Sprint en
Sprint en
- Participants present
- Could not come
- Hotel
- Agreement with UTFPR
- Food
- Infra - Furniture
- Infra - Network
- Infra - Sound/Video
- Infra - Rooms
- Content - Open Day
- Visa / Travel
- Child Care
- Day Trip
- Conference Dinner
- Cheese and Wine
- Festa Junina (traditional Saint John June festival)
- Other Activities
- Closing Barbecue
- Misc
- Budget
- Photos
- Date: October 23-27, 2018
- Location: UTFPR - Curitiba
Participants present
- Adriana da Costa (Curitiba)
- Antonio Terceiro (Curitiba)
- Cleber Ianes (Curitiba)
- Daniel Lenharo (Curitiba)
- Giovani Ferreira (Poço Fundo)
- João Eriberto Filho (Brasília)
- Jozzi Jordão (São Paulo)
- Lucas Kanashiro (Brasilia)
- Paulo Santana (Curitiba)
- Rodrigo Siqueira (São Paulo)
- Samuel Henrique (Curitiba)
Could not come
- Arthur Del Esposte
- foz
- Helen Koike
- Valéssio Brito
- Contract signed and delivered.
- We visited the rooms and rooms (where Giovani, Kanashiro and Eriberto stayed)
Agreement with UTFPR
- Terceiro started the completion of the work plan of the agreement with UTFPR (i.e. the formalization of the relationship with the university)
- Hotel - Agreed with Hotel that breakfast will be completed with options for vegans provided by another company.
- Lunch and dinner on the 14th, and dinner on the 28th will be at the hotel.
- University Restaurant - Awaiting meeting with the managing company. We have defined until November 10 the limit for the first meeting. After that we will look for plan B. We checked at the place where the meals will be and we confirmed that it is quite adequate.
- Order coffee in the kitchen.
- We will have simple snacks during coffee breaks.
Infra - Furniture
- We need coffee makers and set up places to drop them off at UTFPR and Hotel.
- Tables for front desk.
Infra - Network
UTFPR link is 2gbps from RNP, with very low usage even on school days (https://www.rnp.br/en/services/connectivity/traffic)
- Third-party fiber links - Daniel will check prices.
- A link to the hotel.
- Maybe a extra link to UTFPR.
- Prediction of 7 computers, being:
- 1 x HTB in the hotel.
- 1 x HTB in UTFPR.
- 2 x apt cache at the hotel.
- 2 x apt cache in UTFPR
- 1 x reserve (failover/backup)
- Wifi network use Intelbras R1200 Action routers - Paulo will try sponsorship.
- View values of Ubiquiti AP AC Pro routers.
- Buy network cables, connectors and tools.
Infra - Sound/Video
- Rent wireless microphones.
- Buy wires.
- Create a list of technology and electronics stores around UTFPR - Rua 24 de Maio
Infra - Rooms
- Auditorium (409 places)
- Mini-auditorium (100 seats)
- Video conference (40 seats)
- Room A202 - Paulo to check capacity
- Room A203 - Paulo to check capacity
- Rooms A101 to A103 for the noisy hacklab or surround a part of the courtyard in front of the toilets (Paul will measure).
- Room A104 silent hacklab
- Organization room will be the room under the stage
- Front Desk will be in the glass room
- Set a room for the kids
- Set a room for the video team
- Gym for games, football, basketball, etc. - Samuel to check procedure for use
Content - Open Day
- Listed some potential guests from other communities, giving preference to women.
- We will make public call for the talks.
- Request budget to bring some speakers.
Visa / Travel
- Visa letter for the event - See if the ICTL (priority) or UTFPR can provide
- Make a public list with types of visa for each country
- Make public the food and drinks policy - Anvisa Sanitary Surveillance Vaccines
- Make public importation criteria (limits and values)
- Create listing with numbers of English speaking taxi drivers
- Document 4G chip purchase process by foreigners
- Make public a clarification note for LGBTQI+ members
- Document route Airport / DC19 executive bus and list alternatives
- Umbrellas can be purchased at the shopping mall next door to the venue (and hotel) easily
Child Care
- The space will be mounted only in UTFPR
APUFPR has contact of caretakers and recommended http://www.muvesportelazer.com.br. We are requesting prices
- Josy Jordan said she can help with the activities and that the average daily price of a caretakers is R$ 150.00
- We should consider purchasing recreational materials and toys for the space, in case contracted developers do not provide
- Information from DC18: the contract was from Open Day and was not needed on Day Trip because the parents took the children
Day Trip
- We will make a snack kit (like in DC17)
- Check sponsorships for lunch. Paulo to see Curta Curitiba - secretary of tourism
- Some tours confirmed:
- Bicycle - Samuel
- Cultural center of Curitiba - Paulo
- Parks - Terceiro
- To be confirmed
- The
- Tour Curitidoce
- Train to Morretes
- Tour through the parks using the tour bus
- There are small chances of rain: check forecast when close to the day and have a plan B
- Milestone for better definition of tours: 60 days before the date
Conference Dinner
- Find a place for at least 300 people, considering as a dinner with music. Adriana will check prices.
- Preferably in Santa Felicidade bcause of the size of the restaurants.
- Check transport to the location.
Cheese and Wine
- We are looking for a location. Possible location is in the UFPR building in front of the Station. Paulo will check.
- Possibility to do it in the Polytechnic Center (UFPR), but will need transport.
Festa Junina (traditional Saint John June festival)
- It will be on opening day - 21 (Sunday).
- Will have drinks and typical foods, traditional dances and music.
- Presentation of a capoeira game.
- Adriana will solve everything.
Other Activities
- Challenge: Soccer game Brazil vs Europa (challenge of zlatan and piotr) (everyone can play).
Closing Barbecue
- Probably at the APUFPR - Paulo will request
Portuguese classes for foreigners. Paulo and Samuel talked to the UTFPR language center and they thought it was a good idea. Started the conversation with Jacqueline <jlindstron@gmail.com>
- We will have the caipirinha workshop - by Samuel.
- Look for UTFPR driver to help.
- IRC channel to notify content changes (each change a message, everyone can send messages) - in Taiwan we had to change a room on time, we did not notice notice in the original room because we did not know where the new room would be (we walked until finding a free one)
- We defined that we will make the next meeting during the Campus Party Brazil from February 15 to 17, 2019.
- TV monitors to display the programming in some places.
- Plastic bracket to put the programming in the room door.
- We will use storm in the construction processes and then move to wiki when it is defined.
- Rent heaters for the rooms if needed.
The person in charge of the videoconference room said in person that the room is not lent for normal lectures. But as we will have streaming and will be during the holidays, it will be easier to achieve the release. The contact is Júlio <videoconf-ct@utfpr.edu.br>
- We did a partial lifting of the items to predict costs.