DebConf 25 Bid for Brest, France

See Check list

Dates depend on accommodation availability. Surely during students holidays (July, August)

Why Brest and the IMT Atlantique venue

The IMT Atlantique campus provides all the facilities in a single place, next to the Brest road-stead. For those who love a morning bath before start hacking, there is a beach at 5 mins walking distance.

Local team

The venue

IMT Atlantique - Brest Campus

Precise details about the conference rooms to be determined. The school has several conference and class rooms, and it is very well equipped regarding this.


The Maisel (House of students) provides the main accommodation facility for IMT Atlantique students. For 2024, they said they could provide ~100 rooms, but we are trying to have more. This was quoted for 2024:

ARPEJ du Technopôle is another student room facility, 500 mts from the main venue. There could be some rooms available there, but the exact number will be known in May). We would need to provide bed sheets and other basic equipment (to be rented).


Student restaurant: Should be able to provide the three main meals, plus a coffee break. They propose a daily alternative vegetarian menu. No information about menus that take into account allergies or intolerances => Usually this could be leveraged by special high level discussion between CROUS and University.

Costs: Lunch and Dinner: 11.46€. Breakfast should be around 3€

IP Networking

* The school has a very good internet connection. Should be "easy", both in the venue as in the rooms. To be fully confirmed. * Schools relies on RENATER as ISP:,


The main venue, the main accommodation site, and the restaurant are very well equipped in terms of accessibility for people with reduced mobility. Per special agreement could have special support by regional council/state for instance

Day trip

There are **multiple** options.

It is to note a that Brest 2024, that takes places every four years, would happen some time after the proposed dates.

Conference dinner

To be studied. Maybe get the Capucin Hall

Visa Policy

Same for all Europe. "visa d'affaire" could be allowed by prefecture after some administrative process on the conference side.

Cheese & Wine party

Is France. Something more to say? ;-) Other than that, some local breweries could help to have a Cheese&Beer&Wine party.

Getting in

There is public transportation from both the airport and the train station:
