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Revision 3 as of 2018-11-28 16:26:45
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Editor: ?Amoghavarsha H
Revision 4 as of 2018-11-29 00:25:22
Size: 1638
Editor: PaulWise
Comment: incorrectly named
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## page was renamed from DebConf20

As an effort to conduct DebConf in India, initially, we have come up with some plans that how the DebConf would go in India. Some of the key points are as follows.

1. The conference would be of fifteen days in total (including the camp).

2. Roughly 7-8 days are dedicated to DebCamp.

* Noisy hacklab would be facilitated, where around 200 people could be accomodated, and it'd be open 24 hours.

* Silent hacklab would also be facilitated, where around 50 people could be comfortably accomodated and it'd be open 24 hours.

3. Open day (taking attendees on tours)

* Industrial tours would be conducted for 1 - 2 days.

* There is also an option to choose for non-industrial tours including scenic beauty of Indian diaspora.

4. Finally DebConf would be conducted for 4-5 days.

* Around 1200-1500 people would be accomodated in the venue.

* The conference would be a 24 hours gig, it'd be having both day and night sessions.

This is a brief plan to organize DebConf in India.

The points that we should focus on are as follows.

1. To choose a suitable city which would suffice all the requirements for the conference.

2. Getting contacts of locals in the citites where the conference is expected to happen.

3. Looping in FOSS communities at the nearby places where the conference is held.

4. Working on crucial areas like food and accommodation of attendees.

5. Finding venues, which have hotels or rooms nearby where the attendees are accomodated.

Some places which we have in mind are Hydrabad, Bengaluru, Dharmashala, Sikkim and Pune.