My name is Daniel Galleguillos, I work as a Safety guy in a copper mine. I like the Pictures and the Design
In 2005 I’d started to collaborate with GNOME Art creating Wallpapers and GDM. All this time I was mailed from GNOME Artist and Told me about the GNOME Colors (Tango Desktop Project) and the fundamental Open Source Softwares for design.
Into 2005 We held the first Seminar for migration to Linux in Calama (Calix: Calama + Linux) and my talk was about Open Source Graphics Tools. (GIMP, Inkscape and Blender 3D)
In 2007 I met the GNOME Chile into a Encuentro Linux and I talked about what I was doing and Obviously I was welcome to this great group of community, from 2007 still now I'm a GNOME Chile Designer and I created all the Banners and Stickers for our talks.
In 2008 I won the GNOME Wallpaper Contest Release 2.24.
In 2009 I won Ubuntu Free Culture Showcase. Build To Heaven (Photo/Graphics)
In 2009 I'm activated still now to create Hackergotchi or any logo.
I was Into the GNOME Marketing Team and I designed the GNOME Annual Report 2009 with Paul Cutler, Stormy Peters and all the GNOME Team, The Annual Report was created with Inkscape and GIMP.
In 2010 The GNOME Marketing I created a GNOME T-Shirt for GNOME Store.
In 2016 I created a GPSAmi Logo, a GUI app to read data from GPS devices, created with Hubert Figuière.
I have been working in a Design with Inkscape for the Annual GNOME Bugzilla Statistics for 2018 - Andre Klapper for his support of this design.
2019-20 I created and Published GNOME Stickers and Wallpapers for COVID-19 this creation was for GNOME Chile but applied to the GNOME community.
2020 I submitted my wallpapers for Debian Release Bullseye.
As a safety guy I create all the safety procedures under Blender 3D for capacitation, I was in the Chilean Tesis Final with my Safety 3D Capacitation under Open Source Tools. - 2009
My Design Tools: Blender 3D, Inkscape and GIMP.
Desktop: GNOME |