Translation(s): English - Italiano

(!) ?Discussion

This page describes Debian Bluetooth information for developers. For actual use of Bluetooth on Debian see the BluetoothUser page.


The Alioth Bluetooth project aims to collect all the Bluetooth-related packages in Debian, thus improving the integration with the various desktops managers and Debian as a whole.


There is a pkg-bluetooth-discuss mailing list, be sure to be subscribed if you want to collaborate and/or have any questions!

Second choice is Internet Relay Chat, irc in #debian-bluetooth at the OFTC network.

How to help

The project has a TODO list.

Check our bugs and if you feel motivated try to resolve one!

Also, if you want your $preferred_bluetooth_application into pkg-bluetooth write to

svn repository

Check out the source from svn by

svn checkout \

If you only want to work an single package, say gnome-bluetooth, then do

export PKG
svn checkout -N \
cd $PKG
svn checkout -N \
svn checkout -N \
svn checkout \

which creates the trunk, branches and tags directories for use with svn-buildpackage to manage the packages.But without the content of all the previous upstream branches.

In "trunk" there is the active copy (i.e. the one you want to work with) while in "tags" there are the released versions and "branches" the various upstream (and eventually the derivate distributions).

What is not included in svn repositories are the upstream tarballs, you need to make a tarballs directory alongside trunk,tags,branches.


For packages that don't have debian/watch file yet, you do:

# get upstream tarball
# put tarball inplace

( please make a watch file for those packages )

You can find more detailed instructions at /usr/share/doc/svn-buildpackage. Note also that svn-buildpackage is meant to have the same behaviour as dpkg-buildpackage.

svn-buildpackage -us -uc

build systems

Most packages in already repository use CDBS. Consider discussing on if you intend to change some of them.