Differences between revisions 3 and 4
Revision 3 as of 2018-08-04 08:18:09
Size: 3201
Editor: Delib
Revision 4 as of 2018-11-29 00:26:22
Size: 3231
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: link to the plan
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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When we meet for DebConf20 in India ... When we meet for [[DebConf/20/Bids/India/Plans|DebConf]] in India ...

DebConf 2020 bid for India

Introducing DebConf20 in India

When we meet for DebConf in India ...

In this wiki, we use INR:USD = (todo: add exchange rate) exchange rate for any price in INR.

<gallery>TODO: add images </gallery>

Why India

Diverse Open Source Communities

There are many free and open source communities in India. This is a good chance to introduce them to the global community of Debian.

Some of the free and open source communities in India are listed below:

List down the Free software user groups in India.

Regular, Local, and Large Open Source Conference Experience

TODO: list the local or large FOSS conferences in India

Visas, Customs and Entering the Country

TODO: Add Visa/Customs information here.

Policy for Carry-on Articles

Add information about carry on articles.

Airline Transportation Information

TODO: Add information about airports relevant to the probable cities/regions in India

Local Team

Please add yourself in alphabet order if you are/(want to be) part of the team!

{| class="wikitable" |- ! scope="col"|Name/nick ! scope="col"|Location (town) ! scope="col"|Debian affiliation ! scope="col"|DebConf experience ! scope="col"|Other experience/affiliation |-

Contact Details

* IRC Channel: #debian-in on OFTC

* IRC Contact: libregeekingkid on oftc

Venue: List of probable venues

TODO: Find out about probable venues, list down venues which are interested in hosting DebConf.






Public Transit








Venue Information

* Accommodation

* Food









<br style="clear: right;" />

Backup Venues

Estimated budget

We estimate there will be 150 participates in DebCamp, and 350 participates in DebConf.

Venues and dormitory

Foods and catering

Considering if are relying on catering service (which may provide gluten-free and vegan foods):


* TODO: List more candidates.

Prospective local sponsors & support

Local Companies





Institutional / Government



TODO: list down the specifications about the power plugs and the Usual power related policies India

Potential dates

Tours and Sightseeings

TODO: Depending on the cities we can add information here.

Mobile Internet

TODO: Add information about usual mobile cellular data and calling related plans for Indians and foreigners who choose to buy a SIM card during there stay in India


Dietary Considerations

* Vegan

* Vegetarian

* Religious requirements

* Lactose intolerance

* Gluten-sensitivity

* Raw food

* allergies

* spice tolerance

Local Food

TODO: add pictures of foods according to probable cities/venues


See Also

?Category:DebConf18 bids