Continuing Debian Education
In the spirit of other fields of endeavor's Continuing Education, we'd like to propose a series of lectures on irc (or video lectures or whatever the presenter is comfortable with).
Feel free to propose talks and speakers to talk about a specific subject (and contact them.)
Scheduled events will be anounced on -devel-announce, and should include links to appropriate educational material.
Scheduling will be done informally; when a presenter is ready to present, they'll pick a time/day that they are comfortable with, and everything will be announced. [Feel free to pressure presenters who you want to hear talk to schedule themselves!]
Scheduled Events
No events are currently scheduled
Proposed Events
- Piuparts lecture -- ana
Setting up and using schroot and sbuild -- RogerLeigh
Insert your event here
New bts features
Presenter(s): Don Armstrong
- Scheduled Time: Not Scheduled (1 month leadtime)
- Format: IRC + slides + demo
- Length: ~ 1 hour
- Accompanying Material: TBD
Discussion of the various new BTS features along with demonstrations of their use, including SOAP, full text searching, versioning, et al.
People who would like to hear this talk
- Put your name here if you want to hear this talk
Packaging with Git
Presenter(s): madduck
- Scheduled Time: Not Scheduled (1 month leadtime)
- Format: demo documentation + IRC workshop
- Length: ~ 1-3 hours
- Accompanying Material: TBD
How to use Git for Debian packaging
People who would like to hear this talk
?Vangelis Mouhtsis(gnugr)
- Put your name here if you want to hear this talk
Historical Events
There have been no historical events
Various Templates
Talk Description Template
- Presenter(s): Who is presenting
- Scheduled Time: Not Scheduled (How much leadtime is required)
- Format: IRC + ...
- Length: Approximate Length
- Accompanying Material: TBD
Description of the talk
People who would like to hear this talk
- Put your name here if you want to hear this talk