Redundant pages that need to be merged with other pages, cleaned up, or deleted.
To add a page to this category, add CategoryRedundant in the page's footer. Please indicate the relevant duplicate pages next to it (Merge with XYZ).
List of pages in this category:
- AlsaMidi
- AptMove
- BTS/BugTag
- BTS/HowTo
- Backup
- BackupAndRecoveryWork
- Bash
- BourneShell
- BrowserApps
- BugReport
- BugReport/WorkingOn
- BugTriage
- CategoryRedundant
- CommandLine
- CommandsCLI
- DebianFirewall
- DebianInstaller/SataRaid
- DebianInstaller/SoftwareRaidRoot
- DebianSoftware
- DebianWiki/Administration
- DefaultWebBrowser
- EduCheesetracker
- EduSoundtracker
- Firefox
- Firewalls
- HowToPackageForDebian
- HowtoUseBTS
- Icedove
- JabberClients
- Linux volume management
- LinuxRaidForAdmins
- Manual-Howto
- MidiHardware
- Mozilla
- MultimediaCodecs
- NetworkApplication
- NetworkFAQ
- Part-UUID
- Peer2Peer
- QuickInstall
- RemoteFiles
- ShellCommands
- ShellConfiguration
- ShellTricks
- SoftwareRAID
- Tar
- TheUnixWay
- UserInterface
- WindowsEquivalent
- Zg2ShellStartup
- ar/CommandLineInterface
- bn/CommandLineInterface
- ccts
- coreutils
- de/Manual-Howto
- de/NetworkApplication
- deb
- es/CommandLineInterface
- es/TheUnixWay
- fr/Bash
- fr/HowtoUseBTS
- fr/ShellTricks
- fr/TheUnixWay
- id/CommandLineInterface
- it/BTS/HowTo
- it/Bash
- it/CommandLine
- it/CommandsCLI
- it/DebianSoftware
- it/Firefox
- it/Firewalls
- it/HowToPackageForDebian
- it/JabberClients
- it/Manual-Howto
- it/MultimediaCodecs
- it/NetworkApplication
- it/Part-UUID
- it/Peer2Peer
- it/QuickInstall
- it/RemoteFiles
- it/ShellCommands
- it/ShellConfiguration
- it/ShellTricks
- it/TheUnixWay
- it/UserInterface
- it/WindowsEquivalent
- it/coreutils
- it/deb
- it/rootfs
- ko/CommandLineInterface
- ms/CommandLineInterface
- nodiscc
- pamusb
- partclone
- pt_BR/BTS/BugTag
- pt_BR/BTS/HowTo
- pt_BR/Bash
- pt_BR/BugReport
- pt_BR/DebianInstaller/SataRaid
- pt_BR/Firefox
- pt_BR/HowToPackageForDebian
- pt_BR/Part-UUID
- pt_BR/QuickInstall
- pt_BR/ShellCommands
- pt_BR/TheUnixWay
- pt_BR/deb
- rootfs
- ru/CommandLineInterface
- ru/Part-UUID
- sv/CommandLineInterface
- uk/RemoteFiles
- uk/WikiTag
- vi/commandlineinterface
- zh_CN/CommandLineInterface
- zh_CN/HowToPackageForDebian
- zh_CN/Manual-Howto