20:35 < C14r> The 3rd Meeting starts now. 20:35 <@[-oskar-]> jever: k4x ping ? 20:36 * jever is at another meeting 20:36 < C14r> Can everyone attending state that with \me Firtname Lastname 20:36 < C14r> \me Christian Kuelker 20:36 * [-oskar-] Xavier Oswald 20:36 * C14r Christian Kuelker 20:36 < C14r> So the first toppic is " Information message in Dialog in the postinst script." 20:37 < C14r> [-oskar-]: What do you mean with this? 20:37 <@[-oskar-]> ok, well, I think that it is not useful to print this info in a for skolelinux 20:37 * jever = J?rgen Leibner 20:37 <@[-oskar-]> I think we should check if it is not skolelinux and then print this message 20:38 < C14r> [-oskar-]: Soory I do not get the point, what is taht for a Dialog? 20:38 <@[-oskar-]> the message in dialog informing a person where he can find the script to fill ldap 20:38 < C14r> ok, yes you are right 20:38 < C14r> I agree. 20:39 <@[-oskar-]> Ok, then I will hack this soond ;) 20:39 <@[-oskar-]> soon 20:39 < C14r> How we can find out that we are on a skolelinux system? 20:39 <@[-oskar-]> I think we have a file in /etc 20:39 < C14r> If you have no Idea, then I suggest we mail about that on debian edu 20:39 < C14r> ok? 20:40 <@[-oskar-]> I will have a look, but if I didn't find how to do that, then I will ask on debian-edu 20:40 < C14r> ok, I agree. Next toppic? 20:40 < C14r> (and tell me the result) 20:40 <@[-oskar-]> yeah : 20:41 < C14r> Should we skip " CipUX PHP code security issue (again:)", because JeanCharles is not here 20:41 <@[-oskar-]> C14r: jever well Im asking for news about the cipux PHP code.. 20:41 <@[-oskar-]> k4x: what about florian, any news ? 20:42 < C14r> [-oskar-]: ok, till they answery, should we talk about " Using cipux for samba" ? 20:42 <@[-oskar-]> C14r: ok 20:42 < C14r> [-oskar-]: Please explain " Using cipux for samba" 20:42 <@[-oskar-]> C14r: sure ! 20:42 <@[-oskar-]> I want to have access to my file from windows to linux throught samba, is it possible ? 20:43 < C14r> [-oskar-]: yes this is a skolelinux feature 20:43 <@[-oskar-]> ok, have you a link with documentations maybe ? 20:43 < C14r> [-oskar-]: Serveral schools using CipUX with Samba, 20:44 <@[-oskar-]> Oh nice 20:44 < C14r> [-oskar-]: No, but meay be we start a documentation in the wiki with Georg Damm, he is investigating this at the moment 20:44 <@[-oskar-]> Ok, Great !! 20:45 < C14r> [-oskar-]: Starting the cipux-samba package has the goal to make the installation of the samba feature in CipUX more easy 20:45 <@[-oskar-]> I think so ;) 20:46 <@[-oskar-]> Then I will wait a little bit and have a look at the wiki pages 20:46 < C14r> [-oskar-]: So there are a lot of featuers with CipUX and Samba, but they are not important for the French team 20:46 -!- jever2 [~ln@pD9574D49.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #CipUX 20:46 < C14r> [-oskar-]: ok, but you also can participate, when the first page is therer ;-) 20:46 <@[-oskar-]> ok 20:47 < C14r> [-oskar-]: Should we talk about " Package/Code errors" 20:47 <@[-oskar-]> the French team will put some feedbacks ;) 20:47 <@[-oskar-]> C14r: yes 20:47 < C14r> [-oskar-]: Well give me 1 min to look at the page .. 20:48 <@[-oskar-]> more informations : 20:48 <@[-oskar-]> I get lots of errors during the installation like this one 20:48 <@[-oskar-]> during the filling ldap base state and thus during the french profile installation 20:49 < C14r> [-oskar-]: well 20:50 < C14r> [-oskar-]: The installation I have in my hotel do not do that. 20:50 < C14r> The cipux_get_value script moved to /usr/lib/cipux/lal 20:50 <@[-oskar-]> you are using the svn or the repository ? 20:50 < C14r> svn 20:50 <@[-oskar-]> ok, Im using the deb packages 20:50 < C14r> So the repositori is technical ok, but the version is buggy, right? 20:51 < C14r> when have you tested? 20:51 <@[-oskar-]> today 20:51 <@[-oskar-]> with a new iso I build this morning 20:51 < C14r> I think I updated yesterday 20:51 <@[-oskar-]> I use the 3.2.11-1 version 20:51 < C14r> [-oskar-]: ok, to this must be the newest version. 20:51 <@[-oskar-]> C14r: have you rebuild the repo ? 20:51 < C14r> yes yesterday 20:52 <@[-oskar-]> hmm 20:52 < C14r> what is in your system.conf file? 20:52 <@[-oskar-]> Maybe I can send you tomorow more log during the installation ? 20:52 < C14r> [-oskar-]: Yes and have you done a cipux_maint_diagnostic ? 20:53 <@[-oskar-]> I don't have this command :/ 20:53 -!- jever [~ln@pD9576CB0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit Ping timeout: 480 seconds 20:54 < C14r> (I will be offline in 4 min, because the line will terminated, but [-oskar-] may continue the meetingif he like) 20:54 <@[-oskar-]> I have : cipux-cibot, cipux-common, cipux-profile, cipux-rpc and the moodle-cipuxPHP installed 20:54 < C14r> [-oskar-]: it moved to /usr/lib/cipux/sbin 20:54 <@[-oskar-]> C14r: well the PATH is not right then 20:55 < C14r> no it should not be in PATH 20:55 <@[-oskar-]> Ok, I understand now, 20:55 < C14r> I should be in cipux-cibot 20:55 <@[-oskar-]> because cipux-setup-ldap is here too, that's must be in your path ! 20:55 < C14r> nno 20:55 <@[-oskar-]> because I was using this command out of the box in the shell, so I have to specify the PATH 20:56 <@[-oskar-]> I will try that tomorow and send you a mail 20:56 < C14r> This is only in you installation 20:56 <@[-oskar-]> It should work 20:56 < C14r> ok, thank you 20:56 <@[-oskar-]> C14r: yes, I understand why you do that :) 20:56 < C14r> will you continue the meeting? 20:56 < C14r> :) 20:56 <@[-oskar-]> Im alone :/ 20:56 < C14r> ok, this makes no sense! 20:57 < C14r> So we close the meeting now! 20:57 <@[-oskar-]> I will write this into the wiki 20:57 < C14r> ok Thank you! 20:57 <@[-oskar-]> np 20:57 < C14r> ok, bye then 20:57 <@[-oskar-]> ok bye, Thanks !