

Name: Carlos Donizete Froes | Nickname: coringao | City: Poa | State: Sao Paulo | Country: Brazil

I have been aware of and actively use Debian/Ubuntu/GNU/Linux based distributions since 2003.

Since the Debian Squeeze (Gnome) version, I chose it as my main GNU/Linux distribution, providing a simple and efficient working environment for users, in my opinion. And I thank the Debian community, which weighed heavily in my decision and is certainly open to suggestions and, of course, contributions.

In my spare time, I like listening to Lo-Fi and RnB songs, watching animes, reading manga and hunting open source games as a hobby, as well as bug fixes and software improvements with the intention of packaging and uploading to Debian.

In terms of packaging, my only current goal is to get my packages in good shape for future Debian releases. See my DDPO report page for more details on my packages.

I intend to adopt softwares that is orphaned in the Debian project for future improvements, always respecting the guidelines of other Debian developers.




{*} Personal Email: coringao at riseup dot net

{*} Social Networking: (Text in Portuguese)
- Twitter: @coringao | @debiandicas
- Telegram: @coringao

{*} IRC Nickname: coringao
- Channels: #debian-br, #debian-devel-br

{*} My projects: salsa.d.o/coringao-guest |
- I'm an open source game hunter as a hobby.
- The tendency is to add great games to the Debian project.

{*} GPG KEY: 4096R/B638B780
- Fingerprint: 2157 630B D441 A775 BEFF D35F FA63 ADA6 B638 B780


Mini DebConf 2016 - Curitiba/PR Brazil


Mini DebConf 2017 - Curitiba/PR Brazil

coringao/minidebconf2017.jpg coringao/minidebconf2017-1.jpg

Mini DebConf 2018 - Curitiba/PR Brazil


DebConf 2019 - Curitiba/PR Brazil


Debian Day Celebration 2019 - São Paulo/SP - Brazil
(Wiki is in Brazilian Portuguese language)


{*} Carlos Donizete is a great friend, he also does a great job with Ubuntu Games project. Ubuntu Games Project is responsible by many gamers come to Ubuntu Linux. The IUG (Ubuntu Games Installer) is his newest project and is just the best idea i ever seen. I recommend Carlos Donizete to become an Ubuntu Member! -- LedStyle

{*} Coringao (aka Carlos Donizete) is one of the more hard working members I have ever seen in the Brazilian team. He hasn't done the usual translation and documentation work, but he has created a whole new sub community with Ubuntu Games. His site and work has been complimented by people from all around the world. Also, he has been doing lots of advocating in national FOSS events showing users that they can also have fun on Ubuntu. On the biggest events he should have a booth of his own, as there are dozens of people looking for him at each instant. He is a GREAT asset for the Brazilian community and a very important piece for Ubuntu and FOSS grow in the gamers community. I have to give him my best recommendations possible for a membership. -- MarioMeyer

{*} Coringao did an excellent work with Ubuntu Games. I met him at FISL'08, and support him to become an Ubuntu Member. -- AndreGondim