DDTP is the Debian Description Translation Project
What is it?
The DDTP allows translators to translate all Debian package descriptions. With this you should get translated package descriptions in your language.
This page contains information mostly aimed to those who want to contribute to maintaining/manage the DDTP system itself. For more detailed information related to the translation work itself, see the Debian website pages on DDTP and DDTSS, the web interface for the translation work
What is the future?
The future of DDTP is being prepared on the Salsa issue list. Do not hesitate to add your ideas to the list!
For previous plans that have not all succeeded, see DDTP/Future, I18n/DDTP2 and DDTP/Migration.
What is the present?
On https://ddtp.debian.org/ is a read-only web interface to the database. If you upload a new translation you can check there.
If you like to translate a Debian description send a mail to the ddts with the subject 'GET de 2' to pdesc@ddtp.debian.org (replace 'de' with your requested language code). After this you get a mail with a attachment of two untranslated package descriptions. Translate this file and send it back as attachment.
How to use the translation?
The translations will be used by default on Debian package management software.
- review-system
- move ddtss to i18n, use direct the db
- po-file export/import support
- cleanup the lang codes
- don't auto add new lang codes
- improve generate lang codes (use munin, rdd, ...?)
- make a list with diff-descriptions (old translated descriptions, with new untranslated descriptions) per lang
- add auto translations:
some phrases (like Homepage: <.*>)
- some autogenerated packages (all packages from kernel-package)
- add comments-support to ddtp
- ignore PGP signature
TODO-List done
- linke the parts to the descriptions
- done
- Translation-Files should be generate ordered
- done
- done
- use Task (+1) and Tag (role::program +1; role::devel-lib -2; role::metapackage +1; role::shared-lib -1; role::data -1; role::source -2;
- done
Database structure 20110730
----------- DDT Tables ----------- # Store the english Description Packages2db.pl -> description_tb -> completeTranslations.pl -> db2Translation.pl -> file2Translation.pl -> Packages2db.pl -> Translation2db.pl -> DDT (ddt.cgi, db2web.pl, stat.pl) -> DDTP (db2status_page.cgi) -> db2po.pl (unused) -> db2file.pl (unused) # cross list of descriptions_id and part_md5 Packages2db.pl -> part_description_tb -> DDT (ddt.cgi) # store distri and start- and end-date· Packages2db.pl -> description_tag_tb -> db2Translation.pl -> Packages2db.pl -> DDT (ddt.cgi, db2web.pl, ddts-stats) -> db2po.pl (unused) # store package name and version with the description Packages2db.pl -> package_version_tb -> Packages2db.pl -> file2Translation.pl -> DDT (ddt.cgi) # store the description_id from sid Packages2db.pl -> active_tb -> completeTranslations.pl -> DTT (stat.pl) # a temp table (only for update-process) Packages2packages_tb.pl -> packages_tb -> packages_tb2Packages.pl ----------- DDTP Tables ----------- # store the translation completeTranslations.pl -> translation_tb -> completeTranslations.pl -> file2Translation.pl -> DDT (ddt.cgi, stat.pl, ddts-stats) -> DDTP (db2status_page.cgi) -> db2file.pl (unused) # store translated parts of description· Translation2db.pl -> part_tb -> completeTranslations.pl -> DDT (ddt.cgi) owner_tb -> DDT (ddt.cgi) -----------