to get the full list of variables available:
To get details of all bugs with a specific usertag (in this case, crossbuilt):
<?php $tag = 'crossbuilt'; $email=''; $client = new SoapClient(NULL, array('location' => "", 'uri' => "Debbugs/SOAP", 'proxy_host' => "")); $response = $client->__soapCall("get_usertag", array('email'=>$email,'tag'=>$tag)); $obj_list = ($response->$tag); while ($obj_list) { $bugnumber = array_pop($obj_list); try { $bugresponse = $client->__soapCall("get_status", array('bug'=>$bugnumber)); } catch (Exception $e) { print "Unable to get status for bug #"; print "<a href=\"$bugnumber\">$bugnumber</a><br/>\n"; continue; } $bugobj = $bugresponse[$bugnumber]; echo "<pre>"; echo "Number: $bugnumber\n"; echo "Subject: $bugobj->subject\n"; echo "Package: $bugobj->package\n"; echo "Originator: $bugobj->originator\n"; $bugdate = date("c", $bugobj->date); echo "Date: $bugdate\n"; $modified = date("c", $bugobj->log_modified); echo "Modified: $modified\n"; if ($bugobj->done) { echo "Done: $bugobj->done\n"; } if ($bugobj->fixed) { echo "Done: $bugobj->fixed\n"; } $found = implode(" ",$bugobj->found_versions); echo "Found in: $found\n"; if ($bugobj->fixed_versions) { $fixed_ver = implode (" ", $bugobj->fixed_versions); echo "Fixed in: $fixed_ver\n"; } if ($bugobj->mergedwith) { $merged = implode (" ", $bugobj->mergedwith); echo "Merged with: $merged\n"; } echo "</pre>"; } ?>
To pass more than one parameter you have to use an array without keys. Example:
<?php $client = new SoapClient(NULL, array('location' => "", 'uri' => "Debbugs/SOAP", 'proxy_host' => "")); $response = $client->__soapCall("get_versions", array('package','iceweasel','dist','stable','arch','amd64')); var_dump($response); $response = $client->__soapCall("get_versions", array('package','iceweasel','dist','unstable','arch','amd64')); var_dump($response); ?>
In the case of passing more than one parameter to get_status you have to wrap this array inside other. Example:
<?php $bugnumber=702669; $client = new SoapClient(NULL, array('location' => "", 'uri' => "Debbugs/SOAP", 'proxy_host' => "")); $response = $client->__soapCall("get_status", array(array('bug',$bugnumber,'dist','stable'))); $obj = $response[$bugnumber]; var_dump($obj); ?>