<<< DebConf6
DebConf6 Planning
On this page the overall planning-schedule for DebConf6 is described. In the beginning this planning is likely to be in a state of flux, until certain deals are made and the general picture becomes more clear. At that moment all major items on the planning should have a date or deadline defined for them.
8 weeks before
- Call for keys for KSP
4 weeks before
- Due date for full papers or tutorial materials
- Close talk-registration
2 weeks before
- Close registration. Registration is still possible after this time, but they are marked as late-registrant and might not get the full amount of benefits.
1 week before
- Close vote on talks
- Create and publish talk/bof schedule
- Due date for keys for KSP
- Create and publish KSP list and keyring
1st week (DebCamp)
- Setup network
- Setup video-equipment
- Daily team meetings
- Daily organisors meetings
2nd week (DebConf)
- Debian Day
Opening DebConf speech
- Formal Diner
- Day-trip
- Lightning talks session
- Key-signing party
- Hot and spicy dancing (+ lessons??)
- Daily team meetings
- Daily organisors meetings
- Daily DVD realeases (previous day's talks)