DebConf23 Core Team meeting
- Date: 2022-12-21 Location: Jitsi Meet on 8x8
Present: abhijith, srud, praveen, kannan, bady, hacksk, anupaaanjoseph, sahilister
Venue visit
- Set deadline for closing contract from Four Points.
- At least all core members should do one venue visit before that, to make sure they are informed on venue.
- Communicate with Terceiro or Tumbleweed about the procedure for SPI to sign the contract.
- Get final go from DCC.
- Follow up with info park about further procedure and get a contact point.
Cheese and wine
- Due to legal issue for serving imported alcoholic beverages, we state clearly on the website that it will be Cheese and local(ly available) Wine party instead of traditional cheese and wine party.
- Event location is not finalized, mostly it will be Four Points.
Conference dinner venue
- Grand Hyatt Bolgatty:
- pros: big/huge check quote, beer and wine license. +91 484 266 1234
- Bolgatty palace:
- pros: they have beer and wine license. ambiance. we can set caterer. cons: outdoor dinner, tent will be needed, bathroom status need to be confirmed.
- chakolas: cons: beer and wine license need to be arranged.
Networking team
- Abhijith communicated with a possible networking tools provider. Considering the possibilities of sponsorship/rending.
Sponsorship team
- Need to follow up with FOSSunited.
Swag team
- Better to get quotes for different counts for each item (200, 300, 350 etc) to get the best prices. Haggling for the best.
Visa team
- It looks like Kosovo participants may not be able to apply for Indian visa.
- A visa helper document will be added in wiki.
Website team
- Need to get website layout from previous Debconfs and share the required content from other teams in next team meeting.
- Website data updation strategy must be decided by the team before next meeting.
Design team
- updates?
Budget team
- Need to find a treasurer who has debconf experience. Checking with tumbleweed.
- Local accounting will be handled by Abhijith.
Team meetings
- Weekly team meetings will be conducted.
- Main focus of each meeting will be one team at a time. The concerned team will share their expectations and updates with the rest of the team.
- Next team meeting will be with Website team on 28th(?).
- Agenda has to be set by the respective teams beforehand.