Redundant pages that need to be merged with other pages, cleaned up, or deleted.

To add a page to this category, add CategoryRedundant in the page's footer. Please indicate the relevant duplicate pages next to it (Merge with XYZ).

List of pages in this category:

  1. AlsaMidi
  2. AptMove
  3. BTS/BugTag
  4. BTS/HowTo
  5. Backup
  6. BackupAndRecoveryWork
  7. Bash
  8. BourneShell
  9. BrowserApps
  10. BugReport
  11. BugReport/WorkingOn
  12. BugTriage
  13. CategoryRedundant
  14. CommandLine
  15. CommandsCLI
  16. DebianFirewall
  17. DebianInstaller/SataRaid
  18. DebianInstaller/SoftwareRaidRoot
  19. DebianSoftware
  20. DebianWiki/Administration
  21. DefaultWebBrowser
  22. EduCheesetracker
  23. EduSoundtracker
  24. Firefox
  25. Firewalls
  26. HowToPackageForDebian
  27. HowtoUseBTS
  28. Icedove
  29. JabberClients
  30. LCD
  31. Linux volume management
  32. LinuxRaidForAdmins
  33. Manual-Howto
  34. MidiHardware
  35. Mozilla
  36. MultimediaCodecs
  37. NetworkApplication
  38. NetworkFAQ
  39. Part-UUID
  40. Peer2Peer
  41. QuickInstall
  42. RemoteFiles
  43. ShellCommands
  44. ShellConfiguration
  45. ShellTricks
  46. SoftwareRAID
  47. Tar
  48. TheUnixWay
  49. UserInterface
  51. WindowsEquivalent
  52. XCP
  53. Zg2ShellStartup
  54. ar/CommandLineInterface
  55. bn/CommandLineInterface
  56. ccts
  57. coreutils
  58. de/Manual-Howto
  59. de/NetworkApplication
  60. deb
  61. es/CommandLineInterface
  62. es/TheUnixWay
  63. fr/Bash
  64. fr/HowtoUseBTS
  65. fr/ShellTricks
  66. fr/TheUnixWay
  68. id/CommandLineInterface
  69. it/BTS/HowTo
  70. it/Bash
  71. it/CommandLine
  72. it/CommandsCLI
  73. it/DebianSoftware
  74. it/Firefox
  75. it/Firewalls
  76. it/HowToPackageForDebian
  77. it/JabberClients
  78. it/Manual-Howto
  79. it/MultimediaCodecs
  80. it/NetworkApplication
  81. it/Part-UUID
  82. it/Peer2Peer
  83. it/QuickInstall
  84. it/RemoteFiles
  85. it/ShellCommands
  86. it/ShellConfiguration
  87. it/ShellTricks
  88. it/TheUnixWay
  89. it/UserInterface
  90. it/WindowsEquivalent
  91. it/coreutils
  92. it/deb
  93. it/rootfs
  94. ko/CommandLineInterface
  95. ms/CommandLineInterface
  96. nodiscc
  97. pamusb
  98. partclone
  99. pt_BR/BTS/BugTag
  100. pt_BR/BTS/HowTo
  101. pt_BR/Bash
  102. pt_BR/BugReport
  103. pt_BR/DebianInstaller/SataRaid
  104. pt_BR/Firefox
  105. pt_BR/HowToPackageForDebian
  106. pt_BR/Part-UUID
  107. pt_BR/QuickInstall
  108. pt_BR/ShellCommands
  109. pt_BR/TheUnixWay
  110. pt_BR/deb
  111. rootfs
  112. ru/CommandLineInterface
  113. ru/Part-UUID
  114. sv/CommandLineInterface
  115. uk/RemoteFiles
  116. uk/WikiTag
  117. vi/commandlineinterface
  118. zh_CN/CommandLineInterface
  119. zh_CN/HowToPackageForDebian
  120. zh_CN/Manual-Howto
