Team outline
A list of the teams and people involved in them can be found ?here.
Current status
May 2017 (-14)
- Getting involved with teams for DC18.
- Call for conference logo.
- Prepare conference website.
June 2018 (-13)
- Finalize the logo
- Work on the sponsors' brochure.
July 2018 (-12)
Attend |DebConf19 and volunteer on-site.
Present a session about |DebConf19 and what attendees can expect.
Set up a booth for |DebConf19 stickers and buttons.
- minimal dc19 website
August 2018 (-11)
Attend DebConf18 and volunteer on-site. [Local Team]
Present a session about DebConf19 and what attendees can expect. [Local Team]
Set up a booth for DebConf19 stickers and buttons. [Local Team]
September 2018 (-10)
Deadline for Brochure & Flyer is 2017-09-28.
- Contact potential sponsors.
- Ask teams what are their needs to get a better budget
- Put a static site online in place of Wafer
October 2018 (-9)
- Send reminder for DCX+1 bids
November 2018 (-8)
- Commit sponsors
December 2018 (-7)
- Start the work on wafer
- Work on press strategy
January 2019 (-6)
- Call for bursaries team
- Get budget approved
- DCX+1 decision
- Form visa team and gather information about visa: both for attendees (requirements, paper requirements) and local orga (invitation letter requirements)
- Investigate suppliers for t-shirts, lanyards, bags, other swag
- Collect concrete catering offers
- Have a working wafer registration-wise
- Formalize fundraising SOP
Future plan
February 2019 (-5)
- Get money starting to roll in
- Call for talk proposals (CFP)
- Reminder on the registration dates + initial announcement of some content
- Deadline for attendees to request sponsorship (send a reminder a week before)
- Start to talk with hotel
- Create a basic page of how to reach host city for people planning their trips
- Decide swag design and preferred manufacturer(s)
- Choose catering company
- Start investigating concrete childcare options
March 2019 (-4)
- Opening registration
- Bursaries responds to attendees that requested sponsoring saying yes or no
- Get a deal with hotel
- Figure out childcare offers and coordinate with any parent attendees
* Children under 7 cannot attend TSMCMoI part of ?DebConf18/DayTrip#Industry Tour A
- Registration officially opens
April 2019 (-3)
- Announce bare-bones schedule: times of talks at least, perhaps some highlighted speakers if possible.
- Follow-up with catering
- Publish a preliminary conference schedule
- Follow-up with Croix-Rouge for camp beds
- Finalize banners / signs / large format prints
May 2019 (-2)
- Start working on a "Welcome to DC18" email template with all the info in as few pages as possible (personalized to include personal info including dates, amount that needs to get paid, etc)
- Official registration closes
- Follow-up with hotel
- Start working on visas
Order DebConf swag
?../DayTrip/A registration closes 5/31.
June 2019 (-1)
- Finalize numbers for lodging, in Hotel + at dorm
- Complete the "getting to" page with pictures and step-by-step on how to reach the venue and lodging
- Order banners / signs / large format prints
- Check that the key signing document is sent out
July 2019 (+0)
- Get the beds delivered
- Send out the personalized "Welcome to DC18" file (attendee brochure)
- Print badges
- DCX+2 bid information sent to allow people to prepare
- Make a "Welcome" post to the site on the first day.
- Debcamp
- Debian Open Weekend
- !Debconf
August 2018 (+1)
- !Debconf
- Day Trips
- Make a thanks and wrapup post to the site on the last day
- Teardown
- Closing accounting
- Thank you letters (fundraising)
Handle lost & found
- Reimburse people that have not collected their sponsorship on-site (possibly via SPI)
September 2018 (+2)
- Final Report