cipuxPHP login
You will log in as cipadmin, or as an assistant.
Tools selection
You can choice the tool you want to use.
Create users
First you have to select the user's role.
Then you can create it by fill all the fields.
Management of users
With this tool you can manage all the users of Skolelinux.
You can display only the groups.
The users in function of their role.
The users in function of their first character (and not letter !)
You can also choose to sort the displayed list by ascending/descending order.
Then you can change user's data or delete him.
Create groups/courses/classes
You can create the groups with this tool.
Management of groups/courses/classes
You can see all the groups in Skolelinux.
And watch the users who are in the selected group and remove them from it.
Or watch the users who are not in the selected group and add them in it.
In next class
With this tool, you can exchange users (only student) between 2 groups. Select the first class.
Select the second class.
Exchange users between the selected groups.
Log file
Here you can see who have used cipuxPHP and the tools which are used.