FIXME: outdated (ChristianKuelker 2009-09-22)
Here you can find task around the development of CipUX. If you would like to help, please insert your name here. If the task is done add the date when you finished the task.
CipUX version means: we should have this done for given version.
CipUX Documentation
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
write small CAT guide 9 pages in en |
3.4.0 |
translate small guide to de |
3.4.0 |
translate small guide to fr |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
translate small guide to no |
3.4.0 |
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
rewrite CAT Handbook >80 pages in en |
translate handbook to de |
translate handbook to fr |
xoswald |
translate handbook to no |
This next tasks are infrastructure tasks: please ask jever for details
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
setup a documentation CMS |
3.4.0 |
jever |
some features are missing |
setup a demo CAT for doc writers |
3.4.0 |
jever, C14r |
down |
Wiki documentation to be checked:
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
7. ?DebianEdu/CipUX/FromScratch |
jever |
11. ?DebianEdu/CipUX/Installation/3.4.0 |
12. ?DebianEdu/CipUX/License |
13. ?DebianEdu/CipUX/Logo |
28. ?DebianEdu/CipUX/Requests |
29. ?DebianEdu/CipUX/ShellTasks (1) |
33. ?DebianEdu/CipUX/Tweaks (merge with (1)) |
34. ?DebianEdu/CipUX/Update (3.4.0) |
35. ?DebianEdu/CipUX/XmlRpc new login schema |
German wiki pages must be updated |
Developer Tools
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
install script |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-05 |
SVN Life CD or Image |
xoswald |
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
mkdir /home/cipux in refine homedir |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-05-20 |
This tasks are about migrating the cat-webmin modules to cat-web. Ask C14r for details.
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
useradmon.cgi |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02 |
- no new pupil without course |
3.4.0 |
groupadmin.cgi |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02 |
tutoradmin.cgi |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02 |
list member ok? |
3.4.0 |
skeladmin.cgi |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02 |
roleadmin.cgi |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02 |
internationalization |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
import.cgi |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02-13 |
test import.cgi (1) |
3.4.0 |
netgroupadmin.cgi |
3.4.0 |
binar |
2007-03 |
internetadmin.cgi(2) |
useradmin.cgi |
userselfadmin.cgi(3) |
3.4.0 |
?WolfgangDrotschmann |
applicationadmin.cgi |
cipuxadmin.cgi |
C14r |
use Carp |
C14r |
Tainted mode |
C14r |
2007-04-01 |
use String::Quote (4) |
perf. test import.cgi |
3.4.0 |
errormsg import.cgi |
3.4.0 |
tpl/* -> TT2 |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-03-25 |
nonimplemented dialog |
C14r |
2007-04-01 |
https works default |
3.4.0 |
- test import.cgi, write error message
- make internetadmin working
- port userselfadmin.cgi
- Find the String::Quota Module Alexander mentioned and rewrite the cw_* functions in so that we can be more efficent in
parsing and chomping strings and unwanted characters
- Useful password checking and errormessages (especially in useradmin)
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
default theme validation |
3.4.0 |
Debian-Edu/Skolelinux Theme |
3.4.0 |
"Cool" Theme |
French School Theme |
CipUX LDAP abstraction layer
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
add support for Debian (Etch) |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-01 |
add support for DebianEdu (Etch) |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02 |
rewrite with Perl LDAP module |
make obsolete (5) |
make obsolete |
C14r |
2007-04-01 |
cleanup of ? |
(5) find out if we need any more try to find a way with (4) to make that obsolete.
- CipUX::Conversion is needed by:
CipUX Task API
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
add command line switches |
Netgroups |
3.4.0 |
binar |
2007-03 |
replace qx with system or perl commands |
3.4.0 |
binar |
CipUX CiBot
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
add support for Debian (Etch) |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-01 |
add support for DebianEdu (Etch) |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02 |
write cipux_setup |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-01 |
repl qx with forc/exec in |
3.4.0 |
binar |
2007-06-14 |
repl qx with forc/exec |
3.4.0 |
repl qx with forc/exec set_value |
3.4.0 |
repl qx with forc/exec ? |
3.4.0 |
repl qx with forc/exec setup_ldap_objects |
3.4.0 |
repl qx with forc/exec setup |
3.4.0 |
repl qx with forc/exec main_diagnostic |
3.4.0 |
repl qx with forc/exec make_documention_index |
3.4.0 |
repl qx with forc/exec main_diagnostic |
3.4.0 |
CipUX Samba
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
add samba for Debian (Etch) |
3.4.0 |
add samba for Debian-Edu (Etch) |
3.4.0 |
cipux_task_change_cipux_config_variable_value CipUX Capabilities_Samba 1 |
3.4.0 |
binar |
2007-03 |
CipUX Debian Package
?LiorKaplan, XavierOswald, ChristianKuelker:
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
include migration script in the debian installation scripts |
3.4.x |
gmd |
change package to install python modules for migration script |
3.4.x |
xoswald |
2007-03 |
change version to non native version |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
will be done before the upload |
debian/cipux-cat-web/usr/lib/perl5 - This dir is empty and should be removed from the package (just for the the cleanness). |
3.2.15 |
kaplan |
2007-02 |
debian/cipux-cat-web/var/log/cipux_cat_web - This should be rename into debian/cipux-cat-web/var/log/cipux-cat-web, since the directory name should be the same as the package name. |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02 |
debian/cipux-samba/etc/cron.d/cipux_logon_ldap_bot.crd debian/cipux-samba/etc/cron.d/cipux_logon_ldap_bot.crd-e both have same content, so one is irrelevant. |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02 |
debian/cipux-cat-web/var/www/cipux/cat - rename to cipux-cat-web (same as the package name) |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02 |
/etc/cipux_cat_web/cat-web.conf - should be renamed to /etc/cipux-cat-web/cat-web.conf |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-02 |
debian/cipux-cibot/usr/share/cipux/sbin/migrate_3.2.10_to_3.2.11 debian/cipux-cibot/usr/share/cipux/sbin/migrate_3.2.8_to_3.2.9 Please rename the last two with the prefix "cipux_", like the rest. |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
2007-03 |
debian/cipux-profile/usr/share/cipux/sbin/cipux_profile_de debian/cipux-profile/usr/share/cipux/sbin/cipux_profile_fr debian/cipux-profile/usr/share/cipux/sbin/cipux_profile_fr_school debian/cipux-rpc/usr/share/cipux/bin/cipux_rpc These files should be at /usr/sbin and /usr/bin, not under /usr/share/. |
3.4.0 |
binar |
2007-03 |
I would suggest to rename tpl to template. It appears and dir name and file extension. That would make it more easily understandable. |
3.4.0 |
C14r |
2007-03-17 |
cipux-cat-web.postinst: restarting apache init script without using snippet from dh_installinit, which is recommended by policy |
3.2.15 |
kaplan |
2007-03 |
cipux-cat-web.postrm: init script call failure |
3.4.0 |
binar |
2007-03 |
cipux-cibot.postinst: dialog call, better use debconf or even better use NEWS.Debian or README.Debian |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
2007-03 |
scripts named wrong: cipux-profile-postrm & cipux-profile-postinst |
3.2.15 |
kaplan |
2007-03 |
use dh_installinit to install init script |
3.2.15 |
kaplan |
2007-02 |
cipux-rpc.postinst: unknown code snippet & unneeded echo call |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
debhelper compat level 4, could be 5 |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
2007-03 |
debian/copyright: misses all the copyright years |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
2007-03 |
auto-update nsswitch configuration |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
| |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
auto-detect system for cipux_setup |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
cipux preceeding questions |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
DebianEdu/ Skolelinux Package
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
add package to DebianEdu SVN |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
2007-02 |
fix package to debian-edu standards |
3.4.0 |
xoswald |
upgrade path from sarge/wlus to etch/cipux, see |
DebianEdu/ Skolelinux CD integration
Read installation Page (?Auto Setup) for that: (Holger, Xavier, ...)
Task: |
version: |
assigned to: |
done: |
add /etc/cipux to SVN |
3.4.0 |
add /etc/cipux/system.conf to SVN |
3.4.0 |
add /etc/cipux/ldappassword.conf to SVN |
3.4.0 |
add debian-edu-*.conf to SVN |
3.4.0 |
add ACL to slapd.conf to SVN |
3.4.0 |
test the CipUX skolelinux installation |
3.4.0 |