The Debian 700000/1000000th bug contest
As the bug #500000 mark was turned on September 24th 2008, then the bug #600000 mark turned on October 12th 2010, Debian developers and contributors have to continue the game.
So, again, a small contest has been set up. The principle is very simple: please place a bet (one per person) about the day bugs #700000 and #1000000 will be reported. A first set of bets for bug #1000000 have been placed in 2008. We'll keep them, but we give people a chance to place other bets now, in 2010.
The winner(s) will be the person(s) placing her|his|their bet as close as possible to the real moment bug #700000 and #1000000 are reported.
Please use only one line per person. No e-mail addresses, please, there's nothing to win except the admiration of the Debian crowd. Please copy/paste the first table row and replace the not so random example there by your own name and the date by the date you bet the Debian 700000th bug will be reported.
The same stands for bug #1000000.
Everybody is welcome to play. Please do not abuse the system, just play by the rules.
Please also feel free to fix the use of English language in this introduction.
For the record, Bug #600000 bets and Bug #500000 bets.
Please use YYYYMMDD notation below.
Bets for bug #700000
20111231 ?ChrisButler
20120212 ?JonasÖberg
20120328 MichalCihar
20120420 ?TonyMancill
20120528 SteveMcIntyre
20120529 ?ChrisChiappa
20120727 Fernando C. Estrada
20120829 MiodVallat
20121010 TimRetout
20121016 ?ThomasPreudhomme
20121108 KartikMistry
20121212 ?DavidPrévot
20130214 ChristianPerrier is the winner (bug #700000 reported on February 7th 2013)
20130401 ?TobiasQuathamer
20130808 StephaneGlondu
20130902 ?MohammedAdnèneTrojette
Bets for bug #1000000, placed after bug #600000, in 2010
20150529 ?ChrisChiappa
20160528 SteveMcIntyre
20170727 Fernando C. Estrada
20171016 ?ChrisButler
20171101 ?TonyMancill
20180328 MichalCihar
20180717 ?ThomasPreudhomme
20181010 TimRetout
20181108 KartikMistry
20190219 ?DavidPrévot
20190902 ?MohammedAdnèneTrojette
20200202 StephaneGlondu
20200825 ChristianPerrier
20210205 ?TobiasQuathamer
Bets for bug #1000000, placed after bug #500000, in 2008
Do not add anything here, please
20091202 Tina
20121220 ?NicolauWerneck
20130323 ?ThierryMurgue
20130723 ?JosuéAbarca
20140618 ?ThomasPreudhomme
20140915 KartikMistry
20141114 ?EmilioPozueloMonfort
20150815 LisandroDNPerezMeyer
20151031 ?TonyMancill
20160229 SantiagoRuanoRincón
20160308 ?JoseAntonioJimenezMadrid
20160401 codehelp
20170208 ?TobiasQuathamer
20170601 RaphaelGeissert
20160825 ?OddHenriksen
20170828 SamuelThibault
20171120 FelipeWiel
20171215 ChristianPerrier
20180327 StephaneGlondu
20200313 DavidPaleino