
李健秋 Andrew Lee


IRC nick:

AndrewLee on freenode and oftc


Taipei, and Hualien


Packages overview

I am a free software user, a contributor and a developer. Start to contribute to free software since 1997 through Chinese GNU/Linux Extension project. And now active in international free software projects.

I maintain and tw.{archive,releases} mirror site, and LXDE packages and some localise related packages in Debian. Interface between tw people and Debian, co-work with ?ArneGoetje on localisation efforts of various kinds of local languages in Taiwan.

I have been running a various Debian related events in Taiwan, such as annual DebCamp Taiwan during Christmas time in Taiwan since 2006. And the first mini-DebConf in Taiwan.

We welcome all the Debian folks may join us and have fun in Taiwan.

Activity/Event logs: Mini-DebConf 2009 in Taiwan

Debian Birthday Party 2009

Taiwan DebCamp 2007

Debian Birthday Party 2007

Wikimania 2007 and offsite event

Taiwan DebCamp 2006

Debian Birthday Party 2005

Asia Debian Mini Conf 2005